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Sabine64 last won the day on July 4 2017

Sabine64 had the most liked content!


2,849 Excellent

About Sabine64

  • Birthday 05/01/1964


  • Bio
    Dreams About the MFC!

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  • Gender
  • Location -
    Germany near Würzburg

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  1. Der Thread lebt!!!! Und es gibt einige neue deutsche Mitglieder im MFC was ich sehr erfreut festgestellt habe. Ich freu mich auch total auf Bonn. Schwetzingen kann ich leider nicht machen, da ich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen acht Monate nicht arbeiten konnte und gerade erst wieder angefangen habe zu arbeiten. Ich bin schon froh, daß ich für Bonn frei bekommen habe. Wann wir bei der Queue aufschlagen? Ich denke wir werden wieder Seniorenqueuing machen, aber das entscheiden wir wahrscheinlich kurzfristig.
  2. Hello Kira and welcome to the MFC. Have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany and I´m very happy to see another German fan on MFC
  3. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany
  4. Hi Anna and welcome to the MFC. Maybe we will see us in Bonn, I will be there too. I´m Sabine from Germany
  5. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany and I also was in Berlin
  6. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. Nice to see more German fans
  7. He played lot´s of new songs at the last tour but only in French speaking countries and there were so many new elements for the older songs at those gigs. I saw 3 gigs end of March beginning of April in one week and every single concert was very different to the last one. So I cannot share your opinion I´m sorry.
  8. The Sinfonia concert in Como was public, I bought a ticket for it but they where sold out in a few minutes.
  9. Happy Birthday Sabine :hug:



    1. Hero


      Happy special birthday Sabine!  :yay:


    2. Prisca


      Happy Birthday Sabine! :yay:

  10. so schön, daß hier im Thread ein bißchen Leben ist. Ich hätte auch das Fandom gesagt.
  11. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany
  12. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany
  13. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany
  14. Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. I´m Sabine from Germany
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