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Everything posted by sallyh

  1. you girls are so funny! i really do think i'd better do some actual work. its been fun though ladies i'll def be back soon. xxxxx
  2. very true .. he hardly has anytime for himself let alone a potential partner.
  3. I'm SO glad you guys had such an amazing time! what more could you have wished for?!?! (except for the obvious such as mika asking for your number etc... ) !
  4. i was thinking the other day about how cute mika would be as a father! imagine him with a little mini mika!
  5. yea my nephew was 10 weeks early. he could hardly open his eyes when he was first born, but thank god he's ok now!
  6. AAAA he's so cute!! my nephew had to be in an incubator when he was born too, then he got pneumonia. its scary when they're so little, right?
  7. pardon my ignorance, but who is jack?
  8. this thread? this whole site is soooo addictive!
  9. can you imagine mika in a tuxedo? beautiful, but i bet he'd make it look amazing and quirky in some way.
  10. that such a pretty name! ok so thats a done deal right? can't wait to buy my hat to wear to the wedding ...
  11. ThatRadFreak I'm so sorry but I don't know your name! what is it? Martha is standing next to me and she wants to know so she can tell mika of his future bride to be ...
  12. haha! yea i will. i'm sure he'll be happy to marry you!
  13. good embarrasing, maybe. but VERY embarrasing none the less...
  14. this thread is sooo funny!
  15. Yea so, I was talking to the girls about their meeting and somehow the conversation just happened to drift to mika!! (as you do) Anyway martha was saying about how her sister (sophie ellis bextor) said in a magasine interview that Martha wants to marry mika! and i said (REALLY LOUDLY) 'I'D DO ANYTHING TO MARRY MIKA!'. any everybody just stared and stared, even loads of people they don't know. anyway she said she's gonna do everything she can to get mika to play at the festival and that when she last saw him he said he would so.... (look at me gossiping away!). she also asked about the forum, and to say thankyou for all the messages you have sent in support of love london. THIS NEXT BIT IS AMAZING: she said she's spoken to mika about the fan club, and he said he loves it! sorry if this doesn't make any sense to anybody... back to office work it is for me .. .
  16. back! just embarrased myself quite a lot ...
  17. aaaa martha and chloe (the love london girls) have just come in, be back in two seconds! and thanks for keeping my sanity, girls!!
  18. what do you work as, laura? hope you feel better! bosses can be mean people ...
  19. Yea well she's on the label too and i love her stuff. she's got him in her top friends on myspace, and she was raving about him once in a meeting. It's funny because i think her sisters coming in for a meeting this afternoon about this festival thing, and thats what i'm supposed to be organising now. have you heard about 'love london' right? http://www.myspace.com/lovelondonfestival. they are really funny girls and they LOVE mika. lol. i guess things like that brighten up the job.
  20. the job is ok. mika's label island is part of my label (universal) so thats kind of how i got to know him (also through sophie ellis bextor). i remember him coming into the label about a year ago with all his art work. everyone was like 'who the hell is that?! hes amazing!'
  21. I just put LICM on to the office record player, so everything is ok!
  22. tell me about it. i work at a record label and things are always slow around this time. but luckily my desk is by a wall so i can talk to all you lovely people. what are you all supposed to be doing?
  23. lol I'm supposed to be working, but its just so boring i can hardly stay awake.
  24. hey guys i'm SO bored. what are we talking about?
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