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Posts posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. I have to agree with everyone who has been saying this sounds like the "old" Mika. I love the little quirks and spelling errors in the original text. It affords a very real quality, kind of like the blogs from days gone by. :wub2:


    This column seems to epitomize that "something" about Mika that's just so damn endearing... the quirky, offbeat, bizarrely intelligent lens though which he views the world. Like the line "A little post life theatre can’t be a bad thing." That's just so Mika, in 10 words or less. :teehee:


    And the random thing about the henchman. "...must have a doctorate in something obscure, like the behaviour of a subspecies of amazonian red ant." I love that. :roftl: Or "Those guides are written by self promoting workaholics who want you to buy their books, feel crap again and then buy another one." :lmao:


    Reading this just makes me want to hug him and be like "Don't ever change." :blush-anim-cl:


    How about this one: "We all know that discipline makes you feel better about yourself." True? Untrue? Discuss. :teehee:

  2. Thanks a lot ! :huglove:


    Mr.Doriand is a charming singer !




    Oh wow, that video is so Mika-flavoured. No wonder they wanted to work together. :biggrin2:


    Mika explains in the vlog that this is Doriand the person who helped write the French lyrics of GK.

    Always loved that vlog:wub2: It's really funny when Mika's laughing at Doriand who first thought that this vid was going to be kept private and then thinks that it's broadcasted live:roftl:


    I sorta figured that was him Mika sat next to in that Grevin video, but I wasn't sure. That old vlog is so cute. :wub2:

  3. I was wondering if there's a download link of the full show with the missing parts included. Sorry for not being clear :blush-anim-cl:. Thanks in advance


    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember the kitchen scene and Everybody's Talking airing as separate video clips from the full show - bonus content, essentially. So I'm about 80% sure there isn't any one download with ALL the footage. :thumb_yello:

  4. _DSC_0333pp.jpg


    That is such a great pic. :fangurl:


    Is Jimmy serious?:


    from Twitter:

    jimmyplaysbass Jimmy Sims

    I'm going to audition for xfactor next year.

    2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply


    jimmyplaysbass Jimmy Sims

    What should my xfactor audition song be?

    9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


    :lmfao: I hope he's serious. That would be perfect. He should sing... something by Cheryl Cole? :roftl:

  5. Since I've seen Mika live back in august, I am addicted to him.


    I joined the fan club and I can't seem to get enough of him, I need to look at pics, vids... I am clearly obsessed :shocked:


    And I listen to his music every day.


    After being obsessed with Mika for almost four years I can confidently tell you... it doesn't get any better. :insane::roftl:

  6. Hmm...maybe we are talking about different things then. Our unemployment pays 55% of your working wage, to a maximum of $457/week. So if you were earning $40,000/year before you lost your job for example, you would get $423/week. This lasts for about a year and then you would have to go on welfare which is a much different situation and depends on your circumstances.


    The welfare system, at least in my part of the country, seems primarily geared toward families with young children. A single adult who can't work receives about $125 per month for rent. :boxed: An apartment anywhere near a city is about $900 per month. To even rent just a bedroom in a house with the kitchen/bathroom/laundry shared with other tenants is still about $400 per month. :doh:


    What concerns me most is that the government wants to fine students who have a study delay of a year. It's not a small fine, it's 3000 euros. Also they want to cut the study finance and you won't get any money if you want to do a Master after your bachelor. But on the other hand they do want Holland to get back in the top 5 of knowledge countries. I wonder how they want to do that if they discourage people of studying.


    What do you mean by a fine? Higher tuition rates if students want to take a gap year between secondary school and university? Or between years of university? :blink:


    I don't know about other countries, but in Canada university-aged people seem to be the most keen to protest things they don't like - I recall being part of a few protests against tuition hikes when I was in school. I think there are two reasons: first, issues like tuition hikes directly and seriously impact students. Secondly, students aren't yet jaded about change. When you're 45 years old and have a family and are struggling to pay your mortgage, I think that's when people throw up their hands and resign themselves to the fact that nothing they can do will effect change.


    The cost of post-secondary is a tough one. It's so overwhelming to know that without post-secondary education, employment options are limited; but to get a four-year degree at a decent school (and to feed and house yourself in the process), you can walk away with student loans the size of a small mortgage on a house. It's scary. :blink:

  7. Imagine the pressure to have to CREATE a lot of songs for your professional life to continue!:shocked:

    And your income.

    And your fame.

    And your mere existence...:blink:


    I have the most possible respect for people with creative occupations!


    I've thought about that a lot. From my own perspective, I love writing; poetry, short stories, and have even considered writing a novel. But like Mika has said about his songwriting, I write as a remedy for myself. I don't know if I could reconcile being required to write and create in order to maintain momentum with my career. So I too have major respect for the people who can handle that.


    I agree, what an extraordinary pressure. But I was also thinking the other day of the flip side of this and how amazing it must be to make a living basically selling your imagination to others. I mean how many of us express our ideas to no one but friends and family (and maybe a few people on the internet :naughty:) who care but otherwise they go unnoticed by the world. Mika's wild imagination is manifested in his songs and artwork and performances and millions of people love it so much they will buy it. I hope that gives him an amazing feeling of self-worth, because it should.


