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Everything posted by sallyh

  1. thats the best way to feel right? do you find that you find it hard to properly remember what happened and what he said and stuff? but he does smell AMAZING.
  2. WHERE can i read about this, shelby?! i'm really excited for you
  3. Yea I'm ok, LOVING this weather! i was sunbathing in my lunch break today ...
  4. hey guys! how is everyone? just watched this really cute interview with mika on youtube. i LOVE him so much, he's soooo cute. and even at the end when his backing track goes wrong during lollipop he recovers like a star and just laughs it off! atta boy ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXlK-wbsrr0
  5. aaaa girls got a meeting now. see you soon xxxx
  6. YEA its exactly like that lol! then i signed up to go to a gym for a ridiculous amount of money ( i swear prices in london are outrageous) and i've been like twice!!
  7. haha i always try not to buy it on my weekly shopping thing, but then i end up going out to buy it!!
  8. Poor you, caz! i'm ok had a lovely weekend and had monday off but its so hard to get back into the swing of working again. its just so dull ... at least i've got this amazing site. work is definatley not tempting! but my friend just bought me some chocolate so i have that and mfc!!
  9. hey girls. how is everyone today? very bored at work ...
  10. That is so exciting for you! But it's fun to be excited so just enjoy it!
  11. why do you want today to go fast, girly?
  12. Hey guys how is everyone? i've been away for two days and when i came back there were over 10,000 new posts! lol what have we been discussing, i've missed you guys!
  13. thats cool! how did she recognise you?!?! maybe she's a secret MFC member lol! Also, sherry that is so sweet! dylan's two as well but i haven't taught him any cool tricks like that yet. he can sing love today though, my sister was like 'how the hell did you do that?!' and today we were dancing to big girl. anyways i'd better go ladies, it's nearly his bedtime. i'll be back on later. love me xxx
  14. yea she's a sweet girl. and she knows EVERYBODY. it's quite amazing for a sixteen year old girl. its because everyone thinks she so cute as she's so young and trying to do this whole music thing alone. i'm glad you're friends! x
  15. Yea this is my first time, i'm a curious george virgin! lol. dylan (nephew) LOVES cars. i must have watched it like a million times. glad your boys recovering though ... its so horrible when they are ill you feel so sorry for them. x
  16. I'm ok, SO glad it's the weekend! hows jack? i'm with my nephew at the mo we are watching curious george lol.
  17. yea i know. how comes you were speaking to her? i love her x
  18. Hey girls! how is everybody? x ps: cazgirl, i spoke to martha today at work and she's says you're lovely! i was like how do you know her?! LOL.
  19. I've had many a mika dream i love it! it starts the day off well ....
  20. no worries. so what are we talking about here then? had a v stressful day at work.
  21. Hey guys, I met the girls and I've been working with them recently (I work at a record label) and I'm just reminding everyone to add their myspace! send them a message or a comment, I'm sure they'll reply and for them every little helps. love sally
  22. hey girlies! how is everyone doing? xxx
  23. It seems he's much more relaxed here, saying what he wants! but then again, it's from last year right? he probably didn't have his publicist snooping over his sholder then, checking up on him... i love it!
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