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Posts posted by stien

  1. Ok, here are some first video's more to come later when I have more time on my hands.


    -Love Today, the Intro with the skeleton puppet and Mika with an umbrella



    -The end of Lollipop where everything is falling down (balloons, snippets,...)



    -After Lollipop Mika and the band come up to bow, you can really see how happy he looks!




    More to come:

    Happy Ending were he sings right into the camera!

    Flemish-spoken introduction of Billy Brown

  2. It's just because there's so much! It's a lot easier with a 5 minute interview than a 50 minute one. I went over the first half or so this morning so I'll give you what I've got so far.


    "You just have to pinch yourself and realize that they're only there because of your music and not because of how deep your personality is."

    - talking about celebrities and people like Jean Paul Gaultier hanging around. I don't think he's right at all. I think it was clear that Alan Cumming was interested in him personally because he recognized his Mika's personality in his work - just as all his fans do.


    "Who wants to be a Teletubby?"

    - talking about not wanting to do what he does all for one single. He says it's too much hard work and he's really chuffed that even in the US where the album hadn't been released yet that people knew the words to every song.

    "I'm getting all bitchy. Then I'm gonna have to put a big smile on and do my job in front of 1500 people."

    This was filmed in the spring but he is already complaining of being sick and tired and having to take high doses of medication. I think people would be well advised to keep this quote in mind when they start believing that his relationship with his fans is more than it is. I don't think Mika is phony and I think his genuine personality comes through when he interacts with people, but ultimately he is just doing his job and if you encounter him when he's not "on" don't be surprised or take it personally if he's acting rather bitchy.


    He tries to temper his complaints by adding that he's having fun at the end, but I'm not sure I believe him. Except for the moments on stage, he seems to be pretty dragged down by everything else about promo and touring.


    "I don't have that sense of belonging...because of that I'm not chained down anywhere. I kind of look at everything from a very detached point of view and I think that's a really good place to approach things from."

    We've all heard this before in the context of his family moving from place to place but I have to wonder what he's really talking about here. I think his talk about being constantly uprooted is an exaggeration and his family has been pretty settled since he was quite young. I wonder if the detachment he talks about is more of a social isolation than anything to do with moving from country to country.


    Wow, I loved this post! Especially that one part. I think you could be soooo right... I think there's very much behind what we get to see on stage. And the dvd shows a bit of the "bitchy"-side of him. Although he tries to be positive 'it's fun' but you can see that he only says that because there's a camera.

    It makes me realise even more how much this is a job for him. One of the best jobs anyone can ever get, but still a job.

    About the isolation: he has indeed a distant view, being rejected so much... I tell you: so much that we will never know!

  3. Hello,


    Yesterday, I went to Brussels for the show. And it was completely amazing ... of course :bleh:

    I met really interesting people there and they told me that they are member of MFC ... so I decided to join it too !!!


    Have a nice day

    See you soon

    :wub2: MIKA :wub2:





    It was great yesterday, indeed. Perfect timing for joining us!

  4. The subject of Michael Hutchence came up yesterday and someone pointed out that Mika is no Michael Hutchence but even Michael Hutchence wasn't Michael Hutchence at 24.


    Mika is just a baby and his growth over the past year has been remarkable. If he keeps progressing at the same rate he's going to be a superstar in 5 years.


    It only makes me wonder about the future. Sometimes it even scares me, his success has been so fast. I know he always says 'it's an overnight success eleven years in the making' But I think the way he lives has changed dramatically. No, I say that wrong: his environment has changed dramatically. We can only hope that

    a. his voice will cope

    b. his songwriting will grow better and better

    c. he never gets used to fame (and stays as down to earth as he is now)

    d. he never loses his untempting enthousiasm on stage, cause it gives you chills...

  5. He looked so very tired! :shocked:


    Yeah, he did on television, but on stage he looked just fine, really. I was extremely worried after hearing all of the illness-stories so when he ran up the stage I looked very carefull, but nothing to see.

    Of course we all know what medication can do, but maybe he was just out of bed or something.

    He looked fine when we met him after the concert too... So maybe he is exhausted, but he's not dropping dead I think :wink2:

  6. Now you know why some of us are crazy enough to fly half-way round the world. :biggrin2:


    The real thing is more mind blowing than the DVD, let me assure you. That intro is fantastic though.


    Oh god, you are so right. Until yesterday, I only knew youtube, your reviews and the dvd...


    Yesterday I saw the real thing... How can anyone be SO addictive, so unbelievable live, SO mindblowing, he knows the poses, he knwo how to tease the audience, he knows what to say at which point in the gig... and he's still so young...


