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Cattie Gurl

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Posts posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. I know, I'm over-obsessed, but that's because i'm over-obsessed with mika, when i'm not talking about him on mfc i'm sitting and listening to his music thinking about him and vice versa


    Yeah, ever since I bought the CD in June, I have listened to the whole CD at LEAST once a day! The first evening I bought it, I listened to it 7 times! lol And if I'm not on MFC, then I stare at pics him that I have on my wall!!!

  2. Do you have A&E on your t.v? If so go to that channel...it's a magic show...it's really neat!(slightly scary, but neat!)


    I dont think I have that channel! :blink: Sounds cool though! Ive never seen a magic show on TV

    Where are the pictures???


    Oh. Here are some.


    (They're mine that I took in Atlanta :))





    I love the look of pure joy on his face in this one...



    Awwww, I envy you right now.........But good pics anyways!

  3. yeah i know exactly what you mean!



    Me neither! I hate school because it's poopy and there's fooligans there....I'll try and look for his house when i go next year :original:


    You actually get to go there???? U are so lucky!

    I could spend days on here and i do! In one sitting i was on for three hours straight and that was one of my short times


    Thats a short time?? Omg My rents get mad at me if Im on for 2 hours a day!:thumbdown:

    You know, I bet Mika would be really nice to talk to! hehe And so funny!


    Anyway, hah, I know!

    Like sometimes when I'm busy for a while and don't get to spend much time on MFC, there's always this day where my friends call and I cancel plans JUST so I can be online on the MFC all day. LOL

    If my friends knew why I blew them off, they'd hate me.:naughty:

    MFC is just too fun!


    I would love to talk to Mika! But his insightfulness and intelligence would blind me, and then I would pass out from being near him!!:bleh:

  4. I start school the fifth.



    Aww. Seriously though, spending time on here is sometimes way more fun than hanging out with a friend.

    If that makes sense..:blink:


    Oh, yes! I know! I feel bad when my friends call, and Im on MFC! This is what I say as my excuse: "Sorry, I'm busy...... doing stuff........" I could spend days and days on here, but I dont have the time!! *sighs*:thumbdown:

  5. No it starts on the 4th i think...



    If he doesn't come to canada next year when i go to london i will hunt him down and.......umm...doing something ! My secret is...no life! And total dedication to find out if anyone replies to my post:D


    Yeah, it starts on the fourth for me too. I dont wanna go!!!


    haha lol Thats a good idea, hunting him down! We could find out where he lives, knock on his door, and just randomly start talking to him! :biggrin2:

  6. I don't know!! haha I haven't had the time today.

    Alexandra, tell us your secret! :bleh:



    Aww. You know what, I'm sure he'll go to Canada after his break. He HAS to.

    He has to make it up to the people that he cancelled on.

    And my friend wrote him a message via myspace complaining about that, and he wrote her back saying that he'd be back in Canada.

    It may not be official or anytime in the near future, but if he wrote it...I'm sure he'll be there. :thumb_yello:


    OMG! he actually sent a message back to her??? I have sent him soooooo many messages, and he NEVER responds! Your friend is very lucky! *ponders* Maybe I'll ask him if he's coming, and maybe he'll send me a message.......................

  7. Yeah...I have absolutely no life except the one i portary on here:thumb_yello:


    WOOT! that would be sweet!


    we envy the japaneese



    I have no life...my babysitting times begin then end and i come back and make up for the posts i missed on here:P


    Awww, you have a life...... it's MIKA!!!!!! And us of course! We are here! Has school started for you yet? Or are you out of school............

  8. haha, what are your envies, eh?



    Haha nice smilie!! lol Umm... well the fact that MIKA WILL PROBABLY NEVER COME TO US SO THAT WE CAN SEE HIM, AND THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS!! You know, just the usual stuff!

  9. Haha, hello again!

    Nice avatar change.:thumb_yello:

    and were'nt you a busy lady?

    Over 200 posts since I last talked with you!


    How do you find the time to have so many posts?? Well, actually, I had to babysit all summer, and as soon as I go back to school, I wont have any time at all! :tears: I am going to be soooo depressed!

  10. Hello everyone!

    What's new?


    NTM, just chatting about our envy! :bleh: hbu??

    hehe! Yeah when he becomes even more humungous we'll get him and it'll rock!


    YES!!! And maybe we'll be at the same concert! woooo:biggrin2:

  11. that's because they like him so much.. maybe if you guys got more canadians to love mika he would come but right now there's a lot of japanese people that love mika so he goes there more often :wink2: good night


    But I LOVE MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With all of my heart!:wub2:

    I live in a small town outside of barrie...not so close...


    It's not that far, cosidering there are people that live in Italy or Scotland here!

  12. I live in ontario and i travel all over..i've been to island places all over the states and next year europe Of course I love canada! BUt c'mon yeah there's pollution in ontario! Take a look at toronto and all those cities...canada's great! but it's not all clean air and safetyness...


    Where in Ontario do you live?? I live in London! Are you close to me????:biggrin2:

  13. he's not ignoring he's taking a break :bleh: he said that he was exhausted after a year of touring day after day and now he's having a break

    then he's going to do it all over again


    woops read the question wrong :blush-anim-cl: he can't go to every single place especially when there's only a few fans there...


    Awwww, he deserves a break! I hope that the next time, he comes to me!!!!! :biggrin2: That would be half of my dream come true - to see him live!

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