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Posts posted by canuckchick

  1. I so agree with you about scarves on men! What is it about them that they look so good on men?! I don't get it but they dooo! :naughty::bleh:


    I think that a lot of it has to do with how the scarf is worn!!! Even the goofiest looking dude can look hot with a scarf if he wears it right!! hehe It's all about style....

  2. This conversation has cropped up a few times lately, in a bunch of other threads.


    Yes, our l'il boy is growin' up. Did you see the size of the venue he's playing in Paris this July? Something like 47,000 people! I can't imagine. After seeing him in a 2,000 person venue, I sort of don't even want to imagine. That's July of 2008. As recently as November/December 2006, he was playing to crowds of less than a thousand.


    500 people to 45,000 people in the space of 18 months is freakin' massive.


    I don't necessarily think that the "fame" aspect was his goal when first making LICM. I think he wanted to get far enough with his music so that he could make a living with it, go on tour, and do what he obviously loves - perform.


    I think that if we went back in time and told Mika in February 2006 that within two years he'd be selling out stadiums, and that LICM would sell more than five million copies...he'd probably giggle at us, not believing a word of it.


    That said, it has happened...and a by-product of that is that access is getting sadly more limited. John gets to double as a bit of a drill sergeant after the shows, in order to make sure Mika doesn't get mobbed, or spend half his life signing things and posing for photos.


    I don't believe for a moment that the fame has "changed" him, or that he's not deeply appreciative of his fans. I think he also knows that many an act has released a killer first album, only to have their second album flop. But, I'm sure that Mika himself has days when he dreads the thought of standing out in the cold to meet a long line of fans...not because of anything against his fans, but because he's cold/tired/sick/grumpy, or whatever.


    But, it IS the end of an era. We got a fair bit of access at most stops on this last North American tour, even in LA were there was probably between 100 and 200 people lined up to meet him. But thinking back, less than a year ago he was playing in CD shops and bookstores.


    So it's all an evolution. Moments like that, sadly are going to become rare things. And that postively sucks for the fans who have never gotten a moment with him, as well as for those who have gotten these moments but crave more. On this side of the pond, we're kind of lucky that US radio has been slow to embrace Mika. He may never play more to more that 3,000 people at most shows here, and while I wish him the best, I can't say I'd be too upset if that turns out to be the case.


    I've waxed before about how, for us fans, it's sh*tty to think that we won't get pics and autographs. We won't get to give him gifts, and it'll be harder and harder to be front row at his shows.


    The tradeoff is that this guy that we all love is getting to do what HE loves...and even if it's changing, at least we get to benefit. A new album is on the horizon, but who knows what Meeks has in store beyond that. A stadium tour? Followed by a rebel-against-stadiums intimate acoustic tour? Another DVD? So many possibilities.


    I think that as bittersweet as it is, its helpful to focus on the fact that his star is only beginning to rise...even if he personally isn't as accessible, there's oh so much more still to come from him.


    I'm not sure if any of that made sense, but it's my two cents...


    100% AGREED!!!

  3. But Mika's not a prisoner, he provides them with instructions for what to do and they wouldn't do anything without his consent. If they did, I don't think they'd be his management anymore... :roftl:


    Obviously Mika understands the risks that come with increased fame and it's prudent to limit the amount of contact with fans... although they all may look "nice," some may be up to no good. The same thing goes for why the presidential hopefuls have had Secret Service agents following them around since last year. Better safe than sorry.


    Please don't get the wrong idea here. I know that MIKA has his own say in things as well!

  4. I think you've hit it right on the nose!! It'll be a sad day if MIKA ever stops the meet and greets with his fans, short and sweet is still satisfying. It's better than nothing at all right? I don't believe that he would ever shun his fans, if anything it'll be his management like you mentioned that set the boundaries....hopefully not him!!

  5. I love love love scarves. I have one in particular which is my favourite. It was my papa's ( my mom's dad) and I got it after he passed away. I love brightly coloured scarves mostly, but I also find a lot of comfort in the ones that my mom knits for me.

    Scarves on men. HOT, SEXY, want to see more!! ( Too bad I can't convince my husband to wear one:thumbdown: )

    oh yeah, and MIKA in the hat, very nice!!!! Of course the scarves suit him very well also!!

  6. I'm not so sure...I would bet that he had access to some bubbly quite quickly after the shindig ended.


    Although, I'd love to see him completely pissed drunk. I have a friend who always ends up in a tree after his fourth or fifth drink...I wonder if it would be anything like that. :roftl:


    It's 5am in London - think he's found a bed yet? Or are he and Perez still keeping the party going? Is it weird that at times, I think it would be kind of funny to have a mirror, like in Beauty and the Beast, that could show us what he's up to? :roftl: :roftl:


    Absolutely hilarious!! I love the reference to Beauty and the Beast.

  7. It would be sad to see anyone of them go, but I'm there for MIKA first!! Each and every member of the band has qualities that make the show, but there is always someone else that will be able to play an instrument just as good or better than other. I've grown to really enjoy and appreciate each member for what they contribute, but MIKA and his music/lyrics......etc. is what I am truly attached to.

  8. you too??wowow! i was very brief tho,,but still I was up there too


    hey I found this recording of LOVE-TODAY at our concert with the lovely GREG WELLS! very good! you can tell we are hyped big time! these Vanc videos are important because it shows Greg in Action!



    yeah, I hopped up almost right away after people started getting up there. I was actually right behind him for a while smooshed up against his back!!! There were a few points where I was actually able to see his face too, and it was such a beautiful moment. The look on his face was of pure enjoyment. It appeared as though he was in his element completely with all of us up there surrounding him, dancing, singing, bouncing with him. He was lit right up!!!

