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Posts posted by agnieszka

  1. Well, I loved it (understatement) The entire day was a delight. I only knew two weeks before that I was going so it rates as one of the most exciting things I've ever done. God, how sad am I?


    (Mind you I only had 24 hours warning about the Manchester TBA gig, but that was local)


    well you're not sad at all, coz that would make a great deal of us (including me) sad, so I object! :naughty:

    24 hours? gosh, you're lucky. with all the planes and hotels booking i have to plan my gigs half a year ahead.. :insane: though i'm moving to Manchester this year so that's gonna change :biggrin2:



    :shocked: wow! those shoes look like MIKA deigns! I will check those out! thanks for the picture!! :thumb_yello:


    you can't see it in the pic above but they also have LOVE written on the other side in a kinda Mikaish way :das:

  3. boziu jaka załamka z waszej strony xD hehehe a macie to spięte w jeden plik? bo mi się nie chce czytać każdej strony...z reszta nie mam czasu na to zbytnio...a tak wydrukowałabym sobie i czytała w autobusie czy tramwaju jadąc na uczelnię :)


    wydrukowane troche traci bo nie ma emotek, chyba ze to zrzutki z ekranu. mam takie od noa, wyslac Ci? ale ostrzegam przed czytaniem w miejscach publicznych. chociaz z drugiej strony jak czlowiek slyszy takie ohy i ahy to sie nastawia i potem mozna sie rozczarowac. wiec mowie od razu, przeczytaj jak bedziesz miala sprzyjajacy humor :wink2:

  4. Yes, I love that DVD!!

    Purse! :roftl: :roftl:




    Same question: Wallet or Purse? :cool:


    he makes me happy, it's a wallet :mf_rosetinted:


    do u have a favourite movie? what's that?

    gotta go now, but i'm so gonna come back, that was fun :biggrin2: take care! Tack så mycket!

  5. Mabye you're right. :naughty:


    Yes, BWO.. i'm still a fan of them :bleh:




    don't think so. i had a crash on enrique iglesias when i was 14 :boxed: but i don't think that counts.. :roftl: i love the killers but i'm not as crazy about them as i'm about Mika


    have you seen LiCM dvd? Wallet or purse? :mf_rosetinted:

  6. Hard one..

    I don't know.. I like the most of them.

    Can't Stand Losing You, I'm Falling.. And Overrated (It's a cover, right? I can't really think today :roftl: )


    And yours?


    i thought i'm falling and overrated were his but i'm an ignorant so i'm probably wrong.. :wink2:


    hips don't lie :roftl:


    where u ever a fan(atic) of any musician before Mika?

  7. Det var så lite så! :biggrin2: (You're welcome!!)


    You did'nt tell me you could speak Swedish!

    Wait.. You have worked here.. And you've got a sisterhere too.. :roftl: :roftl:


    that's coz i don't! :roftl: i only know how to say hi, goodbye, break (in work), thank you and sale.. oh, and skinka, ost and the rest of things i like on my pizza :roftl:

  8. I found it! :roftl:

    You're welcome! :huglove:



    I don't know.. Relax, Lollipop, Billy Brown.. I don't know which one I like best! :naughty:


    Which one is your favourite music video (with Mika)?


    Love Today, no doubt! non Mika, tori amos a sorta fairytale


    what's your favourite cover done by Mika?

  9. Ooh, I'll sign!! But.. can you help me? I don't really know what Imię (ect) means..


    *thinks* No.. I don't think so.


    What is your favourite song on LICM?


    ok, i think you found the translations, great :original: thank u for signing! :wub2:



    grace kelly and love today, i can't choose one..


    what's yours?

  10. alright, here are my red jeans... ( sorry about pictures , they came out a little dark ) ( also if this works! )


    a Beatles tee




    omg! that is one fantastic shirt!! this is the first pic i took in London when i went there to see Mika :biggrin2:





    and also these are the shoes i fell in love with lately and gonna buy as soon as i have some spare money




    more pics here:


  11. Wow cool!

    So.. Do you visit your sister often?



    Yes, but it's was ages ago! :roftl:

    But yes, I liked it!



    Have you been too Stockholm?


    quite often lately, august 07, dec 07, march 08. but usually it's once a year, in summer. but she comes to Poland every two of three months :original:


    no, unfortunately no..



    Liseberg?No never been there.

    I'm going to change the subject..

    When you met Mika (if you ever did lucky bast***!!!) did you try to smell his perfume?:naughty:


    :roftl: :roftl: no but i wish i did, i was too distracted and too surprised to see him wearing a hat. i was like, where did the curls go?! :roftl:


    if Mika plays in your country will u go?

  12. Really??

    What did you work with?


    No.. :boxed: But it would be nice too see how it's like it in Poland!



    Have you ever been too London? (Random question)


    with sandwiches :roftl: it was such a great job, i would walk around all day listening to my ipod, such easy money.. my sister lives in Halmstad, but considers moving to Gothenburg. I've been to G. a month ago for the Ice Skating Championships. and I LOVE Liseberg :mf_lustslow:


    I've been to London twice, for Mika gigs, first time in Dec and both gigs i had tickets two were postponed, second February 28th :punk:


    Have you been to Liseberg? do u like it?

  13. Me too! But I wasn't too lazy to order them.:naughty:

    I just didn't noticed he came. And when I noticed, I didn't dare to say anything to my parents. They always said he was gay and stuff. And I thought they thought that was a bad thing, so I didn't say anything, oh, and my dad doesn't like Mika. Actually I was a bit ashamed of the fact I was a fan of his. And now I regret, because my mother was like: hey Linde, Mika is going to perform, why haven't you said anything?:blink:

    So I told that whole story, and she was like: Are you serious, I love him!:shocked: So, he might be gay, so what?

    And I was like: But...and...what..eh...:blink:

    And my mother wanted to buy tickets, but she said, wait til next week, now I don't have enough money for all that stuff. So, a week later, all tickets were sold out:thumbdown: And 11 november, I was depressive for the whole day. They talked about the Mika concert on the radio, and in the Dutch Thread. I was the whole day like: I can't believe I miss this! I'm so stupid! Aargh:tears:

    I missed Lowlands too, but that was because I was't allowed to go.


    oh my, that must have been awful, good thing you're gonna see him this time!

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