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Cattie Gurl

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Posts posted by Cattie Gurl


    I was there last night, and it was the most AMAZING concert in my entire life of 15 years!!!!!!!!:thumb_yello:


    I couldn't get Mika's autograph, but I was a metre away from him, and I GAVE HIM A HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!:woot_jump:


    Guess what????? Did anyone see the bear that Mika got?? Well, yeah, it was pretty obvious, but I made it for him!!!!!!!!

    Did you like it??????? :naughty:


    I LOVE MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i know, lol


    i mean thank you:biggrin2:


    oh so sorry to say,but i must go now

    the sweet scent of chicken is calling me away and id like a nibble before dinner:naughty:

    and so i shall leave you with these:





    i love the face and the way they're standing in this one, lol


    and if hilary comes back, tell her these are for her:







    Awesome pics!! I have to go now too! bye!!!

  3. it wont just be the baby you think is cute after you watch the movie,hint hint:wink2:



    yeah. he know not to mess with the forces of good and evil *superhero music plays in the background as i stand with my hands on my hips*:mf_rosetinted:



    HAHAHAHHA lmfao ur funny!!!!:biggrin2:

  4. My call : If Mika looked into this thread he "may" find some of it uncomfortable especially the diary things , im not saying its right or wrong .. just a comment :thumb_yello:


    Sorry if I have offended anyone, I didn't mean to! But I dint watch the video, so thats a good thing!!:biggrin2: I feel proud......




    i mean this:


    or this:mf_lustslow: :



    pretty easy choice, i think




    sadly, thats true. i think he learned his lesson though cause the next day some guy called him gay and he got mad.

    i was nice and told the kid to fall off a cliff though. so i guess alls forgiven:wink2:


    Awww, thats a cute pic... of the baby I mean!

    Hahahaha to ur friend!!:bleh:

  6. I think the video must've been deleted then. Well, I can't him. all the negative publicity would be the end of his career. Except in America where they see negative publicity as good publicity.


    Reall? Thats confusing!! Thats okay though, I like the good side of Mika! :thumb_yello: Why do they see it as good publicty?

  7. :boxed: Why don't you believe me? I've got family in London and sometimes I visit them. Mika and I are tight. I removed that video the other day, Ingie. I didn't want to upset anyone. :mf_rosetinted:


    really?? no, wait, i feel like im just being gullable!!! I dont want to look like an idiot again!! Im sorry. Okay, I HALF believe you!!

  8. exactly!! i saw a love story too, then again i saw a love story in king kong, lol. but he was in crazy love with her and i think, in his own twisted way, what he was doing was really sweet. he was trying to help her live out her dreams and become what she always wanted to be. i love the line at the end:

    "Do as i say, and i will be your slave forever"

    its contradictory, but so romantic and perfect!!:biggrin2:


    and yes, he was uber...shall i say it??......bowiegasmic, lol, in that movie.




    good job, feel better, lol:naughty:


    ok, now Im better, but will never be fully better, cause there r always people like that out there!!

  9. Just my home video from last weekend when I was in London with him. We were traveling together in a camper van.

    haha, yeah, right

    Yes, it's on Youtube. Just look for on these keywords: Mika hits Belgian woman


    I searched with those words mixed up in every possible way, and I couldn't find it! :blink: But if u cant find it either, i dont need to see it

  10. you dont have to be, lol

    i sure wasnt, hahaha:naughty:


    okay, what a jerk!! I ALWAYS WANT TO SMACK PEOPLE WHO SAY "OH, THATS SOO GAY!!" BUT I ALWAYS END UP SAYING "WHY IS IT GAY??? WHY ISN'T IT STRAIGHT??" But then they just turn away, and I feel like exploding!!!:blowup:

  11. Yeah it's the one where he hits that Belgian woman because she claims to be the real Mika. Maaaan he was like an angry gorilla. King Kong wou;d've been jealous:shocked:


    whoa, :shocked: yeah, see I dont have time to look for these things, so forgive me if I dont know...... things....... was that in a video?

  12. so im not crazy??? i didnt somehow miss that one select part???

    good, but i want to be her!!!!!:crybaby:


    i want your opinion, do you think Jareth was a good guy or bad guy??




    thank you. actually, he didnt talk to me for a couple days after, lol

    but i felt good cause i supported mika:wub2:


    yes! I'm glad he didn't! Jeez! what a...... never mind, he's ur friend, so I'll be nice!!

  13. please do. :thumb_yello:

    so, ive had a question thats been bothering me for a while.


    Why, when a guy does something "girly" they're automaticaly gay, but when a girl does something "manly" they're hot??

    that makes me so mad!


    i showed my friend the lyrics to im falling and when i told him it was by a guy he was like "oh....he must be gay"

    i jumped up in the middle of class andi was like "why??? thats not fair!!! he's gay just cause hes not a self-centered prat and he can express his feelings?!?!?! well thats not fair to him!! its not right to judge him!! and just so you know! he hasnt even told us yet!! you have no proof, so shut up!"


    my teacher yelled at me, but my friend never said another word about mika's sexuality


    awww, it's actually really sad when peolpe do that, and it makes me sad, but also pissed off!! Good for you!!!!!!!

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