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Cattie Gurl

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Everything posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. Oh my gosh! I'll distract Mika with my magic fingers and put him to sleep so that he doesn't see the damage and get worried!
  2. Nitey nite! Ill talk to you some other time! *hugs*
  3. OMG!! I have the perfect pic, but i dont know how to put it in!!
  4. Oh my gosh! i finally got to this thread! (thank you Buttnugget!!) Hmmm, let me find some pics.....
  5. lmfao! Where is "unMikamasgistic" or whatever its called? I cant find it!!
  6. Wait, what forum did you put it in, cause I just cant seem to find it!!
  7. LOL! ok, ill go post, i just couldnt figure out which one it was! Now i know!
  8. Haha, lol! I am actually 15, and my friend is 100 years old on myspace lol Drinking age here is 19!
  9. Oooo, it's ready? Ok, ill check it out!!! Whats it called?
  10. Are you actually 21, or did you make that up? I made my myspace lik in January or something, i don't remember!
  11. Yes, I did, will you accept my invitation? I will love you forever!
  12. You could just put.... ' "Bad" pictures of Mika' or 'Funny pics of Mika' Do whatever you feel like!
  13. Oh, thats cool! We are closer than I thought!! lmfao! Wow, it looks AWESOME!!!! Don't feel left out, you can wear a short skirt or something, and the rocket will go up faster!! jk jk jk!!
  14. It's 4 AM there??? omg! It's almost 11:30 here! What about where u are?
  15. Go to whichever forum you want, and near the top there is a plus sign, and it says, ""start new thread" it might say, "add new thread"
  16. Totally ok!! the more the merrier! I do it to people ALL the time!! lmfao!
  17. Yeah yeah! start one! that would be funny, but hard at the same time! If only my computer wasn't soooo sloooow! Anyways, you should start one!!
  18. Thank you! Those are gorgeous pics of him!!!!
  19. Ummm... i clicked on the link and it didn't redirect me. Could you maybe help me out? I'd love to see the pics!!
  20. Yeah, but it would probably never happen to any of us who want that type of bond with him!
  21. That would be great!! Just hanging out with him, having all of your own personal jokes!
  22. I have to go make dinner! Ill be back in awhile! Thanks for your help Phunkygal!!! I love you!! *hugs*
  23. Thanks for telling me! Now I know where the music comes from! oh, and lmfao= laugh my f****** a** off lol! pretty funny!!
  24. Oh, ok, sorry! lmfao I am so stupid! I dont know the names of the band members, because Mika is my life! They do make beautiful music though!!!
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