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Cattie Gurl

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Everything posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. OMG! This is getting a little bit dirty!!! And yes, I might do things if I was alone with him, but I would never admit to it! lol nm:biggrin2:
  2. Are people just in bed, so they aren't reading this or are other people just not corny like us??
  3. Oh, me too! His poor battered, kissed body! Let me massage it!! lol
  4. Yes, thank you! I will miss you too!! Yes, he will make me happy!! And I will listen to him over and over and over.........
  5. Oh, ok! Well, i knew that Eurythmics wrote SweeT Dreams, but now I really want to buy the Japenese edition of LICM! Awwww, it sux that I cant!! Grrrr....
  6. OMGOMGOMG!!!! What was she doing to him! lol I actually just laughed soo hard!! Oh, our poor poor Mika!! Is he alright??
  7. Oh, trust me, if I HAD the time, I would listen to Mika the whole time every day, but I have to babysit almost every day! Ugh! I wont be here next week, so I will be listening to him a lot more, but I will get INCREDIBLY depressed, cause I wont be able to talk to you or all the others!!! *tear*
  8. LMFAO!! Oh, sorry, that was really loud! I dont think she heard us! Have you got him yet?? *Waits in anticipation*
  9. The first evening that I bought LICM, I listened to it SEVEN TIMES!! And ever since then, I have listened to it at LEAST once a day!
  10. Ok, shes on, and shes probably reading this right now without posting! Go steal Mika? Ok?
  11. I dont know! Umm, I'll check if shes on!
  12. Yeah!!! Rock on! I'll add it to my sig.!! Is that ok?
  13. A ski mask??? Im confused. Oh, sorry, yes ma'am!! lmfao I shall get a ski mask!
  14. Yes, yes, I am very proud to be corny about Mika! lol
  15. Hey, is Mika back from his "rest" yet? And when are we taking off?
  16. Ummm.... hers some ideas: "Are you corny too??" or "Heartfelt or just plain corny?" But you dont have to use them! lol PS- when you make it, can I please be #2 on the list? That would be cool! thx
  17. No, cause I live in Canada, and I actually just heard the song today..... on someones myspace!! So, I dont really know
  18. Yes, it is! But the sad part is that I can never actually have that heart, soul and brain..... and body! lol We should start a "corny" thread, and see who is really corny like us!!! Do you want to? Cause I dont really know how to add people to the list!!
  19. Yeah, me too! I think that he's really cute, but, I know it's corny, but I want his heart and soul! They are beautiful! And his brain, cause he's really insightful!!
  20. Well, I g2g, my moms mad that Im on the computer sooo much! It was fun with the pics, and Ill look for some more later!! I love you all! *hugs* Bye!!
  21. I dont remember where I found that pic, but hanks for the big one!!
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