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Cattie Gurl

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Posts posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. Come on now kittens!:shocked:


    This is my fave thread now and I get all inspired when I'm in here........there's no need for any spats going on!


    Channel all of ur energies into writing something spectacular and inkeeping with the topic!:biggrin2:


    Vix x


    you r being very positive, and I like it!! hehe :thumb_yello:

    I'm sorry :( It just made me laugh because some people take some things so seriously in these forums sometimes.


    Maybe she didn't read the whole thread. It's getting rather longish, you know. :naughty: But reading it is worth it. Believe me!

    I haven't read it all!

    What? Oh please, as if I'd ever do something like that. I have a life you know. I tell you I did not write that diary!


    Mika acts all nice in interviews, but there has been some very nasty footage on the web that shows how mean Mika can be. Because we are very supportive and we have nothing better to do, we forgave him, but many people refused to ever listen to Mika again. It's very very bad.


    See, I only focus on the good things that he does, and I only see the publicity Mika

    I know she can't have done but it was still funny anyways.



    Yeah, i definately didn't read all of it!!

  2. To keep us busy whilst waiting for more on the diary front I "wrote" a little song!!!:blush-anim-cl:


    Feel free to sing along if u know it!:wink2:


    I like all the Boys (Well that’s a lie really!!)


    I like them olive skinned boys

    I like them white boys

    I like them asian toy lovin’ boys

    I like them mixed up boys

    I like them Spanish speakin’ boys

    I like them Chinese speakin’ boys

    I like the French speakin’ boys

    And I like half Lebanese boys


    I like them tall boys

    I like them smilin’ boys

    I like them brown haired boys

    I like them curly haired boys

    I like them “big” boys

    I like them skinny boys

    I like them losing a little bit of weight boys


    I want all the boys, I want all the boys

    I want all the boys, I want all the boys

    I want all the boys, I want all the boys

    I want all the boys, I want all the boys



    Originally by Calvin Harris…..

    ….now reworked by vixenbbw



    Vix x



    haha thats awesome!!! :biggrin2:

  3. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i mean i understand about Pan's Labyrinth but no Labyrinth with david bowie!!!!

    thats where mika got the idea for the hands in the HE video!!

    heres a pic of david bowie from the movie



    and another one




    that movie was beyond amazing, my favourite again for now:wub2:



    Well, I think that I saw Pan's Labyrinth sitting on the shelf at Rogers video, but I dont think that I've heard of Labyrinth with David Bowie!!! When was it made?

  4. :lmao: where yor boyfriend at, where your boyfriend at?? is he hefty? is he getting you refreshments?? is he coming back?? can i have your number?:lmao!! i love madtv, lololol.

    work that up do! can i have it?? can i have it?? can i have it?? can i have it??:lmao:


    omg!!!! that was soo good!!!!


    ive been qiute well. im pretty happy cause i just watched Labyrinth with david bowie and the Pan's Labyrinth and they are amazing. it was the firsttime i'd seen Labyrinth in 8 years, some how i forgot how hot david bowie was in that movie. omg, so hot, lol:mf_lustslow:


    yeah, my friend showed that 2 me, and I almost died laughing! I've never heard of those movies!:blink:

  5. Thanks to Elanorelle for the idea and to this site.



    Day 1

    Grace Kelly no. 1 in UK. Knew it all along. Nobody knows I'm GK's only son.


    I'm fantastic


    Day 2

    Browsed around the web. Found the MFC.


    I knew I was fantastic.


    Day 3

    Grace Kelly still going amazing, thanks mum.


    Still fantastic.


    Day 10

    LICM is going great all around the world. No surprise.


    Wow I'm so fantastic.


    Day 11

    MFC girls becoming more obsessed. Scares me.


    They must think I'm fantastic.


    Day 15

    Heard some obsessed girls came to festivals. Cancelled them all. Told them I had ear infection, idiots.


    Whaha I'm so fantastic.


    Day 16

    Perez wanted to touch my hair. Told him to f**k off. He's angry, whatever.


    Geez I'm fantastic.


    Day 17

    I suspect Perez likes me. Got 356 mail from him apologising for touching my hair. Told him to f**k off again.


    Day 25

    Gosh, I think Patrick Wolf is more fantastic than me. He stole my braces. Thief.


    Guess I'm fantastic.


    Day 26

    PW called me a tw*t. He's jealous because my performance at Somerset house was waaay better than his. I did cry a lot though. Mum made me cookies. Oh and I think Alan is crushing on me...he's kinda cute...but the hair...


    Guess what? I'm fantastic!


    Day 30

    Perez keeps filing me under Gay Gay Gay. Told him to stop it or else I would cancel our date. He begged me not to. Send me flowers. I crashed his server anyways.


    Day 35

    Got this Birtday present from the MFC. Absolutely hated it. Gave Fortuné some money to type a message on MySpace. They're all so happy now.


    I'm amazed by my fantasticness.


    Day 36

    PW apologised to me. Gave me very nice birthday present. We played monopoly in my basement. I won ofcourse. He then gave me a massage hmmm


    He's so fantastic.


    Day 40

    Got a huge fight with PW. He totally raped Love Today. Made an awful remix. Pussy, he wasn't that good either. Hooked up with Perez and Alan again. Gosh I'm such a player.


    Faaaantastic Me.


    Day 41

    Took a month off. Went to an island off the coast of Mexico with Perez. I found a really hot girlie there. Dumped Perez. He's angry again. I'm identity mad.


    Day 42

    Found out the girlie was really a morphed chicken. Grilled it. Went back to UK to shoot HE. It sucks, but it will be hit because I'm in it.




    Day 50

    Some Belgian woman tries to sue me. Biatch. Gonna throw a marshmellow to her head when I see her. Thinks she's just as fantastic as moi. Puh-leaze.


    I'm the most fantastic one!


    The rest of the diary hasn't been found yet, but we keep searching.


    He didn't ACTUALLY write that, did he??? :shocked: That does not sound like him!!!

  6. yeah i have speakers for my zen and my ipod but they have gone crap since i listened to my ipod in it's speakers in the bath tub and accidentally splashed water on it, and my i-penguin or whatever it's called went psycho on me


    Awww, that sux, well, I have to go to bed! Ill talk to you later hunni!!! :huglove:


    PS- If we dont talk on a thread, send me a PM b4 you go to UK!! ok? good night!

  7. I have his CD on my zen but i can't find his cd anywhere...I'm going crazy because i keep dropping my zen when i dance to it so i need to dance to it on my cd player so i neeeeeeed LiCM so desperately! Plus if i see him then i would want him to sign it...where'd you get yours?


    I got mine from Wal-Mart, and I have 2! One I actually listen to, and the other one I keep in the plastic so that I can keep it nice.... yeah, i know Im weird!!!:bleh: lol I have all of the songs on my ipod, and then my ipod hooks into speakers, so then I dont have to worry about holding my ipod! :biggrin2:

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