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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. Unfortunately no... I just think he wasn't ready for the photo... or he really was looking at soangel's cleavage!!! He does look like he's smiling at something...
  2. I think we were all glad we could oblige! Hope you have as much fun at your concert! Alright, gotta sleep... goodnight!
  3. Thanks! Someone else took the pic for us, and when I looked at it I realised where Mika was looking! I plan to get it printed out A4 size, and when he comes back to Australia I want to ask him where he's looking! And get him to sign it! Okay, I need sleep, so I'll see you later!
  4. I'll post some of mine... you'll have to see "the" picture.. just look at where Mika's eyes are looking...
  5. It was good, cause the securityt then tapped them on the backs and told them to go away after... and we almost got crushed cause people started pushing forward... but we got the stage, and he stood right in front of us!!!
  6. Those must have been from the professional photographers... they got to stand in front of us during Relax, Big Girl and My Interpretation... Geez we were annoyed, cause we got there and got our front row places first!
  7. Bring it on! I'll try to PM yours to you, can't guarantee that it'll work though! happikali! That was the first thing I noticed after they brought Rove and Lisa out... the poor boy was so embarrassed!!! How cute was he!
  8. Did those of us who went (and just saw Rove) notice that Mika's wearing the same t-shirt that he was wearing during the concert? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  9. It waas the best night! I can't believe we got invited backstage! To see Mika again! He was very impressed that Jolene knew all the words to Holy Johnny... So am I! If you haven't checked out the Mika in Australia thread, go there... I've posted a few pics, and I'm sure others have too!
  10. I saw it too, but you beat me to tell everyone! Oh well I'll let you have this one. I'll even upload the pics I have of you and Mika! (Just cause I'm feeling generous)
  11. Yeah, they all had different signs on their heads. Martin had the X, Luke had a ?, Mikey had a = and Cherisse had a -, and together they made an equation. Mika told us that at the concert!!!
  12. I know... It was amazing... he was right there... I got a few photos where I'm pretty much looking right up at him... and he still looked sexy no matter how bad the photos were!!! I especially liked how he was dancing in Sweet Dreams... HOT!!! Alrighty, I have to go... I'm being kicked off the net! Talk later (and post more pics!)
  13. Almost got I Want You Back... then I'll get the end of Lollipop... Does anyone know when the Take 40 live lounge stuff will be on?
  14. I'm doing it right now!!! This is so fun!
  15. Hi RBSKY! I have 3 photos to post right now... Me with Mika, 'the' pic, and Mika playing with his braces *sigh* This is me with Mika... how good looking is he! (Its now my background on my phone!) This is "the" photo... look where Mika's eyes are looking! And here is Mika playing with his braces... one thing to describe this pic... *sigh* (Might help if I post the right pic!) Guys, gotta go to the shops, will be back...
  16. Have to figure out how to get them on here... you guys have to see 'the' picture! You'll love it!!! If anyone can help feel free!
  17. Okay guys, looks like I'm the only one on so far so I'll put my own spin on yesterday's events... (It's long and involved so get comfy!) soangel and I arrived at The Forum at 3pm, and there were only two other people in front of us: one was a girl who caught the bus with us and a guy who had been there since 8:30 in the morning! We ended up going for a walk and when we got back, we found RBSKY and and her mother waiting, Mouselle was also around the corner near the stage door. We kept walking around the corner and eventually saw some backstage people painting big MIKA letters green (which he didn't like cause it would clash with his green trousers!). After more waiting, the band showed up and walked straight in, and started sound check. We actually thought that Mika was already in there, cause we could hear singing during the soundcheck, but we found out that he was coming later, so we were his welcoming committee!We all got autographs, and he actually remembered RBSKY and thanked her for the pressie and told us that he held a koala! We also had a group photo... and we have photographic evidence of MIKA checking out soangel's boobs!!!! At about 8pm we got in, raced straight to the front and got to chat to Mika's manager who then invited us backstage!!! We stayed there till after the support act when we had to move back for some photographers (they were there for 3 songs then left) then we ended up right at the stage! Mika told us about this email he got from a 14 year old girl who got really angry about it being an over 18 event, and apparently used A LOT of F-words in her email... Mika replied with, "You're f***ing 14?!" (Sorry about the swearing!!!). At the start of "Big Girl" he asked if there were any big girls in there, we all screamed out (even the skinny girls behind us!) and then he said, "Lets show them what you're f***ing worth!" (Or something along those lines - sorry for the swearing again!) He didn't play "Happy Ending" cause the girl who mnormally sings it didn't come (cause of money) but that was okay, the rest of the concert was AWESOME! After Grace Kelly, they came out in the animal outfits, did their thing and then sang LOLLIPOP!!! All four lollipop people (2 boys and 2 girls) came out and were throwing lo0llipops, and I managed to cop one in the nose and I started bleeding! But did get a balloon. After the concert, we went upstairs to go backstage, and they weren't going to let us in cause we didn't have passes but Mika's manager came to our rescue. We went in, met Mika again (looking as good as always) and had a chat to us and then we left... By that stage my large balloon had been stolen! WE LEFT, BUT HAD AN ABSOLUTELY AWESOME TIME!!! I will post some pics soon!
  18. Martin had an X, Luke had a ?, Mikey had an = and Cherisse had a -, and all together they make a weird equation (apparently that's what Mika said)
  19. Happy Ending was left out because the girl who sings in i6t couldn't come cause it was too expensive to come for just one show... MIKA told us that!!! WE GOT BACKSTAGE!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Blue Sky! You look hot!!! that's such a gorgeous pic! Hope you had an awesome time, even though he didn't go to the after party !
  21. Hello Zoe (even though you're standing right next to me!)... Have fun, we're all crazy in here!!!
  22. Hi everyone, I'm Tegan. I live in a city called Orange (it's basically 4 hours west of Sydney)... Umm, the first time I heard Mika was on a tv ad for ring tones, and once I downloaded Grace Kelly I loved it and bought the album...
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