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Scut Monkey

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Posts posted by Scut Monkey

  1. He wanted it to be "Bigger and more fantastic", and what is there more theatrical than these Indian/Bangra/Bollywood productions?

    All colour, vibrancy, movement.....

    Good point.


    if he shaves it and then gets a tan on the bald head, that could be nice...It all depends on the shape of his melon.


    If he has a good shape--> nice. Bad, irregular shape-> grow it FAST!


  2. babs.... how did you come across this article?

    She explained in the Appleman thread yesterday: a co-worker of hers who reads Asian Lite, a publication for professional UK Indians, saw it and then passed it on to her. At first we thought it was about the Indian singer also called Mika but when she scanned it for us we realised it was about "our" Mika.

  3. He makes the sign of the cross before his performance in the DVD but I always wondered if that was more of a superstitious/OCD type thing than anything else.

    Ah, I remember that now.


    Did he do it 3 times? :naughty:


    Sounds to me like he wanted to go somewhere secluded. He could've come to Australia if he wanted that. Stayed at HK's.. We could've gone there too.. Ok so maybe not total seclusion.. :naughty:

    But her Verandah's a good place to get in touch with your spiritual side.

    Actually, we have lots of spiritual places in Australia. As for remote there are few places in the world better than the Northern Territory, there are stunning natural features preserved in secluded areas.

  4. You took the words out of my mouth...he never mentioned marriage.

    The day he comes out saying he wants to get married, I will effectively eat my hat. Or a suitable alternative, as I have no hat.

    I thought I was the only one weird enough to remember which interviews random quotes come from. :naughty:


    *checks us both into therapy :insane:*

  5. If his embracing the hindu way of life, does that mean his no longer the good catholic boy?

    That's a good point actually. He's said before that he was raised as a good Catholic boy but he has made no statement about what he currently believes or practices now. :blink:

  6. Yeah, I have never done yogic flying. I don't even know what that is. Maybe where you get into wall ropes and hang or something? I don't know. I've done a wall ropes class before, but we didn't call it yogic flying. :blink:

    At least he can't get "chaffed" with yogic flying. :mf_rosetinted:

  7. I honestly don't know what to believe! But it would be cool if he did yoga, since I've been doing it for almost 13 years now.


    That website is just mad. That simply cannot be our Mika. If he's into yoga enough to teach it, he would have mentioned it in at least a few interviews!

    That article about Mika instructing yoga and Mika kissing that girl are about other people called Mika.


    Our Mika, however, does do yoga. The interview is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyfvig7OHO4

  8. I's in August Hun




    No, he cancelled V Festival in Australia which is this week.




    "MIKA has advised V Festival Australia that he will unfortunately be unable to perform at the V Festival in Australia due to conflicts that have recently arisen with the production schedule for the recording of his follow-up album.


    In an effort to create the best album possible for fans, MIKA will need additional time to record in London.


    He extends many apologies to anyone who has purchased tickets for the inconvenience and disappointment this cancellation may cause."



    Instead he's in India, yogic flying. :mf_rosetinted:

  9. He went to India rather than V fest :blink:

    Isn't somewhere around end of March/start of April the beginning of the Hindu new year? :newyear:

    I know. We already suspected his "recording commitments" excuse was bollocks after he said that he's in no hurry to finish the second album, now the report that he's in India is the nail in the coffin. :sneaky2:

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