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Scut Monkey

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Posts posted by Scut Monkey

  1. Since it looks like Fred's hit the hay now, I guess it's my turn...



    So let me say up front, at the risk of having you all lynch me -- there won't be any news today, I've just had word that it will be TOMORROW :(


    I know, I know... we've been told that before, but... that's what I've been told now, so we gotta have faith... Oooh, suddenly I'm channeling George Michael...




    Anyway... yes, I'll probably close this thread soon, since it's close to

    3000 posts... but go on and fill it up for a bit now! :wink2:



    So it was an unintentional April Fools: we all believed that it would be posted April 1st and now it won't be. Good going, Jerry, you pranked us without even realising it. :newyear:

  2. I like the new thread title: comprehensive and pedantic. :thumb_yello:


    High five, apples! :yay:



    This was a great distraction while we're waiting for officialness.

    It was a selfless service to the community. :newyear:



    I tried to support it as well, but I wasn't very inspired at 8 am and didn't have a lot of time later in the day to continue, but it looks like you had enough support with Scut's anger and Pam's blog.

    Pam's unsolicited blog post was the icing on the cake. I was in a public library when I read it and I couldn't stop laughing, people looked at me like I was insane. :roftl:


    Or is it a joke that it is a joke?


    Ah, you apples!:naughty:

    We're not that convoluted. :naughty:

  3. the poor aussies! distressed over his detour. lol. my goodness!

    Don't worry, the other Aussies who posted in this thread were in on the joke too. :bleh:


    I learned about yogic flying, head shaving rituals, mystical theories about use of the left hand, problems at Heathrow airport, sanitary and toilet conditions of India, and more! Much, much more!


    Where else would I get this wealth of knowledge. Great job, guys!

    Kids, now you can tell your parents that the MFC is educational after all. :newyear:

  4. Another picture with daughter:


    Mika with children :wub2:


    these ones are blonde like one of his daughters...Maybe that's why he's so happy

    I don't think you should repost photos of children on the internet without their parents' permission. That's the reason why Kelzy and Soangel used photos of themselves in the photoshop, to avoid that problem.

  5. oh god.. i hope scut monkey reads this ....

    she was quite upset about the whole thing!


    she was part of it :wink2:


    Scut dotted all the "i"s and crossed all the "t"s on the final edit. :naughty:


    she should go into "internet acting" she sounded truly upset


    and the virtual oscar goes to............. scut :naughty:



    Scut...great job :P You really sounded upset lol.....

    I'm a professional whiner. Thanks to Mika I've had a lot of practice. But he's still #1 whiner, I've yet to have my whining reach an audience of millions or have it immortalised on DVD like him. :newyear:


    I'll have you know that article came from scratch. It wasn't a quick Photoshop edit.


    Yeah, the text came from the paper's website, but the whole page was laid out from scratch. We wanted it to look real.


    it even looked like babs scanned it crooked

    good thinking!!

    Worthy.gif Christine

  6. Wow......i feel like such a post-virgin around you lot :naughty:

    But im almost at 100......thats gotta count for something, right?? :blink:

    You made the "leave Mika alone" video and you know how the old saying goes: one video is worth a thousand posts. :naughty:


    Speaking of which, have you submitted it to the MTVAA's? :punk:

  7. radiohead..

    i don't know whether they would be classified as boybands though.

    Radiohead are THE last people that I would call a boy band! :roftl:



    I'm thinking boy bands are along the lines of N*Sync, The Backstreet Boys, 5ive, Westlife, Take That, Boys II Men, etc.


  8. Remember the acoustic version of Relax with tablas on Jo Whiley's show ???

    that was just :wub2:

    I agree, that was awesome. :thumb_yello:


    But I honestly don't think he'll go all George Harrison-ey and incorporate Indian elements in his music, I think he's just gone there to get his head sorted out after the craziness of the last year so that he can get on with finishing the rest of his album.

  9. IDK Scut, You really do more public whining than he does. :naughty:

    But his whining reaches a wider audience and is even preserved for life on DVD. :thumb_yello:


    I can't imagine you unwhinered after Mika comes...

    I never used to whine before he cancelled. I'll just go back to how I was. :wink2:

    Lucky thats never going to happen :newyear:




    OMG watching The Moment of Truth, this marriage is so over....very trashy but great viewing:naughty:

    I just saw that too... and in the end they went away with no money. What a rubbish show, they just destroy relationships for cash. :shocked:

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