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Everything posted by sesil17aa

  1. I remember you mentioned Winnie the Pooh - it was lovely But we can't access the file anymore, right? I just tried today, but it was gone
  2. Yeah, if he didn't know anything about the gift, then I wonder what has he ever read in this forum
  3. But, on the contrary, he said he was completely surprised about the gift. As if he had not been waiting for it ...
  4. He indeed is And it is like magical circle: Mika is amazing, he receives amazing birthday gifts and he is even more amazing for responding. He just makes the world so much brighter
  5. Ah, I wasn't even sure he would say something! But now I'm so glad about he said. He sounds very serious in that message
  6. AAAaaaaahhhhh!!! cdwwkjrkjefk This is so incredibly great!!!!!:) Where did he write this??? Edit: ok, I read
  7. You've got a pretty cool dad, most of the men even don't think this is a serious topic.
  8. That's cool. I can visualize perfectly, but can't get any information from it. Haha, I don't even have to eat something to taste it I can jut imagine it. Gosh, a pretty scary storm is coming here, I see a lightning every few seconds. That's probably because of our conversations. Ok, I guess I'm going to bed, I'm afraid that lightning could blow up my computer Good night, girlies
  9. Yes, I also thing it's a gift, it either is or isn't. I've seen a book "How to read the aura" and if I remember correctly it claims that everybody can see it, you just have to practice etc. But I really doubt that everyone can do this. Maybe some people can develop this ability, but not everyone.
  10. That is quite amazing. I'm sorry about your grandpa It must also be hard for your mum to have such gift. It seems that this power is very strong to her.
  11. Wow, that's interesting. Can you actually see the aura? I've heard of people seeing it but haven't met anybody who can.
  12. This is actually the right way to do it. That's why it is good to use a deck that you like, so that your fantasy and intuition works and you can develop your own meanings. However, it takes time to develop your own meaning to 78 cards
  13. I have three tarot decks and I have read books about them, but still I'm not sure they are "speaking" to me. There are some cards which I think I understand very well and there are some that mean nothing to me. Often when I try to do a reading I pick those cards that say nothing to me or the ones which, In my opinion, have nothing to do with the question (for example, I ask about relationship and pick a card that means financial loss). Then I try to make another spread and that is already 'playing'.
  14. Oh, I have another spooky story. Once I went to a fortune-teller who works with tarot. I had some not very important questions to ask him, I wanted mainly just to see how it happens. He answered my questions (they were about school etc) and I had a bit more time left. I didn't really have anything else to ask him, but I remembered that some of my friends were going to participate in a team olympiad in maths. I knew they were all smart and that they will do very well, but still I decided to ask how they will do in it. The man spread the cards and I was shocked that all the three cards were very negative - there was (if I remember correctly) The Devil, The Moon and one more card that I don't remember. And the fortune teller said something would go wrong. I didn't tell that to my friend that was participating, because I thought it was nonsense. However, after the olympiad the rumors were spread that they had cheated. The day when results became known they found out that their team could have been the best, but they were disqualified for cheating.
  15. This is impressive I don't have any clairvoyant abilities, but I often also feel extremely vulnerable, because I can really feel what people think about me when I meet them. I know that my grand-grandmother was a healer, and when I was little my grandfather always took away toothache from me and my sister. My grandfather told me that many years ago he knew a man who was constantly ill, once he (my granddad) wanted to make a joke, he shook that man and yelled at him "Stop pretending you're ill! There, you're healthy now!" And the next day the man's wife called him and told it's a miracle - he was totally healthy.
  16. I don't believe you but oh, well...
  17. Aaahhh, why all the fun goes for Hammersmith? I'll think about you guys in a plane
  18. So, it's gonna be like letters, drawings, cards? I am very interested in this, please sign me up
  19. I didn't like the previous one too, but I would prefer a picture where his face is visible better
  20. Aahh, this is interesting. The big girl looks so small
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