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Posts posted by agnieszka

  1. People, I can`t believe that none of you noticed it though you are so over-analysing it :shocked: The colour of that Mika`s T-shirt is the colour of the MFC background!


    Which might mean nothing but as we are all in the over-analysing mood (-: it means, it is Mika`s message to the MFC - together with the little red heart - that he still kind of likes us despite we do hell from his life by following him, jumping on him, touching him, taking pictures of him, asking him for signatures, simply attacking his privacy, plus the harsh demand for the second album.. That`s why the heart is so small - if we were more tolerate towards him the heart would be all over his bosom or the little hearts would be all over the T-shirt.


    talking about over-analysing :wink2:

    but yeah, didn't notice that, would be great if it meant something

  2. co to do czikena ta platforma jest????? ja na szczescie musze wyjsc za jakies 3 godziny,hehe


    na razie nie mam nic


    jakies tam zadania do zrobienia, z writingu i z english for professional uses, 1/3 oceny niestety :boxed:


    podziwiam nastawienie, ja tez odchodze, ale nie wiem jak to przezyje :shocked:

  3. this thread is brilliant :roftl:


    This thread was really screaming to me today :naughty:

    Everytime I came on the MFC today there it was at the top of the page, and again, and again, and again




    So it was screaming to me to make this:














    and omg :mf_lustslow: may i steal this!?

  4. "Imagine the production meeting that I had when I sat in front of my tour managers and I said 'This what we're gonna do. The shadow play, then the bunny gets shot, but then everyone reacts.' They were just like:




    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: love that pic, thnks!!

  5. omg, it was all worth it. discovering Mika, making my sisters buy me tickets to his gigs, spending nights on airports and railway stations to save money that i would have to spend on hotels, not getting discouraged by the fact that the two gigs I had tickets for got postponed, selling my cell phone to afford to go to London in February. it was all worth it because it led me to this thread.. :biggrin2: i mean, caz, you're not just funny, you're amazingly brilliant! it's nearly 3 am and i'm pretty sure i've woken up all my family laughing like a maniac. i hope you'll manage to hand those to Mika, he's gonna love them. thanks a lot and waiting for more!

  6. Jerry: And we know it definitely works cos I stuck my bum on it earlier -

    John: Jer- wha- EXCUSE ME?!

    Jerry: I farted on it too, sorry. I thought it might capture the wind, but it didn't.

    John: =O

    Jerry: *sees John's face and panics* Uh! It wasn't my idea! It was Mika's! *points to the corner of the room where Mika is hiding behind a thin plastic tree. John's red eyes zoom in on Mika*

    Mika: *comes out, laughs nervously and backs into a corner and John thunders nearer* How much do you love me?

    John: Mika.

    Mika: How much do you care?

    John: Mika.

    Mika: How much do you miss me when I'm not there?


    Mika: How much do you love me? How much do you care?

    John: *steam starts coming out of his ears and nostrils*

    Mika: How much do you need me when I'm not there?

    John: I'm warning you, boy.

    Mika: DO DO DO DODO, DO DO DO-

    John: *thwack*




    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:





    2:45, skonczylam.. omg! chcialam kopiowac lepsze fragmenty ale byloby ich za duzo..

  7. If I posted all the funny/strange/demented/stupid/uberstupid things I've done under the influence of Mika or this place :blush-anim-cl:, the site would probably crash.

    If you just ask about this week... I got my chicket for Amsterdam just after having announced several times and very loudly that I'd gladly forgo the bigger venues :blush-anim-cl:


    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: sorry, couldn't resist...

  8. Hehe, no worries. :bleh:


    I wouldn't care if grew a mustache and wore leiderhosen, he's still him....

    and I just want that second album sometime soon, dangit! :naughty:


    omg, I just imagined what would be happening here if we were Brandon Flowers' fans when he went from Hot Fuss to Sam's Town. Now THAT is a change.







  9. At the Kool Haus gig...


    "Anyway, I've bitched about this man for the past year and he hasn't even noticed yet."


    i've seen this quote before and still don't know. can u tell me who is he talking about?

  10. I have guessed it was “like god took my legs” but I’m not a native either!:blush-anim-cl:


    Anyone have the answer?:wink2:


    yeah, I'm not sure either, couldn't find it anywhere and i'm curious. i mean, it should be 'cut' but i definately hear 'ed' at the end. but still, grammatically it's not meant to be perfect.

  11. I can't see the eye liner, but if he's wearing it kudos to him... I don't get what the big deal is... sometimes people want that extra "pop" and he was at an awards show where there would be cameras and pizazz...make up is a part of the business he is in...if he had put the eye liner on his cheek to draw a flower everyone would have called it genius.


    i agree, and btw the flower is such a nice idea, it would look lovely on him :wink2:

  12. That sounds like a cool project.


    I try to relate my projects to Mika in some way or another, as much as I can. For example, for a Media Arts project, we had to make a mixed media assinment (wher you take different materials to make your art...kind of like a collage) and I chose my theme as conformity (it had people on a conveyor belt going into a bin labelled "beings" with individuals crossed out underneath...they were wearing bowties...). Another project for that class was to create a storyboard. In mine, the idea of the story was that it was the first day of grade 3 and all the students had to get up in front of the class and introduce themselves. Well, "little Leonard" gets up to the class and when he's talking, people snicker at him. Then he stops talking because he's embarassed and the teacher gets mad at him (PS: "little Leonard" was wearing a bowtie). I think it's pretty obvious the "Mika" in those projects...


    Also, at the beginning of the semester, my Media Studies techer was going over the course with the class. When we get to the music unit, he mentioned doing a presentation on a musical artist. It's pretty easy to see who I'm planning to do my project on...


    i like the conformity idea a lot, and the bowties.. and aww, little Leonard :wink2: nice!

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