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Posts posted by canuckchick

  1. Aw, honey!


    Love hearing the reports, knowing that we all feel the same way about this guy. It was so worth it to hop on a plane, wasn't it? And I'm glad you were there. :wub2:


    I would not have missed it for the world. Meeting all of you, experiencing MIKA live, meeting him....... The entire time was perfect!!! and since you live relatively close you should pm or email your digits and the next time my hubby and I make our way to Calgary we could possibly get together for a coffee or something with you and Andrew!!

  2. Midway state.....I listened to some of their stuff online to get a feel for who I was about to see open for MIKA and to be honest I didn't think that I would really like them. Seeing them live is another story, I really enjoyed them. They put on quite the show, and I really got a kick out of the bass player and how he just kind of stared around the theatre with a look I can't really pinpoint on his face. It was kind of cute!!! They finish off their set and it's intermission. I need to get up and walk around gather my thoughts and myself. A little mental preparation for what I was about to see I guess. Ellenorelle and I end up meeting and sharing our excitement for the most special upcoming event. Then the bell sounds and we rush to our seats. The lights go down and 9-5 begins to play. It's happening, MIKA is about to come out onto the stage. Relax starts to play and then I hear the voice of an angel, the lights go on and MIKA is bounding onto the stage. Oh the excitement I felt at this moment. I felt my heart beat harder and faster, I was completely taken in at this moment. Throughout the entire performance I felt this same way, the level of excitement did not once fall. It only got greater and greater as the night went on. One particular moment that I can pull out that means a great deal is when he played Happy Ending. It's a feeling for me that I just can not explain here, but hearing him sing this song live was simply beautiful. Then again just like the man himself, each and every song was beautiful. The finale- So much fun!!!! I loved the whole thing, it was cute, funny, and a bit on the dirty side. Love love loved it!!! oh, and lollipop, with our own lollipop monkey. She was so adorable. Not long after the girls came out the balloons and confetti are raining about the theatre and then next thing I know I am on the stage dancing, singing, jumping with MIKA and a sea of fans. It was wonderful!!! I was lucky enough to be right behind him and nearly plastered to him as everyone surrounded him. Then the song ends and MIKA is gone just like that. I was in my glory and the adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I was shaking so much I don't know how I managed stay on my feet let alone to hop off of the stage. I grabbed my husband and rushed outside to the stage door where MIKA would be coming out. We were almost at the front of the line up, but the security guards kept telling everyone to move back and each time we did so we ended up getting pushed back a little more. Then what seemed even worse was when one of the security guards came and told us that we had to go to the other side of the building in calmly fashioned manner and get into a single filed line. He said that MIKA WILL greet everyone, but we had to get moving. So with a bit of disappointment we all made our way to the end of the line. It was a good thing though, all of the MFCer's were all together again!!! Then once again a security guard comes by to tell us some "bad news" we would now be the front of the line!!! WOOT WOOT!! What a rush! Then just like that MIKA was there right in front of us. It was quick though, Ellenorelle gave him her cute little rooster/chicken and the umbrella of course, I snapped a picture of Demango with her camera and she had the cutest little girl crush look on her face. Then it was my turn. I was speachless, I wanted to say so much but was afraid I would stutter or something would just come out sounding stupid. So I said Hi and a simple thank you. He signed the insert of my cd, flashed me his beautiful smile and it was over just like that. I was on Cloud 9, it was all so surreal and exhilerating, the best experience I've ever had aside from the births of my children. We all stayed and watched as the line deminished and once he was at the end I asked him for a hug since I was not aware at the point of my meeting with him that it was ok that I do so. But no such luck, he was rushed off into a minivan and that was it.


    At this point it was standard toaster, lollipop monkey, lilmot, demango, bookwurm and myself and we happened to be staying at the same hotel all except bookwurm. We walked back to the hotel, gathered in the lobby to reminisce for a while and then made our way across the street for some coffee. Thanks to lollipop monkey and standard toaster for that by the way. We had some great conversations about the concert of course and other things as well. I'm very glad that I had the opportunity to meet you all and thank you so very much. I had the time of my life and can't wait for another opportunity to arrise.


    Now I'm sure you are all tired of reading so I won't bore you with the details about my trip to the airport and how I spoke with the boys of Midway State in front of me in the line up at security or the very horribly turbulent flight home. L8R all. Love love!!

  3. ok here I go!!!


