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Everything posted by Sara

  1. I don't really know what i'm gonna write yet either! lol!! :roftl:
  2. Ha ha ha. Did you get my myspace message this morning? x Edit - soz, just noticed i got one back! lol!!
  3. Ha ha ha ha, thanks Bexx. Yes - i will hun. Can i send it this ave? Awwww, noooo....it's such a shame! I feel awful for you hun.
  4. El - i tried pm ing you my e-mail but your inbox is full!
  5. I'm on it hun. Will do it today.
  6. Suzy!! - and anyone else who wants to come out http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10088 x
  7. You know i'd be more than happy to do it. :naughty:
  8. Yes - I'm a having a belated 30th and a general night out with the MFCer's who are in London that day. I have a thread in the general chin wagging. I'll try and find it for you.
  9. Hi Marianne!!! No, she isn't hun. We'll miss her loads, but she has looked at her finances and it's just not possible for her to go. It's a real shame.
  10. I went and had an eye test yesterday. I have got two pairs of nice glasses on order - really funky. Of course i had to go for designer ones. Ha ha ha ha!! I spent £260!! Mind you, i saved £135 so it was really good actually. Plus, i hadn't had new glasses in 7 years, so it all kinda balances out, lol! Yeah that's fine for you to have my number. I'll send it to you now hun.
  11. i haven't ordered mine yet! lol! I can't quite decided which one to go for......dunno how 'naughty; i wanna be. :naughty:
  12. Awww!!! Lucky you!!! Did you go for the Halloween thing they had? I wanted to go and do karaoke there last month. Couldn't though as had my little one. - Dunno if i'd get in anyway! lol!!! Can't wait to meet you in Glasgow!! x
  13. Astro twins??? Me too, lol!! I've got a watery eye now and when i get like that = it's time for bed. I didn't go til 1.30 this morning, and i was awake at 7 with little un. Night Caz!! Love ya!!! Chat tomoz babe. xxx:wub2: O.k, Bexx, FD, Bab, everyone, ...whatever happened to you, chat soon, nighty night, sleep tight.x. Loadsalove, xxx:thumb_yello:
  14. Awww!!! Thanks Bab. x. I'm around for my MFC peeps at all times.
  15. If Bab and Kata come for dinner, maybe we should get a take away instead of me cooking. I wouldn't mind though. I'll cook for any of my friends. What shall i do? Chicken?
  16. Yes Bab and Bexx - i guess i am My hearts in the right place and i like to think that i DO know what i'm talking about, lol!!! I learn from experience.
  17. Yeah i know. Well i'll have my car so don't mind going shopping. Having said that i might have a 'Can't be ****ed' attitude and say 'yeah...bollocks to it, let's get a take away' :naughty: (Soz - saturday night bad language, lol)
  18. You never know.... Awwww, is you got your lollipop dress ready yet? You'll have to post a pic.
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