  9. OMG, thank you, thank you - coming from you - a real compliment! I also will never forget this night.... I haven't come down from the high yet....... In Mika Land, one does not need any other kind of substance to get high - HE IS THE DRUG OF CHOICE - LOL!:naughty::roftl:


    It was soooo great to meet you! Hopefully our paths will cross again at another fantastic Mika concert - SOON!!!! :thumb_yello::punk:


    I think this will be an everlasting high!!! It was an experience that great that almost everytime I think about that evening and all aspects of it I am moved to near tears. I feel very touched and very moved to have been a part of this all. I too am hoping for another meeting of sorts in the future. Whether that be to gather for another Performance by the ever so wonderful MIKA or for just the sake of getting together.

  10. First off I would like to say that it is great that the MFC can come together and stand up for what/who they love. Hats off to all of you. Next, I'm proud to be part of such a group and I'm sure MIKA would be proud to know that he has such wonderful supportive people behind him in every moment and through all that is good and all that is bad. You guys rock:punk:

  11. Joan !I have a present here for you..Its from the Seattle Show, I took this photo and think something happened to me. He 's changed me, you , Laxmi,

    He has brought sprit to our hearts...love.........peace....harmony...

    I have wonderful photos to send to you! you will love them! i will email you them soon. Mean while, here is an angel ...pure lightl_225ccc514cb8e9befa107a46734ab280.jpg



    Wow, what a beautiful photo!! Very angelic and pure.

  12. Hello Everyone!:thumb_yello:


    Hope all are well and happy! I don't know about the "well" part but, boy, oh boy, I sure as hell am HAPPY!!!!!:mf_lustslow:


    Friday February 15th/2008 will be one of my most cherished memories in my life. I think I said this before but it really deserves to be repeated - seeing/hearing Mika in concert was definitely a high priority on my "things to do before I die" list. I know, I know, a little macabre, but hey! we're all gonna go there, so let's all have fun NOW, while we can - live for the moment, take a big bite out of life and savour every morsel - enjoy your life and share the love - AND IF THAT ISN'T THE MESSAGE THAT MIKA IS TRYING TO CONVEY TO ALL OF US THEN I'VE TOTALLY LOST THE PLOT.......


    EVERYBODY'S GOTTA LOVE TODAY........:huglove:


    Friday night was phenomenal on sooo many levels. Our boy delivered a performance nothing that was short of brilliant. He simply outdid himself. The fact that this was the culmination of his North American tour lent a noteworthy tone. He also gave us the impression that he may have been a little overwhelmed by our exuberance, excitement and intensity. This man is the authority on Love - well, he HAD to have left our continent singing "LOVE LOVE ME'. We weren't exactly coy, were we, Guys? LOL!:naughty:


    I have to also give props to all the other contributing people and factors that set the bar for the Mika production. Mika's outstanding talent and all the extras truly drive a huge wedge between him and the rest of the pop culture.He leaves everyone else smokin' in the dust! HAHA! His band is amazing - everyone handpicked due to specific, special skills; their talents honed to a fine point. It was disappointing that Cherisse was absent but the replacement was a star in his own right. Then there was the fabulous lighting, awesome stage decorations including the usual gorgeous DaWack murals, Gray Skelly, etc. I particularly loved the candelabra on the piano when he played "Any Other world" - haunting and achingly beautiful...


    One of the best parts of the whole evening was meeting all my wonderful MFC cohorts in crime - I love you all. Meeting you guys, putting faces to the names, laughing together, sharing the Mika love - how great was that??? It is the highest of highs for me now to be part of the Mika culture - how much he and his music has changed my life - and millions of others' lives as well. Some of us have almost a spirituality around Mika - he delivers on so many levels - almost like he was heaven sent......:harp:


    Another amazing part of that night - oh yeah! Besides getting to meet him and give him a homemade gift and card and even have a mini-conversation! Yes! It's true! See the youtube! In any case - I got to bring my wonderful 13- year-old niece Sammy, also a big Mika Fan, to the concert. She was a HUGE hit - and not only had SUCH A FANTASTIC TIME AND GET TO MEET MIKA, she joined MFC last night - introducing "sunshinebright"! Our Western Canada Rep Suzanne (who was the Queen of the Concert , rightfully so!) already gave her a warm welcome; so everybody, look out for her... thanks.


    I know I'm foaming at the mouth here.... I'm kind of talking more about feelings than the actual events, but that's mainly because there are already so many fantastic reports on the concert and at the risk of being redundant am going this route..... So here I am, 48 hours later, completely cognizant of the meaning of the expression "wired for sound". The sound part because we have all been privy to the most exquisite sounds on God's green earth - and "wired" because I am still bouncing off the walls like I've been injected with mega doses of adrenaline, endorphins, caffeine, and all the illegal stuff (which I would NEVER DO!!!:thumbdown: ) Anyways, you get the point.


    So here we are. Mika has left the building. Not only that he has left the continent. And sadly (but in a bittersweet way) he'll be off the tour circuit for awhile. But that's okay because there are bigger and better things in store for us - he'll be working on his 2nd CD!!! The Mika Machine is evolving.. hehe! No, he'll never be a machine... The Mika Magic is evolving... Do you realize how F***ING LUCKY WE ARE? That we live in this time that he exists and that we get to experience this phenomenon?? So, for the next few months, when we all start jonesing for MIKA MIKA MIKA MIKA MIKA, and we develop our 12-step program, hold our meetings and re-watch our DVD's, forum and youtube clips, support each other we must remember:


    HE'LL BE B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-C-C-K.................:mf_lustslow:


    Beautifully written and 100% true!!!

    I'm so glad that I got to share this special evening with all the fabulous MFCer's and meet you all. This was an evening that I will hold especially close to my heart for eternity as it was such an uplifting experience.

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