    I'm head over heels...

  7. Thank you :biggrin2:





    but i think i need a little help to understand it! :fisch:


    Well, if you wait a little longer, they will put the interview on their site, and then I'll give you the link... There's a lot of things he has said before, but since this was his first time in Belgium a lot of old questions had to be asked. The most beautiful thing it the part after the show, where he says how amazing the gig was en tells us about his next two days...


    coming soon...

  8. Stien,

    I liked your review so much.

    Ik heb het aan mijn vrienden laten lezen omdat jij het allemaal zo mooi en goed beschrijft.

    En het klinkt natuurlijk ook anders als ze het eens van een ander horen hoe geweldig Mika was.

    Echt, nice work you did.


    Ps. ik ben die met het purper haar je weet wel he.

    Het was fijn om je te ontmoeten.

    Groetjes en hopelijk tot de volgende gig.


    I felt like the only way to calm down a bit was to write it all down. So many impressions in just 1h40min... The mind can only take what it can take...


    Anyways, I did know you where the one with the purple hair, and I absolutely LOVED your bag! See you at a next gig indeed!


    thanks for the compliment :blush-anim-cl:



  9. I know! I told him only what i prepared to say and that's all.


    I didn't look him in the eyes. I think it was because i couldn't. I would have felt a lot more embarressed after that! :blush-anim-cl:


    But his eyes are one of the most beautiful things about him, especially when he looks into yours...


    ok, I should stop, with every sentence I write it loose more and more credibility :wink2:


    Oh, I saw a piece about his gig yesterday on 'de rode loper' where he said it again: the best gig of his live.... It even looks as if he was overwhelmed by emotions (but maybe that's only me who wants to believe that)



  10. just water. I have that on video.


    so here comes finally my report! but don't kill me if your hopes were higher than this lol



    I left my place with fanny and béré in the car a bit after 9 am, and we arrived in brussels around noon. But the most difficult part wasn’t done yet. We still had to find the forest national, which took quite some time. Thank god I had a brilliant idea mwahahaha : I took a picture of a city map that hang on a bus station and used the picture to find the direction. We asked a few people but my "map" was finally what helped us, because before we kept going into the wrong directions !

    So we arrived there at 1 pm and started queuing in the line where nobody was standing yet. It was really the worst queuing I ever experienced it was raining most of the time and in the end my hair was as wet as if I had just washed it although I was standing partly under an umbrella, my arms were all wet and before all my ass ! don’t ask me how that happened lol my feet were aching so bad at one point I was hardly able to move. Anyway I’m gonna stop talking about the eternal suffering the whole afternoon :P When we were let in Stien slipped and fell on the ground (it was absolutely logical with wet shoes) and I started to slip too and couldn’t help but fall over her. Thinking back upon it I’m laughing so hard, because at one moment we were in quite a strange position but sorry anyway ! so I kept running and it really wasn’t easy to get to stage. But I mangaged to get second row behind olga at the catwalk. Then I noticed that between her and the guy next to her there was a small spot, so I started to work my way in there lol first one arm, then two (I’m giving you advices here :naughty: ) and I finally ended up at my dream spot: front row in the exact middle in front of the catwalk!

    When Mika was about to start some photographers were standing in front of us and I started to nicely argue with one of them. He was really sorry and gave me his official badge :D

    Even before Mika entered on stage the crowd was already all hyper! We saw some laolas: amazing! Then he entered and seriously I never saw a crowd like this! We were regularly stamping our feet on the ground jumping and screaming like crazy. You could hardly hear the beginning of the gig because of the screaming lol He even had to wait some moments before he could start with my interpretation and said that already after 2 songs he didn’t know what to say anymore! I got some videos to show the atmosphere, especially how much do you love me and SiTM were amazing. And the end was really sth I feel lucky to have been able to live, the crowd always wanted more :P and one could see they were truly amazed by us hihi

    After the gig it was raining again so we stayed inside as long as possible, until they threw us out actually lol and soon after that we saw people running towards the artist exit. We hurried and then we noticed people starting to queue. We went at "the end of the line" (lol) and he took quite some time with each person. We talked with him about how he finally understood that introduire in French doesn’t mean introduce and he said that he saw us laughing when he said "présenter" on stage. So funny! Those that had already gotten their autograph had gone, so we were like 10 people left and fanny asked if we could take a picture with him. And he agreed to group pictures wooooooooooooooooooooooot a picture with him has always been one of my biggest dreams! So we split in two groups and took two pictures, which btw I’d like to see lol I’m so happy about that. I really didn’t think that would ever happen. He was so nice and sweet yesterday

    After he left a few people stayed to talk to his mom. But I left with niki and blue and we were allowed to drink a cup of coffee with simon inside the bus! :biggrin: we chatted a little about everything and it was so great to see the inside of the bus. Really luxurious! They are so lucky!

