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Posts posted by canuckchick

  1. I know :) it kind of sucks....


    we can photo as much as we can before and after tho!:)


    I don't know how I missed this one before, but all of the ticketmaster tickets say no camera/video!! but most venues still allow them anyway. I always bring my cam and have never been told to put it away, most just don't like the video cameras there!!

  2. uumm first time MFCers helped us out. they gave us the flashy hearts. and kinda flirted with everyone that we possibly could. we dressed up pretty wild. fake eyelashes, hula skirt crazy outfits and sunglasses. kept up with the outfits to the next concert. by the time the third one he remembered us.


    Thats all we did. we didn't have any connections at all. By we i mean me and my cousin.


    wow, what a great idea!!! So everyone wears flashy hearts? Where/how does one get one of these fancy little flashy hearts? I like the idea of the outfits too, but I think i want to pack as lightly as possible!!

  3. I would definitley go back to my pre-children body, it was HOT then!!! but I guess what I've got now was worth it all! I'd also opt to have perfect eyesight. I really dispise having to wear contacts everyday and glasses make me dizzy. I think that's about it;)

  4. I'm going to be flying quite a ways to see MIKA in Vancouver ( not to mention I will be spending a buttload of money, but worth EVERY penny!!) I'm hoping that I'll be able to ice the cake, top it off with a cherry. Know what I mean? I want to be able to meet the guy, just say hi, shake his hand, get a hug, a picture....anything!! How do you guys do it? please please help a fellow fan out, help ma make my dream come true:thumb_yello:

  5. so, I'm extremely exstatic to be going to this concert in Vancouver (already stated of course) and need to know how you guys have gotten to meet him. I would love to know your tactics;) I've got a little guy who loves MIKA almost as much as I do and won't be able to come with me so I would love bring him back some signed memorablia. A photo op would also be mighty nice:blush-anim-cl: There are only 2 people left in this world that would love to be able to meet. John Mayer ( which I had the chance and gave up because I had my neice with me and she would not have been allowed to join me for that part since I was the only membership holder, this deeply saddens me:emot-sad: ) and MIKA of course!!!

  6. MIKA going to Vancouver!!! I was so excited to hear this but so devastated at the same time. I've been waiting for sooo long for MIKA to come anywhere near where I am from and even though Vancouver is pretty much 2 provinces away I would still have totally gone. I am newly a single mom though and can't go due to lack of funds, this totally sucks!!! I'm totally buying a lottery ticket;)

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