    My adventure began on Wednesday February 14th. We left home for Calgary at at about 5:30 p.m. and after driving for nearly 2 hours and over halfway to to Calgary I realize that I have forgotten my flashing glitter heart necklaces at home. I was devastated and all I wanted to do was cry. I ordered the necklaces nearly right away after I found out that MIKA would be going to Vancouver as I wanted to blend in with the rest of the MFCer's. So right away my mind is running through every possible scenario of what I could do. I was trying to imagine every store that would possibly carry something even remotely similar, but nothing really came to mind. Then we stop at a wal-mart to buy some shampoo cause silly me forgot this too!!! Low and behold they had all of their valentines merchandise on sale to the left of the entrance and what is staring me right in the face? Tiny multi-coloured flashing heart necklaces!! So of course I bought 3 of these necklaces and of course after opening them I realize that they are meant for a child's neck. much to small for me. So here I am back to thinking.....

    Not much later we arrive in Calgary, check in to our hotel and bam!! I got it. So i pulled out my nail clippers and my tooth floss. I made one that would fit me with all three hearts and most of the beads from the three little ones. I love improvising!! Oh yes, and while doing my fine little craftwork, who's on the tube? MIKA of Course on the tonight show........ That was the perfect end to my evening. zzzzzzz


    Monday February 14th we wake up, get ready, and we are off to the airport. Of course I'm going nuts!!! We get on the plane and it hits me like a brick right in the middle of the forehead. I'm going to Vancouver to see MIKA!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!! It's even worse when we land and arrive at our hotel, blocks away from the Orpheum Theatre. I think by this time, my husband wanted to stuff me into a canon and send me to the moon. haha. Obviously we ended up having a bit of time to waste since we went to Vancouver a day early. So we walked to GM place met a few scalpers, bought some tickets and saw a canucks game. That was great!!! But what is running through me head but the fact that 24 hours from that moment I would be sitting in a theatre watching MIKA!!! After the game we walked back to our hotel and went to bed. What else would bring me that much closer to MIKA than to go to sleep:P


    February 15th!!! The day that I have been waiting for for so long is finally here!!!!

    Still yet, we have an entire day to waste away until MIKA's performance so we took another lovely walk ( this time in the beautiful Vancouver rain) to the Vancouver aquarium. I loved it all, even the lesson on sea slugs. ( something that they are still learning a lot about. haha) It's now 3:30 and time to walk back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner with other MFC'ers. We get ready and make our way to Earl's. We are the first to arrive so we waited and within about 15-20 minutes everyone started to arrive. First ellenorelle's piano teacher, then stormy weather, standard toaster & lollipopmonkey, ellenorelle and her man( and the famous umbrella of course), and then last but not least bookwurm. All I have to say is WOW, what a great bunch of people, love ya all!! Thank you for the gifts stormy weather and ellenorelle. You are so very thoughtful and appreciated. So over some small talk we all ate our dinner( or drank water) and then we were on our way. We walked a couple of blocks to the Orpheum and met up with Demango, lilmot, calicojasmine and her niece. Yet again, another great bunch of people. We wait in line for about half an hour, the doors open, and we went our own ways. Bookwurm, standard toaster, and myself all in line for merchandise. It felt as though we would never see the front of the line. People were pushing there way out of the crowd after making a purchase, but then a few more would squeeze there way in. Finally after waiting in line for a good half hour we got our merch dispite the fact that they had not had the sizes we wanted, or colours for that matter. I guess I shouldn't have expected much less since we were the last stop of the north American tour. Oh well, haha, it's showtime. The Midway state are about to take the stage....TBC

  4. I just found that I spent much more quality time with people in the UK when we weren't queuing. I'd much rather be in a pub with 50 MFCers than stood in front of a brick wall where everyone is separated and miserable because they're wet and freezing.


    We had a good day queuing in Toronto but really the most fun was hanging out in a nearby supermarket, taking photos with the fruit, buying Mikey a toy shaving kit and ogling hot guys. :naughty:


    Actually standing in the line was not my idea of a good time especially as it gets close to the doors opening and everyone is jockeying for position and praying that they get a decent spot. It's a lot of unneeded stress when you could be spending the day relaxing and having fun and knowing that your seats will be waiting for you when you arrive.


    This is what you could be doing if you weren't standing in a queue.



    That is AWESOME!!!!

  5. So we all start walking towards the Orpheum, and I remember someone saying how they were glad to finally use an umbrella? Haha... obviously I was the only person in that group that was from Vancouver.


    We got quite a lot of bewildered looks from people walking by, because Suzanne was dressed to impress. Her outfit was fanstastical. :punk: oh right... and the fact that ever once in a while someone gave off a really loud "yeppeeee!!!!!



