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Posts posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. Mika was a Circus Master, and THAT makes sense... Since he's been claiming that since the beginning of his career, hasn't he...


    I always thought he was going for the Circus Master look, not the Mad Hatter, for the very same reason you mentioned.


    But, I suppose most journalists wouldn't know that, only hardcore Mika fans like ourselves... Having seen every interview I possibly could, more than once. :blush-anim-cl:

  2. Hi everybody. I'm kinda new. Don't know anybody here in mcf but I really would like to talk to other mika fans :P

    By the way: I'm 15 years and from sweden.


    Hello and welcome to the MFC, lolliposki! :biggrin2::huglove:


    I'm sure you'll like it here.


    I like your username, btw. :thumb_yello:

  3. SPiBLOG

    All your gossip from Lite's army of citizen reporters


    Signatute for charity?

    You're taking the Mika


    THERE wasn't much love from Mika at T4 On The Beach. The posh boy refused to sign a T-shirt to raise money for a Weston-super-Mare youth group, Barcode - because other celebs had signed it. The Love Today singer instead stormed off. Our source revealed: "He was insulted that he was part of a group of celebrities who had been asked to contribute."


    Thank you for posting! :thumb_yello:


    I agree with whoever said that Mika was feeling himself.


    What this article probably wasn't saying, is that they asked Mika rudely and that they told him it was about something else. Maybe he was furious at being misled, maybe he was like, "Excuse me, I really don't feel well..." trying to get away, but they stuffed the shirt in his face... Which of course, could anger anyone... At least, that is my feeling.

  4. That is not corny, well to me at least! Most people would say it was, but I would like to see them word things better! By the way, thank you! I know I've said it a million times, but really, thanks! :huglove: You are a sweet person and I appreciate it!


    Oh, thank you, Cattie Gurl! You are kind. :wub2:


    You're welcome. I could never get tired of being thanked... You seem like a very grateful person. Thank you, Cattie Gurl, for your compliment. You've built me up! :-) :huglove:

  5. OOO! This could be justt the thread I've been waiting for.

    I know this could upset some people and maybe alienate me from some of you, but here goes.

    I have an INTENSE dislike of BMWs and the idiots who drive them. This stems from that fact that two of these superstar drivers almost killed me on two different occasions (and I'm not kidding), and the rest that I have encountered just like to use me as target practise, by cutting me up at regular intervals. At first I thought it was just because I was in a van, but has also happened when I used to have a car too. They are totally insane and need to be made to retake their driving tests again and again and again.

    AAAHHHH! I feel so much better now.


    I know what you mean. It's not just BMWs for me, but also Mercedes. They seem to think because they have a really fancy car, they can take advantage and do whatever the heck they want. :thumbdown:

  6. OH EM GEE!!

    holy banana sandwich amazing guys.


    OK so i go to Jamba Juice with my sister today....................





    and i hear.............................






    ................*in building up the suspense*.............................





    On the intercom/loudspeaker thing I hear....


    :shocked: MIKA!!!

    But its not one of the usual songs that they play...

    I hear.... STUCK IN THE MIDDLE!!!


    You shoulda seen me! haha it was awesome!!!

    So yyeah. I just wanted to let you guys know! Coz idk how it happened! Its not even a single!! So there guys!! haha.


    uh huh.


    and in the US! im thinking its on XM radio thing, BUT YAAAAYY!!



    Thank you for posting this! :biggrin2:


    I never expected Stuck in the Middle to be played. Maybe the dj is a huge Mika fan. :naughty: Works out for us, in any case!

  7. I haven't found this on here so it might have never been posted!

    tell me if you have seen it or not! and if I shall start working on a translation or not!




    here comes the translation!!


    sometimes he said the English word to get the French translation. then I put it between ""


    I : one of the sentences you said during the concert was that 6 months ago you played in front of 15 people in Birmingham. How did we end up here ? What happened ? Is it nonsense ? How di dit happen ?

    M : I have no idea how it happened, I’m completely surprised. Saying that I’m not surprised is not true. It was quite unbelievable. We started touring almost 8 months ago. We didn’t stop. We started with events all around the UK before we released a single, ehm, there were 15 people in Birmigham, 25 in Bristol, but we did a big show, we haven’t really changed. We do one kind of show, it doesn’t change even if there are 10 people, the show is as big.

    I :but tonight there were 2500 people

    M : yes

    I : when you were little you walked by in front of the Olympia. Olympia isn’t just anything.

    M : no not at all. It’s a "landmark moment"

    I : un repère (I leave it in French because the word is not really correct !)

    M : what ?

    I : un repère

    M : is that a "landmark moment" ?

    (more people tell him sth)

    M : everybody is saying sth else. If you want to correct me in French, you have to say one word not 6 ! You are going to break my head (literally but in French this expression isn’t really used in that way, I think he means "drive me crazy")

    M : I remember the Olympia very well. I always thought wow this is the place that belongs to Jacques Brel and Edith Piaf. It belongs to nobody else ! ehm it’s funny, it’s completely strange that tonight it belonged to me. Tomorrow it will be to somebody else, but tonight it was mine !

