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Posts posted by canuckchick

  1. Who were you with last night?: friends/co-workers


    What woke you up this morning? my cellphone alarm ( Ringtone Grace Kelly) Not such a bad way to wake up!!!


    Where are you? In my basement


    Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I try to be optimistic so I'm going to say yes.


    Did you kiss or hug anyone today? of course, I have 2 kids


    When's the last time you cried? hmmm, I think it was the day before yesterday


    Ever thrown up in public? can't say that I have


    Passed out because of alcohol? sadly yes


    What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? Will I get my happy ending?


    Would you take a bullet for anyone? I'd throw myself in front of anything for my kids. Just please God don't let it kill me, they need me!!


    Where would you like to live? I'm happy where I am, but I'd love to travel and see the world.


    What kind of home would you like? A cozy cottage type home. Not too big, but big for the kids to have there own space.


    What do you want to be when you grow up? Seeing as though I have already gotten what I want. ( To be a mommy) I'll have to go for being a medical professional.


    Do you like candy necklaces? They are super cute, but I had my fair share of them when I was a kid. Lik-a-maid on the other hand......


    When's the last time you fell or ran into something? yesterday morning I fell underneath my vehicle. It was icy:roftl:


    Do you still go trick or treating? yes I do


    What was the last thing you ate? a bowl of my homemade soup


    Are you a fast typer? fast enough


    About how many people have you liked? I like everyone


    What are you doing this weekend? I'd like to go to the waterslides, for a walk, play at the park, and Friday I'll be having Easter Dinner with all of my amazing family


    Whats your favorite type of soda? Not too big on soda, but if I had to choose i'd say coke


    Have you ever moved? Too many times


    Have you ever won an award? yes, it felt fantastic


    How many times have you been in love? one time


    What do you want to do right now? get rid of this darn cold


    Are you listening to music right now? does american idol count?


    Are you with someone right now? my puppy is sleeping beside me. So yes!


    Whats a word or phrase that you love? haha nice


    How long until your birthday? 9 months


    When were you the saddest in your whole life? When I realized that my marriage was a complete mess and had to separate.


    What time is it now? 9:34 p.m.


    What makes you pissed off? liars, people who just don't care enough to pay a little bit of attention when attention is required.


    What makes you happy? my happy children


    Have you ever had a song written about you? Yes.


    What song makes you cry? i will take care of you- amy sky


    What songs make you happy? the ones that make me dance


    What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? the baby monitor


    What do you listen to when you're sad? nothing


    What does Your Car have in it right now? camping gear


    About Me

    Hair Color: Blonde.

    Eye Color: green

    Piercings: 6 ( ears 4, naval 2) only wear one in each ear though

    Tattoos: 3, soon to be 5

    Wearing right now? jammy jams

    Have a bad habit? yup, not standing up for myself

    2006: I started my current job

    2007: Stumbled across MIKA at the movie theatre

    2008: traveled many many Kms, spent A LOT of money just to see MIKA in Vancouver. It was fantastic and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I've seen a lot of live performances by many many different artists/bands and must admit that his performance was by far the best.

  2. I'm going to be biased against anyone who tries to cover any of Mika's music. No one else can touch him, IMHO.


    Although, in Josiah's defense, I don't think it's *that* bad. And when he's singing his original stuff, he sounds really freaking good. Not his fault that he can't quite compete with the greatest artist of our generation. :wub2:


    Here's another Grace Kelly clip at LA's Hotel Cafe:




    It's some nice stateside publicity for Mika, since people are likely going to wonder where the song came from and look up the original. Anyone have any idea what legal/copyright implications surround live covers? :blink:


    Oh, and check out the song "To Run" on Josiah's MySpace page:




    Love it. :thumb_yello:


    I agree with you very much so. No one will ever do it quite like Mika, BUT, the kid wasn't too bad at all. Just not comparable

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