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Everything posted by Jolene

  1. I didn't get to watch Glastonbury on mtv today- my mum in law only has basic foxtel And I didn't have my account number ot log into foxtel remote to record it at home either :thumbdown: Oh well, maybe next time.......... I can't believe how stinking hot it is here still. The beach was great though (even if it was full of seaweed...)
  2. Hi guys! My broadband is being spaccy- it doesn't like where I am staying down south (even though it's only Mandurah which is pretty much now part of Perth!) so I may or may not be on tonight (even though I have heaps to catch up on. Can someone give me a quick run down? Don't know how if it has been posted but on ninemsn they are doing the 10 most annoying songs and GK made it on there
  3. Right, I gotta go to bed otherwise the kids will find me here in the morning on the couch with a dead laptop on my lap! *hopes she has enough energy to stumble to her bed...* Night all!
  4. *collapses into a heap on the beanbag and promptly falls asleep* I am sooo freaking tired- this is the 2nd night this week I have had to sit at the comp doing work until 1030pm On one hand I am really happy about the long weekend, on the other it just means I have one less day to get heap of stuff done How is everyone, and have I missed much, I don't have the energy to scroll back................
  5. Oh, just the weather was ridiculously hot- around 40 every day. They had bad bush fires too. But I was there for work, that part was pretty good, got to frink lots of alcohol
  6. Yeah, I did read that, it kept taking me back to the login page so I didn't think I would be able to post *gets excited about "officialness"!* How hot is it there? It's gonna be about 32 here today, but it's really windy. Adelaide was awful last week- I felt like I was on fire. Luckily I wasn't out in the sun too much.
  7. wow, the comp is being a spaz, didn't think it would let me on. Is anyone around? I am sick of doing work, I need a break for a while!
  8. Hi Everyone! That was my first thought too! You would think he could afford a bigger car! I missed BG on SYTYCD, bugger
  9. Thanks for the heads up! Will record it. Kenzie asked "who's that guy?' That's gold Oh, that's sad, but you will always have such awesome memories!
  10. I love your new siggy! He's off voting for Foo Fighters!!
  11. Oh, I missed it! But I did record the Brit Awards on Thursday and watched the opening on my big tv rather than laptop screen! Hi, btw! OMG- she will kill you if she finds out you are trying to sell her to a dodgy old Aussie guy! You are hilarious! I think I have brainwashed Michael now as well- he was singing along to BG before realising it and making some lame comment. Bailey wanted to wake Mackenzie up from her nap today cause HE came on the radio!
  12. Suzy, your post was hilarious- I had to explain to Michael why I was pissing myself laughing
  13. Hi everyone- my name is Jolene and I wonder if it would okay to post in here with all of you? Wow- I have been soooooooo ****ing busy this week- as you can obviously tell by lack of posts. Have decided that trying to recruitment for a new store visit stores in Darwin and Adelaide (in a heatwave) and answer a million emails/ phone calls is not really something I want to do on a regular basis Luckily there was copius amount of alcohol purchased (I am dreading when accounts get my expenses ) So, from what I have gathered we are still not official, Mika is the new wiggles (the entire group) Aaurora posted a really cool Aus citizenship test and we are trying to cull the list of Aussie Mikamites who have proven to be deserters. Anything else? Oh, and OkD- if you wnat a job at Rockingham I am doing recruitment next month sometime
  14. What thread is it in? Oh, I like Adelaide- I heard BG 3 times on the radio this morning- twice on nova and once on SAFM
  15. Hi everyone! Those photos are hilarious!!! What else have I missed?
  16. Greta, could you please edit your first post with the link to the voting so we can all get cracking at it. We would love to have him win the award, he might decide to visit us then! http://www.mtvawards.com.au/quick_vote.aspx You need to select and then vote down the bottom to confirm. Thanks!!!
  17. How's this: yesterdai Was doing recruitment sessions for a new store we have opening and did the presentation off my laptop. I left everything open at the end and we did questions etc. I wondered why, when a few minutes later, their eyes all left me and started staring at the projector screen- my screensaver had kicked in and proceeded to show my collection of Mika photos saved on there You have never seen someone try and press buttons on a laptop so quickly. My professionalism went sailing right out the door................ At least it made everyone laugh
  18. BG failed again to make it into the top 40:boxed: It was no 42.... It charted okay on the physical chart but didn't even make top 50 on downloads.... Do we release Relax now to make up for it
  19. May be the start of "officialness"? Has the UK just started DLS cause we still have it for another few weeks? Thanks Scut for posting all the links
  20. So Mika is nominated for best new artist for the Japanese music video awards, end of May, don't know if he is going but fingers crossed he will and then come here after that! Am really going to bed now!
  21. So maybe Mama Penniman had no involvement in the casting of those girls then! I really want to him to go there again and see if he similar girls again, they were hilarious.
  22. Mika obviously did some research before hiring her
  23. I must be demented cause I love it! We used to have that song at bodyjam and I would always giggle at the look everyone in the class vs that gym. I could just imagine if all the older ladies that do the class rocked up in outfits like that- the look of horror on everyone's faces as they walked in would be priceless! Right, am going to lurk for a while but really need to sleep, haven't had a full nights sleep for the past few days and am feeling shattered, will catch you later
  24. Absolutely! And remember how he had SOOOO much fun running from interview to interview with no time to eat But the lollipop girls were priceless so surely if only for that reason he has to return, but of course he would also want to see his fav aussie living in Japan! The great thing is there are no other events confirmed in May or June at this stage, so fingers crossed the album will be finished and there will be time to do some shows!
  25. I thought this video may have been appropriate for FD>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0_fUNC3WGE&feature=related
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