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Everything posted by sallyh

  1. he does look quite like mika but his hair is straightish ... v tall though.
  2. Cazgirl, your dream is funny funny! i saw fortune once he looks like a cutie. go for it i say!
  3. aaaa i just tried to post loads of replies but my internet kept cutting off! anyways i'm off out now but i'll be back at aroun 10ish. love xxxxxxxx
  4. I'm good! had a really relaxed day at work today and i got a promotion! it means more hours ... but more money! woo! what about you guys? hows jack? x
  5. heylo lovelies. how's everyone doing? x
  6. AAAA he's so cute! thanks for all these pictures guys, they are AMAZING!
  7. i'm going too. lots of love to all of you xxxxx
  8. Roxersize is a definate favourite, no?
  9. i SO believe that everything happens for a reason. it's good that your so philosophical about things, its important not to dwell on the past, but also to learn from it.
  10. that must be hard for you that he moved away. but i hope he appreciated that you gave him your mika ticket! thats 1 million times more special then you last rolo ....
  11. i LOVE the last part! a perfect ending ... very witty as well. but still very hot!
  12. hey ladies whats going on? just read your fanfic again, sherry, and (i've said it once and i'll say it again!) ITS AMAZING! you have talent girly. have to be up early for work so i'll only stay for a while.
  13. Have fun Sivan! I'm sure you will.. you're like basically best friends with mika now right?
  14. i should go too, see you lovely girlies xxx
  15. have you got my email, caz? i'm ridiculously deliciously excited! x
  16. SHERRY! it's amazing! big hugs to you! i'm gonna read it again ...
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