    I kept on having mini spaz attacks as we were walking, and I remember telling Canuckchick that I had better calm myself before I pulled a muscle in my neck or something :blink: Somehow we got separated as we reached the orpheum, and I hung out with Canuckchick and her man, and I remember seeing StandardToaster and lollipop_monkey off in the corner, and lollipop_monkey talking on the phone (i didn't know at this point that she was to be a lollipop girl :shocked:) Omg. When I saw the table set up inside the orpheum with all the Mika merch, my excitement level went up again. I mean, even though it was a bunch of shirts and posters, the fact that I had been looking at them online and then seeing them in real life, it was the first step of what was coming, which was to see Mika in real life :stretcher:


    So we figure out that there's actually a line up, so we get in line, just before the line becomes really crowded. And then StandardToaster joins us, and that's when I learn that she has left us to prepare for her role as a lollipop girl :groupwave:

    Eventually, the other MFCers join us, and at around 7 they open the doors and we all walk in.


    It was me who said that I was excited to be using an umbrella. Ha ha. We don't really get much rain here, just snow!! Reading all of your reports makes me so excited for when I will finally be able to share my story as well. Hopefully tonight after my little ones are in bed and I have a little extra time to type more than a few sentances I will be able to do just that.

  6. Mana, your report was phenomenol. As I read I felt as though I was there right with you. What an experience that would have been, you are a lucky lucky girl.


    This was an evening that I will never let go of as long as I live. I met some truely wonderful people and thank you for the opportunity to meet you all. Love ya!!!


    MIKA........simply phenomenal!!! A completely surreal and exhilerating experience it was to be able to travel to Vancouver and experience a presence such as MIKA'S. To be on that stage dancing, jumping, singing was a dream. I would have never imagined myself being able to do this. Then to be face to face with the man, and look into those beautiful eyes and to simply say "Thank you" (I'm sure many of you can connect with me on this one.) as MIKA and his Music has made a huge difference and a much deeper imact on my life. Somehow though, thank you doesn't quite cut it. I wish I had more time to tell him how much I appreciate him, who he is, who he has become, and how he touches the lives of so many people. Such and inspiration...........

    I didn't get to give him a hug either, so as lame and cheezy as this may be I offer MIKA a virtual hug right now!!!


    I feel as though I am in a dream.........someone pinch me please;)

  7. Gaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh *exhales for first time in 3 days*

    It's all alright! PHEW he finally accessed the money and sent me my tickets. Oh my lord, I almost cired when he said he was relisting them! Sorry for that small Mika drama there girls, but I have my tickets in hand now and I am SO EXCITED for the concert!


    p.s. Suzanna, that umbrella (ella-ella-aye-aye-aye) is incredible!


    Must be a huge relief!! I would have had a heart attack. It's great that you'll be coming to what will only be the most fantastic concert of all time.

  8. the theatre is 5 minutes away! slowly! I cannot get into town sooner because I have to check in hotel ! I have so much stuff!:):wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


    we can leave at 6:15 and be at the venue by 6:20! hehe walking slowly!


    that's really not to bad then. I didn't realize it was so close. I am not familiar with the area, but I am also staying in a hotel nearby too. Maybe even in the same hotel!!!

  9. I'd say you have no idea, but since you are another counter downer I'm sure you do. I am so unbelievably stoked for this. I'm not looking forward to the flight tho, totally terrified of flying!!! I've also had this nasty cold for the past 2 weeks and am hoping that it'll be gone by the concert. Fingers crossed!!!!

  10. OMG!


    Nadia (sp?) called me and asked me if I'm sill interested in being a lollipop girl for Vancouver! :biggrin2:


    Problem is, I left my cell phone charger at home (I'm in California this week). So I've had my phone off, and she left me a voice mail. I called her back and left her a message (telephone tag!) but it was almost 24 hours since she called me - hope they haven't filled all the spots. :blink:


    I gave her Andrew (my fiance)'s number, he has his phone charger - hopefully I can still be a LG!!!


    *is in shock*


    that is really awesome!!! I hope that all works out for you!

  11. OMG you missed out so much, did you hear that Mika is coming to Vancouver? :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:


    Good to have you back!!!!!!! :arf2:


    Oh gosh!!! of course i heard that he is going to vancouver. Got myself 6th row RC floor seats. saweeeeet!!!! I'll be flying in on the 14th. so unbelievably super crazy fanatically insanely frickin excited!!! No words can really explain the way I am feeling. woah, somebody pinch me!!:wink2:

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