    I : So,for those who don’t know Mika, when you were in France you listened to Gainsbourg or what ? then you were in England, you listened to sth else, it’s a mixture of what ? of everything ? Is it a big milkshake ? (sounds stupid in French too !)

    M : I was born in Beirut in 1983 then because of the war we moved. One year later we came to Paris and stayed here for 8/9 years. Then my father got stuck in the golf war, because he was on a business trip. There he was stuck in the embassy in Kuwait for 8 months. When he came back we started all over, we had lost everything actually. I twas quite hard. And then when he came back, we had a new start in London and…. (it is cut in a strange way sometimes)


    M : when we lived in Paris, we listened to everything. In my childhood we listened to Gainsbourg and all the women, Jane Birkin , France Gall, all those great poupées (=doll don’t know how to translate that), that I adore. But we also listened to (don’t understand the name he says there), Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Nina Simone, (again don’t understand name) a whole mixture, really. Not much rock. I had to discover that by myself.

    I : your voice

    M : my voice that I lost…

    I : when you speak very high…

    M : I lost it now because you asked me so many questions

    I : I can not be made responsible for that. If later there is no second album it’s because of Guillaume…

    M : it’s because of Guillaume !

    I : when can you go so high as in Relax, look like me… no but how do you do that, because it is a very fragile muscle, do you take any special care of it ?

    M : oh no, it is a fragile muscle (shows with fingers) look I’m….(laughing) (meaning I’m showing it with my fingers) ehm, but it can do a lot, if you breathe and if you have a good technique (asking if the gender of the word technique is correct. those who know a little French understand what I’m saying) one can do whatever one wants really.

    I was lucky, I started singing seriously when I was 11 and I was thrown out of the French lycée in London and then I had nothing to do for almost 8 months, because I couldn’t enter another school, because I had a lot of trouble, I’m dyslexic and I couldn’t read nor write in French or in English. So I had to start all over again and I started studying with a Russian teacher who was called Alla Ardokov (sp ?) and 3 months later I got my first job. It was in the chorus of an opera at the Royal Opera House in London in an opera that was called "Die Frau ohne Schatten". The woman without an… a shadow wow…. And then I wrote my own songs, but waiting for that I did every kind of job and with very complicated music, contemporary in Germany or in "Warsaw" how do you say that ?

    I : warsaw (in French)

    M : Warsaw and I made gingles for a chewing gum company, for British Aiways

    I : what was the gingle like ?

    M : hein ? (he’s so funny lol)

    I : what was it like ?

    M : (makes a mocking face) I’m so surprised that you’re asking me this ! Everybody asks me that !


    Thank you for posting this and for the translation! :biggrin2::thumb_yello:


    He's adorable as ever. :wub2:

  8. Ok guys , admit it, I bet all of you LOVE it when mika skakes his butt. :naughty: So, this thread is dedicated to people who love it when Mika shakes his butt lol. So when you reply and admit to loving it when Mika shakes his butt you put in your sig "#1 fan of mika shaking his butt" or whatever number you are . You know you want to admit it , I have lol :naughty: . *thinks about mika shaking his butt* :biggrin2:



















    I'm definitely a fan of that! :-D Please add me to the list.

  9. :shocked: don't u remember the vid with him in the chicken costume and cherisse in the bunny and he was totally feeling her up (i think there's a thread or was it discussed in a thread lol can't remember) and "humping" lol there are atleast 3 vids like that!!!!


    OMG, yeah. I thought I was the only one that noticed that! :shocked:

  10. Hello everyone! :biggrin2:


    I think this may be my first time posting in this thread. I don't quite follow but, I'll wing it. ;-)


    Btw, someone wondered if Mika has had a look at this thread and I'm sure he has. I mean, just the title 16+, *I* would definitely look at it! :mf_lustslow:

  11. I thought it was pronunced My-kah.I recently found out it's pronunced Mee-kah.Did anyone else think this?


    No, because oddly, my nickname was "Mica" and it's pronounced just like "Mika" and people would mispronounce it was My-Kah. I thought it was easier than my actual real name, but people still mispronounced it. Story of my life.


    Of course, now that I know about the real Mika, I ask people not to call me "Mica" anymore because... It just seems for the best. :biggrin2:

  12. yep thats very true.. i used to think Wannabe by the spice girls was totally innocent.. then along came sex education and woop innocence went out of the window


    Oh, yeah, absolutely. And they look they give you when you're singing those songs at the top of your lungs, without knowing how absolutely filthy those teachers believe the lyrics to be, then they explain it to you, and it's like, You stole my innocence!


    I could never sing those songs innocently again or without meaning the lyrics. :thumbdown:


    I thought Wannabe by the Spice Girls was totally innocent. Why not? *Off to find the lyrics*

  13. I think I'm gonna check Grace Kelly now :blink:

    Anyway I had not noticed anything like that before in his videos it seemed to me just having fun. Strange that even though the song lyrics (lollipop, Love today) implies lots of sexuality I've always thought of Mika as my little innocent baby :biggrin2::wub2:


    Mika likes a happy-sounding tune with dark lyrics.


    He did say he meant for Lollipop to "take a morally good message (don't have sex)" but "sound as "dirty as possible." :naughty:

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