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Everything posted by Jolene

  1. That's fantastic news to hear he is doing so well. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  2. See if this link works, otherwise go to my pics on my myspace account http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=111030654&albumID=0&imageID=7541239
  3. wow, you guys are moving too fast for me today! I am going to the pub to watch a band (weddings, parties, anything) play but here is one shot from the other night. Yes it is blurry but if you look at the keyboards to the right of the shot your will see them falling to the ground
  4. Well, it's really nice to eat, and really gross afterwards- esp when you are already feeling guilty about being lazy and not going to the gym! Could have had something healthy but, nahh. Am loading my Maroon 5 piccies now
  5. Tony Bourdain is awesome. The UK V Festival from last year will be on Sat 12th on Channel V (can't remember what time) Am feeling mega fat after eating a Triple Cheeseburger, coke & fries
  6. Yay! We are back! But now I am tred and am going to read my book.......... may be back later if there is a bit of action happening
  7. Oh, part 11!! Will go back and rad everything later- Maroon 5 and One Republic were fuccking awesome!!!! Acted like the fangurl I have become (thanks to here!) and waited fro them to come out. Could see through a tiny grotty window and after an hour was rewarded with a blurry picture of them waving to me in their minivan as they drove by. Unfortunately gotta go to bed cause I gotta go into work tomorrow but have heaps of pervy photos that I will load!!! Seats were totally awesome and see everything (even have a picture of the 3 keyboards crashing to the ground after they fell off the platform they were on )
  8. So I take it there has been no real action in almost 24 hours? Really glad I didn't stay up all night!
  9. Nah, I gotta go to bed otherwise I will be a mess in the morning! Might wake up during the night though and see if anything is happening...... (not very obsessed ) Night all!
  10. God, I wish i could call in sick- we have a new store opening on Saturday and tomorrow is the training day for all the new staff. this week has been so mental with people over from Brissie that I have had to drive here there and everywhere. i am going to take off early tomorrow afternoon but all that means is that I will come home and get the kids organised before the babysitter turns up. No rest for the wicked!!! Hope fully next week will be cruisier (fingers and toes crossed!)
  11. So is it worth me sitting up for news of the officialness all night or am I better off having a good nights sleep so I can complete a full days work and then go and perve at the boys from Maroon 5 and one republic tomorrow night (remember: row 4 ) Decisions, decisions!!! How are we all tonight?
  12. Okay, New York should be awake by now...... Very exciting- I knew I picked a good time to log on. Really need to sleep, but this is far more exciting!! :punk: :punk: :punk:
  13. I'll send you over a glossy booklet, I should still have your address, will pm if I don't. I have just noticed I have been sending work emails which really don't make sense or asking people for information when it was already there in an attachment so before I do anything else really dumb I am going to bed. Night all!
  14. Great- I rearranged the laundry and cleaned out the garden shed! No, it was pretty good, the kids got a good amount of eggs which I have busy eating! I agree- Easter eggs go off if not eaten in a week and I would hate to waste them. Yeah, I am really struggling with a venue, I try and do things cheap to save some money but in the end the company probably won't even notice so I might as well just do the easiest option! I have held a couple of good ones in Perth in funky renovated pubs that we didn't have to pay room hire on so now I am being fussy....... So I notice pinkunicorn is back- her lifetime ban has been overturned?
  15. Hey guys! I miss being on here But I have so much work going on at the moment that I just don't have time (and the time I did have over the weekend the server was down ) Am currently searching for a conference venue in Adelaide that is nice looking, can cater lunch but doesn't have a room hire charge....... and I don't know anything about Adelaide besides where our stores are..... thinking I gonig to give up and go to bed in a minute before I crash here....... What's been happening?
  16. Good girl, now you can hang out on here with us. On that note, I am off to bed! Sorry, but I am dead tired, hopefully some others will come and play! See you all tomorrow- another day off- yay!!!
  17. Happy Birthday lovey (sorry, couldn't be arsed looking for any funky graphic at the mo!) Maybe later if I am in the mood...........
  18. Hey y'all! Are we all enjoying our super long weekend? I have been cleaning my laundry What a sucky way to spend a day off....... And then spent 2 hours (well, alomst!) putting together a new cupboard to put in there. Tomorrow I tackle the garden shed so I have somewhere to put all the **** I kicked out of the laundry! Thanks for the heads up on some of the remixes, I know of the relax, say it right one but I liked the Mika goes to Hollywood one too!
  19. I was skimming posts and came across yours and was ready to punch you for using such a stupid colour and then realised you were doing it on purpose. Is it Finkster who uses a really small blu font? I always struggle to read her posts! Happily accepts wine and chocolates- so why have you given up this job (lost your love of fruit & veg? )
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