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Posts posted by agnieszka

  1. Well.. I spend allot of time here when I've got the time, yes.

    But I've got schol hemoworks and stuff too..


    Have you got a job?


    not now, no. but two years ago i spent few weeks working in Sweden, love it there :punk:


    have you ever been to Poland?

  2. Ok, so please, no fainting, this is not reality :mf_lustslow: (not yet anyway), but I was thinking today how fantastic it would be if Mika did an intimate, acoustic gig at the Royal Albert Hall?


    I'd be there like a shot...Such a great place, and it would totally have the right atmosphere for one of his "unplugged" style shows, like what he did at the London Eye Fiat gig.

    I enjoyed that show SO much, it was amazing to hear him with Mikey and Martin and playing a real piano for once with no added "extras", that I'd just love it if he did this.

    And what better place than the RAH?:wub2:

    So, if you read this Mika: go and organise it:roftl:, and please make it soon!!

    What does everyone think?? :punk: Wouldn't it be excellent?


    this is how i look like when i think about a gig like that :mf_lustslow:

    well, to tell you the truth i'm pretty sure he's gonna do it at one point. i also believe he wore the orange polo in china as a secret message to tell us he loves mfc. so, when the right time comes and we'll be all gathered in Royal Albert Hall you'll be able to say 'he wears my t-shirt and plays where i tell him to play' :biggrin2:

  3. This thread is for all of the people who love when Mika turns into a diva when he sings Happy Ending, Love Today, and HMDYLM live. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then here are a few videos to help:


    Happy Ending

    (watch at 3:54)


    Happy Ending

    (watch at 3:14)


    Love Today

    (watch the beginning)



    (watch at 5:33)




    Let's hear it for our diva! *sings like Mariah Carey*





    thanks for those. all of them are great but HMDYLM is amaaaazing :mf_lustslow: and love today intro gives me chills no matter how many times i see it. and of course i jumped to the places you pointed but then watched all of them from the beginning even though i've seen them before.. it's madness.. :insane:

  4. this is either the best one so far or it's just better not to read them in the middle of the night. now i could laugh as laud as i liked and it felt goood. had a bad morning and u just made my day. kinda like mika effect :biggrin2: thanks!



    Mika: It can't be that hard?

    John: Pffft, you don't even drive, boy. Right okay let me take the wheel, here's the map. *thrusts map at Mika*

    Mika: Oooh look at the pretty colourful lines!

    John: Don't get distracted! Right so...key in ignition....turn ignition....right. It's on. Where are we Mika?

    Mika: In Australia. At last.

    John: I KNOW THAT!!!

    Mika: ...In my tour van?

    John: I KNOW THAT TOO!!!

    Mika: You need to stop asking questions you already know the answer to. That's mad.


    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

  5. Aw yay!! I want Grace Kelly really badly where do you get it?


    don't know what kind of phone you have but often you're given various programs with it. for example i have motorola phone tools and it enables me to cut songs and use them as ringtones. that's how i got my GK and mikalaugh. if you don't have any tools like that but you can copy files from your computer to your phone i can look for my GK and send it to you. :original:

  6. HAHAHA dziewczeta rozbrajacie mnie xD caz jest swietna ale jeszcze nei znalazlam chwili wolnego, zeby to przeczytac...Alicjo gratuluję ;) oby jak najwiecej "roków" na tym i naszym forum :D hmmm wiem, ze sie nie staram z PMFC bo ostatnio ponad 100 zUJow jest ale uwierzcie nie mam czasu sie po tylku podrapac... w wikend ani minuty nie siedzialam przed kompem...wywialo mnie na urodziny do kolegi...a teraz zaraz musze wychodzic na zaliczenie ćwiczeń potem spotykam sie z kolezanka z Bytomia... no masakra... na sr mam 2 wystapienia w czwartek mam pytanie.... no przerabane... a najgorsze jest to, ze w dlugim wikend majowy sobie nie odpoczne, bo musze napisac prace roczna do typa ktory mnie nie znosi... jestem w "czarnej dupie" jak to w jakims filmie ostatnio bylo... ;(


    heej, fajnie Cie tu widziec, nawet jesli na chwilke tylko. btw, jest nowa czesc caz :das:

    a co do zujow to no worries. i of kors powodzenia na zaliczeniu, wystapieniach i wszystkich innych masakrach, ktore pominelam.. :original:

  7. mary vivian: (asks mika a question in japanese)

    mika: (forgets what the question meant in english,took a plastic sword and stabs himself while screaming WARGHHHHH!!)

    mary vivian: oh my god!


    hahaha..i love this interview..darn funny :roftl:

    ooh,and this is my fav part too:


    mary's partner: (says something in japanese)

    mary: hait..

    mika: hait..(immitates mary)

    mary: (laughs) hait..

    mika: hait,..HAIIT!!!

    mary: (laughs and says something in japanese)

    mika: (sits nearer to mary and tries to chomp her into pieces)




    u made me watch it again, it's one of the best imo, thanks!

  8. Very true :wink2:


    Annieszka, you were at the 28th? (says your siggy) I haven't got your name on the list I printed off and I didn't meet you there. Did you love it?


    yes I was. you mean the list on the thread? probably didn't put my name there, I wasn't coming here that often before February, now I'm completely addicted.. I should be sleeping now, i have to wake up in 6 hours and yet i'm still here.. :biggrin2:

    i absolutely loved the gig! it was different from the one in Berlin. there I was in the middle of the first row, best place I've ever had on any gig. In London I was in the first row but on the side. Yet the gig had an amazing energy, like you could feel it's the last one and special. I wish I've been to more than two Mika gigs, the ones I went to London for in Dec got postponed.. I see 28th was your fifth, how did u like it?

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