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Status Updates posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Thanks! I've ordered the EP though Mikasounds and I've got it in my cupboard where I keep his CD, DVDs and my Mika copybook where I store lyrics, pictures and whatever I draw or write... I have no idea how many EPs are left, but I know we are more than 10 000 MFCers and only 10 000 EPs,so if every one of us wants one, there won't be enough, so I wouldn't wait for too long if I were you. And there is a limited edition (1000) which are special (the cover is made of satin maybe, I'm not sure) but I have no idea how you can get those! It's really worth ordering it; the book is beautiful and although I also downloaded (legally!) the songs, I prefer to own the genuine CD! Maybe you can find it second hand once there a no more new onces, but it might be more expensive or in poor shape... it's really up to you!


  2. Blame it on my work; I'd better go to bed now; this week I'm an early bird! bye! Take care!

  3. Have fun watching the movie together! Here it's night time! XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO

    I just tweeted you !

  4. Hi HollyD! I might not miss you tonight, who knows? How are you doing?

  5. Oui, j'ai pris quelques photos, mais elle sont encore dans la carte et pas encore sur l'ordi! Promis, dès que je peux j'en mets en ligne! Le spectacle était surtout fait par le public (ceux qui étaient en costumes de héros de manga ou de jeux vidéos!)

  6. Have a Mihappy day!:)

  7. I had to go to bed! But I'm back this morning..and you're gone...:(what color of pants are you thinking about? I'm now admin of a MFC on facebook, but it's not the official one! It doesn't matter; it made me get to know more nice Mikaddicted people!

    Enjoy your daydreaming in the sun (sunbathing is wonderful too!) next week end!

  8. The link to the Mika dictionnary doesn't work tonight! I hope it's not gone! I'll check again tomorrow!

  9. The temperature of the Gulf of Mexico might be warmer to swim in!

  10. Great , you're online!

  11. Oui, je suis en vacances (officielles!) les trois dernières semaines d'août! Samedi, on était à la Japan Expo; mon fils a eu une dédicace de son auteur préféré...ça m'a encore plus donné envie de rencontrer Mika!

  12. Hi RainbowGirl! Welcome among the MFCers! I just love your name! I can't wait for Mika's new album either! It's going to be so great to dash out of the store with it and listen to Mika's new beautiful songs! Hopefully "We are golden " will be on the radio either on July 17th or 21st!

    Have fun with us here!:)

  13. Lucky you! Florida's weather is really wonderful! How long do you live from the ocean?

  14. As for me I never wear socks, but my husband, daughter and son do; less in summer when they wear sandals, so that's big relief for me!

  15. One thing I try to do is to buy lots of the same identical socks, so I can at least match what's left! Or sometimes I fold them together before I put them in the washing machine, but then I often loose them also when they are drying!

  16. One thing I try to do is to buy lots of the same identical socks, so I can at least match what's left! Or sometimes I fold them together before I put them in the washing machine, but then I often loose them when they are drying!

  17. Hi Sabine! I think you meant to leave a note for FOUCHONNERET but it ended up on my board; I'm going to try to forward it to her!:) Have a nice week:)

  18. J'espère que tu as passé un bon week end;bisous et Mikalins!

  19. What's the matter with the socks? Do they disappear ine the washing machine?They always do in mine!

  20. Enjoy yourself with the kids at the ocean; it's the best place to be ! Take care!


  21. Oh, I became admin for the facebook MFC last night, I couldn't resist even though I'm new to facebook and have never been an admin before but that's for Mika!

  22. I changed two years ago and I' m still amazed that I actually get money for doing what I love most! (taking care of babies!)

  23. Je suis une assistante maternelle qui adore les bébés (et donc son travail!)

    J'ai changé de cap professionnel il y a deux ans et je regrette seulement de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tôt, car j'étais faite pour ça à cent pour cent! Je m'étonne toujours d'être payée à faire ce que j'aime!

    Pour le concert en live, ça sera peut-être un peu plus compliqué vu que ça n'interesse ni mon mari, ni mes enfants d'y assister et il faudrait une date un week end ou pendant des vacances (et pouvoir réserver à l'avance) alors qu'on ne sait jamais à l'avance ou on sera pour les vacances précisément! Il faut donc une bonne dose de chance (l'année dernière, j'aurais pu être à Nîmes aux Arènes , mais il n'y avait plus de places -sauf sur e-bay!)

    J''espère qu'avec toutes les infos que j'arrive à avoir sur Mika maintenant, ça se fera!

    En attendant , je suis devenue hier soir admin du MFC sur facebook! La place était libre et je n'ai pas pu résister, même si je ne suis pas très sure de ce qui va m'arriver ensuite! Aucune expérience en tant qu'admin et nouvelle sur facebook, mais c'est cool!

  24. Take care! You must have felt bliss to when you were with Mika! He was so sweet to give MFCers ice creams; that's so typical of him, so sweet!

  25. It was HollyD! A deep breath of fresh air , sea and sun!


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