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Posts posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. With the assistance of recent pics and reports from a collective effort of MFCers, this is a summary of the 2 recent Mika Mysteries Solved:


    1. Grey Boxer/Briefs are not custom made. Here is the proof (look closely at what Rainbow Sky describes as the "Braille" writing on the waistband (photo courtesy of missyh) :




    They are from the Gap.

    in which I have claimed to always be my favourite store...http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=288299#post288299





    2. Mika's Mystery Juice in which I stole from the Chicago concert and subsequently had a following of copycats do the same is no longer a mystery. Here is the proof (revealed by Martin Waugh, witnessed and reported by Babspanky and Bexxy):



    Ribena_Blackcurrant_Bottle_500_Ml.jpg+ evian (dcdeb you must add water!) =IMG_0371-1.jpg


    3. My Next Mission - To uncover MIKA's favourite brand of Earl Grey Tea


    This is in not a simply ridiculous pointless project. As we all know Mika will be celebrating his birthday in a very short time and knowing all his favourite things may come in handy....


    I can't read the writing on his undies... Does it really read "Gap"? I have to say, it does look remarkably like Gap underwear.

  2. Perfect pitch, or absolute pitch, is when you can identify notes by name just by hearing them. You can also sing any note on command. It can be developed, but it's hard work. I have a friend with perfect pitch, and he's very annoying about it. He'll hear a car start and say. "Their engine is humming a B Flat."


    Thank you, DaMango.


    Oh, wow. :shocked: I heard about a girl who had that. She wouldn't go to a musicology class, all she had to do was listen to a song once and she would ace all the exams. My professor was sure she was cheating but at the end, she told him that she had perfect pitch.


    The same professor has a friend who will see certain colors according to the key it's in.


    I think I had a friend who had that, too. He had the "tuning fork" (not sure what it's called and he said it was a something flat. I was like, "I don't know! I'm not a musician." But even all the other musicians didn't know what it was. They were like, "Yeah, a whatever flat. Right," but they didn't sound at all convinced. He looked pretty frustrated and annoyed by it.


    I'm pretty good at discerning voices, even if I've only heard a singer once, I'm usually right when I guess. But that doesn't seem quite like the same thing.


    Sounds like your friend is like my friend! :roftl:

  3. Hey all u MikaFANtastics !!! hehe I made a video to promote life in cartoon motion but I dont think many people have see it so please let me know what u think about it






    :thumb_yello: D A V I D :punk:


    Thank you for posting! :-D :thumb_yello:


    Loved it. :wub2:


    The transitions (not sure if this is the right word) from song to song are smooth, the animation and colors are great, I think you did a great job! :thumb_yello:

  4. Does anyone on the site do anything that reminds you of Mika??


    Can anyone immitate his accent?

    Sing like the man himself? Anything at all. :cool:


    Tell you why I am doing this thread. The reason behind this, is

    I have noticed that when I laugh out loud, I sound like Mika. :shocked:


    Is that amazing or what??:insane::lol3:


    I'm starting to use some of his phrases: "As far as I'm concerned... Why not?... That's demented!"


    and mannerisms: Touching my face when I talk, raising my eyebrows.


    I don't imitate his accent, because I'm not good at that, but I have noticed if I listen to him a lot, I speak a bit more like him... But that happens with everyone I hear, it's involuntary.


    I don't laugh like Mika, but I have started giggling a lot more when I talk to people. My mom finds it very weird.

  5. Yes, I like her too. I think it's because she seems to actually like him as a person, unlike some interviewers who sometimes just treat him as someone who they are obligated to interview, and don't seem real interested in it all.


    I like her, too! She's one of my fave Mika interviewers, actually, along with Fosters (sp?) guy from the Netherlands. He was excellet. Shame about him retiring.


    Ditto to all Hannah wrote. I must say: I don't think Mika likes her, tho. I think she makes certain comments/questions that he didn't like. :mf_rosetinted:

  6. Sorry to start a whole new thread all about a few picsbut welll... they are gorgeous!!!


    I NEED to know where these two are from:





    Ppppppppppplllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeee!!!! :biggrin2:


    Oh and once i've found them one of the mods can close this thread if they wish!


    Thanks :wink2:


    The bottom one is from devianart.com

  7. Maybe Mika is so special, that instead of the camera ADDING 10 lbs, it takes away 10 lbs.:naughty:


    :roftl: Actually, my mom and I think so, because he looks better in real life!


    Before his concert, she was like, "Prepare to meet a toothpick!"


    Me: "You're mean!"


    Mom (after the concert): You know what? He's really skinny but he doesn't look like he's sick. I think he looks worse in front of the camera... He definitely looks better in real life.

  8. we're all confused. lol :bleh:




    you've really thought about this :naughty:

    but I agree with all you said :thumb_yello: I did actually react especially on the tamagotchi post..hmm.. (unless it's not him and the person writing it wanted it to sound like him..?)

    though I rarely check his myspace so I have no opinion about that. :bleh:


    this discussion could go on forever! (and it sort of has! ever since lookovermyshoulder started posting :roftl: )


    Yes, I did. :-)


    I thought it was worth giving some thought to it and the username "lookovermyshoulder" is very Mika-ish. Not as Mika-ish as "MMMM" though. ;-)


    But, it seems the convo has moved on! :boxed:

  9. I don't remember exactly when he joined, but sometime in the begining of this year I think.. if you check his profile, it will say the exact date. it does so on all members.


    I meant that there are videos where Mika says that he reads this forum. though they are quite old now.


    anyway, there's no way we can know for sure if lookovermyshoulder is him or not. there has been endless debates and speculations about this. I never bothered to join any though. ^^


    if it's not him I think I prefer that we never find out. it lets us keep our illusion :wink2: though I'm not saying that I think it actually is him. but I think I somehow want it to. :wink2:


    I don't know, but I was reading his post about the tamogachi, and I was wondering What other job is there, where he would have to travel to the states, Canada, whatever? It was actually on his tour schedule.


    And he used one of Mika's catchphrases... I forgot which one.


    And that choice of avatar is *just* the image on Mika's official MySpace!


    Mika/lookovermyshoulder are both exceptionally fond of the song "Over My Shoulder," mind, it was one of Mika's oldest songs, he put it on his CD, favoring it over possibly many others.


    I have to say, lookovermyshould does express himself remarkably like Mika, at least to me. The only thing is, well, he makes no spelling grammatical errors and when I've seen Mika's comments on his myspace, it's almost always has at least one. :sorry: Mika!

  10. lucky!!! i send him a message everyday and i comment him a lot as well but no reply.. what can i say? i don't have a life but i guess mika does :thumbdown:


    Yeah, but in the early days, I'm sure Mika had more time on his hands or at least much less messages/comments than he does now. I think he said he had a few friends, then overnight he had plenty of friend requests and he thought, "What is going on?" But it was because someone blogged about his music and recommended it.


    He has said that he reads all his messages, though, but then again that was months ago, and he seems much more famous now. I have mixed feelings about his fame because on one hand, I want him to become as famous as possible and everytime I see he has more friends I feel very happy, but I also know that means he's less likely to see any messages/comments that I might put on, especially since I'm not the type to put the same comment like 10 times.

  11. P.S. Oh wait, CazGirl said that a girl named Lauren was added by the "real" Mika, but he hasn't added anyone else. Well, again, maybe he just felt like adding that one random person, why not?


    Mika may have known CazGirl because she won a Mika competition awhile back and maybe he just found Laura interesting. Or he met her in real life or he thought he did.


    I've also added people randomly just because they seem interesting to me.

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