    I totally agree. We don't really know what Mika thinks of the pressure of being required to create; if he finds it stressful that the record label has commercial expectations, if he's worried about alienating his existing fanbase, etc. But whatever he did in order to shut all that out and create TBWKTM, he did something so right. He's proved that he can tune out all the noise and just tap into his colourful, wild imagination and create something that resonates with literally millions of people. Sure the fact that he does this for a living adds pressure in terms of being obligated to create, but he gets to create something that goes beyond his sphere of friends and family to impact people around the world. He should be so freakin' proud of that. :wub2:


    As for creative jobs, I think the pressure also comes from the fact that some people will always be ready to criticize you whatever you do. It's sad, but human. Criticizing is easier than creating and lots of people don't respect someone else's efforts, especially if they show better skills and greater creativity. Anyway most people involved in creative jobs don't necessarily need success, they only need to create freely. Sometimes success will only allow you to be able to keep on working. Just consider the hours of daily practice that a classical musician need: money allows you to have time to study with fewer worries.


    I guess you learn how to cope with pressure, because after all it is part of the creative process. Of course, if you are really talented, you will probably keep creating despite the pressure, but it's true that people who are not particularly strong or resilient may suffer seriously.


    I think you're right. In addition to broad commercial expectations I imagine there's also the fear of being criticized. I think it would be interesting to talk to singer-songwriters about how they cope with that. I could be wrong, but I would imagine that taking criticism for a song that you created would be harder to swallow than criticism for a song that someone else wrote and you just lent vocals to. I'm going out on a limb here, but maybe that's part of the reason Mika wanted to write TBWKTM in a studio instead of at home - it affords a sort of detachment to the songs, rather than subjecting himself to criticism over something he created in his bedroom.


    Then again, I suspect when it comes to critics Mika is well aware that he will polarize opinions, and that if he's happy with what he's created (and the commercial sales are reasonable), he can just chalk the criticisms up to a difference in taste. I hope so, anyhow. :dunno:

  8. :lmfao: i just showed hubby mika with wax mika & he said "wow, is that his brother? they look so much alike!" :aah:

    keep in mind, hubby is not a mika fan (though he likes Kick Ass) & had no idea Mika was getting waxed (for a lack of a better term :teehee:)


    I showed my hubby a pic of Wax Mika and he was like "wow, Mika looks stoned in that picture." :roftl:

  9. That one was nice, but the Grammys 2008 look still makes me :swoon: !


    Me too! He looked fantastic at the 2008 Grammys. :wub2:




    This is my most favourit outfit ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I love that too. I think the lumberjack look works for him, especially with the five o'clock shadow and untamed hair. :teehee:


    I also like when he wears glasses.



    And Mika in light blue :mf_lustslow:



    Those are both cute looks. I love the glasses. And he looks really good in blue, doesn't he? :wub2:


    Now, back to "interesting" fashion statements... how about the long blue trench coat with reddish shoes? :roftl:



  10. This thread is brilliant.




    This combination is also a bit....complicated.


    Oh I love that. :roftl: The red with brown might be a bit "unconventional", but I think he makes it work. Of course I may be a little biased, as that brown hoodie just screams "vintage Mika" to me, so it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


    Birdy shorts!!




    OMG those are FANTASTIC. I hope someone tweeted him that link. I SO want him to do a festival in those. :biggrin2:


    Please Mika, no baggy jeans!


    Nooo, he looks the best in baggy-ish jeans. Not falling off his ass, mind you, but he doesn't need to rock tight trousers his whole life. The Coachella ones look great. :wub2:




    Again, dead chicken... no.


    The legendary parrot sash. That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread. :roftl:


    How about the sweatsuit, originally priced at $345.




    Ack! Mika, don't you dare!


    I have a love/hate relationship with this outfit...




    Yikes. Those trousers might be alright for him... but not until the year 2048. Until then, he can give them back to his grandfather. :roftl:


    what about these then?



    Now that I actually love. If he were to add a bowler hat, that would look downright attractive. :teehee:

  11. Si mal no recuerdo Imma y Martin fueron los primeros en salir al escenario, ufff como describir esa sensacion de ver por fin en carne y huesos a gente que siempre ves en fotos o videos??? indescriptiblemente hermoso, sobre todo con mika:wub2: el publico exploto apenas el entro ... y volvio a explotar con los primeros acordes de relax...


    I remember that feeling. :wub2:


    Muchas gracias, sookiee! Cuéntanos más! :biggrin2:

  12. It is so nice to have fresh pics and vids again! :fangurl: Sometimes I watch these vids, hear his amazing voice and still find myself holding my breath. :blush-anim-cl:


    Where are all the reports, people? Did Mika render his entire Chilean fanbase speechless? Write them in Spanish if you like, we can all use Google Translate. :roftl:


    As for the bird shirt... yes, it looks like he stole it from someone's great grandmother's buffet table, but strangely it doesn't look bad on him. :shocked:

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