    And I know I’m lucky too :)


    Oh Stien!! I adore your report!!!! :wub2: Especially the conversation and the Tintin parts!!!


    Oh Tintin!!!!! :



    It made me happy just to write it :roftl: I just don't want to forget a thing!


    When we were let in Stien slipped and fell on the ground (it was absolutely logical with wet shoes) and I started to slip too and couldn’t help but fall over her. Thinking back upon it I’m laughing so hard, because at one moment we were in quite a strange position :naughty: but sorry anyway !


    Haha, no problem! The floor was verrrrrrry slippery indeed, and all could think about was to get up as fast as possible to get to that stage :-) Haha, when you think about it now, it was indeed hilarious :biggrin2::roftl:



    By the way, this after-gig-feeling is reaaaally strange. I don't know whether to be happy or sad....

  12. Ok, here I go...


    This was my first Mika-gig ever. I tought that I knew how I would feel after reading all your reports en seeing all of this youtibe-footage... Bot OH MY GOD how wrong was I????


    He really really took my breath away, he sang sooooo good. The audience was unbelievable, the more we sang, the more he smiled. At a certain point, he didn't even know what to say anymore. He just stared at us, starstruck while the whole crowd was going mad. When it tdidn't stop he just started to laugh hysterically and jumped up en down like a little kid.


    Because the audience was soooo interactive, he made Stuck in the Middel two times as long, made us sing very difficult pieces, it was like a battle: us against him. He looked at us with some kind of "now show me what you've got"-look, and the crowd played along.

    Insanity is the word that comes up to me when I think about it.


    Same thing happened with Love Today: the drum solo didn't seem to stop. Everyone was hitting everything. He threw the water on Cherisse, she started chasing him with her drumsticks. He took his shirt off (oh god, what a body) and put the Tintin-T-shirt on. He show it to the crowd with a very proud face, and got a huge applaus in return.

    What can I say? I was loosing my mind, I think.


    Holy Johnny was funny, the band was having fun (as usual I think) Mika lost himself in some sort of praying, he looked out of his mind, but I loved it!


    Let me think... oh, let me say it (once again) he said at a certain point:

    "Me and my band, we've NEVER seen this before, you are the best audience we ever had"

    I realised at the end that the gig had been 1 hour and 40 minutes!!!! I don't think he's ever played so long!


    Anyway, after it ended, we waited for him. Security was not so nice, but I was warned by the other reports.

    But he was awesome. So down to earth! Conversation was like this:

    -"I have to say, you were unbelievable tonight. And your Flemisch accent was really good"

    -(made a cute little picture on my dvd) well thank you! It was very hard (the flemish)

    -you did a great job

    -what's that on your face?

    -I tried to paint a little of your artwork on my cheek, but it's messed up because I sweated so much

    -(starts laughing very hard) yeah, ik looks like you've been punched in the face right now!!! (laughs uncontrolled while pretending to punch me)

    -(I laughed too) yeah, but it doesn't matter now, it's over isn't it?

    and then the security guy said: "Yeah, I saw you girls standing in front of the stage, they were singing along to every single line"

    And then Mika looked at us, very sweet, said thank you. We said thank you, and we went away.


    I think it's amazing that he takes the time to sign for everyone. Even if he can't remember the faces becaus he has seen so much, I think it's wonderful.


    Ok, I'll upload some video's later....

    Time to get to my books!


    (oh, and droopsy, thanks for the glowsticks!)


  13. You're very welcome!


    I just watched the documentary and loved it! Although Mika does whine a lot. :naughty:


    I noticed that too... can't blame him though, must be tough to be on the road for over a year.


    Oh, I never noticed before, but in the Jools Holland video, you can clearly see his family in the background. It's sweet actually, they're humming along it seems.

  14. Hint?

    I'll just tell you where they are, isn't that better? :biggrin2:

    There are 3 that I found (don't think there are more):


    Live in Paris -> At the first page move down to 'main menu,' then press to the right. The white band should turn pink. Press enter/play/whatever.

    A long way from home -> Same thing. When you're on 'main menu' press to the right and the little apple will light up.

    Extras -> Again, when you're on 'main menu' press to the right, one of the sheep will turn red. :naughty:


    thank you :biggrin2:

    I found them!


    I feel like a kid with a new toy

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