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Everything posted by mikaholic

  1. Geez, I wish I hadn't seen this thread! It's past midnight here and now I can't go to bed because I'm hooked on this. Thanks guys, really. I'm stuck on 14, but I feel like it shouldn't be that hard. Anyone? And for number 3...Look around the whole computer screen. Page titles help..
  2. I was on Myspace last night when they posted the bulletin about the video and I was super excited! Love love LOVE the video!!
  3. Yeah, I saw on their Myspace that they were going to be on that...I have no idea what it is though. I'm assuming it's a Canadian thing.
  4. The drawings are in Nathan's room? Haha no but really, that's so darn cute. What a sweetie, that guy. Well, all of them are so it's really no surprise. I love it.
  5. Ha, like any picture with those four boys could ever NOT be very good!
  6. I looooove the booklet! Simple, yet great. They had a really good photographer for that shoot.. all the pictures are very good.
  7. So I got my copy of Holes in the mail the other day! I got home from work at 9 and sat here and was able to listen to the entire CD at once (considering I have the attention span of a chipmunk, that's saying something). It's amazing!! I'm so happy for them. They made an awesome album. Can't wait to see them when they come back to Boston! I sent them a random message the other day and when Daenen sent one back he said they all couldn't wait to come back to Boston because it's one of their favorite cities. And last night I saw Poison in concert and Bret Michaels said the same thing. He said he wishes every city had the enthusiasm that we have in Boston for sports, music, and everything else. I love being from here, haha.
  8. Aw, I love Trainlight. I've been friends with them for a little while...Christian is so sweet! He uses a lot of smiley and winky faces when he sends comments and messages. =)
  9. So I got an email from the site I ordered the CD from saying that it's backordered and if I don't get the CD in the mail in 16 weeks, they'll cancel the order for me. 16 weeks is 4 months...by that time it will probably be available in the US anyway! So I just canceled the order and found that Amazon Canada has Holes in stock. I don't know why I didn't think to look there after I looked on Amazon.com. So I just ordered it from Amazon.ca and it should be here next week-ish. So if anyone is still looking for it or theirs is backordered or anything, go to Amazon.ca and they should have it.
  10. The rest of the ride wasn't bad. It's a pretty short plane ride...only about an hour and 10 minutes. I was so happy to be back in Boston though. I'd been gone for 10 days...way too long to be away from here considering it wasn't an exciting trip by any means. When I got to the airport, though I didn't know but they had changed it around since the last time I'd been there so we pulled in at a different part of the airport so I had to go a different way to find my way out. Then once I was outside I had to figure out where I was because my dad was at the place where he used to pick me up, haha. It was confusing. I have probably the worst sense of direction ever (I have to keep my GPS with me at all times) so getting my dad to where I was was a task, lol. But happy to be home, and now it's off to work. :rolls_eyes:
  11. Haha well you're getting a head start on the "street team" thing. That's good. Today I was coming home from my mother's house... I was by myself, but the kid next to me offered me gum right before the plane took off and we started talking for a while. There was a break in conversation when he had to get up to use the bathroom, so I took out my iPod just to play around with it, and I put on a little Midway State. When he came back he saw their album cover on my iPod and asked who they were, so I told him about them and said he should check them out. Haha, I figured it was a good time to promote them a little more.
  12. I pre-ordered my copy of Holes from the website that was linked to on The Midway State's Myspace page (shopemi.com). Their site says that stock is low so it will take a little longer to get it shipped out. Plus, it's a Canadian website and I'm in the US so it'll take even longer. I pre-ordered it on July 14th so I could get it ASAP, but it's status is still "processing at warehouse." I can't wait to get it. If they don't ship it soon I'm going to have to email them or something. I haven't even listened to the new songs yet because I want to wait till I have the actual album till I hear them. It'll just make the experience that much sweeter...But it's torture! Going on their Myspace when the songs are right there and not being able to listen to them is taking some serious willpower on my part. That company better get my CD shipped out soon!
  13. Yeah, I had a feeling it would only be on iTunes Canada...I just pre-ordered the CD online the other day so I can get it soon when it comes out. No way I can wait till fall to buy it, haha. They put a new song on their Myspace too. It's pretty good! =)
  14. Haha I can't wait to be a part of their street team. When I got Nathan's message I was so excited too. I don't think there are too many people here in Boston who know about The Midway State, so I'm really excited to help them out. And ps...on their MySpace page in the little update section it says Mike Wise entered a bull riding contest last night and did pretty well for himself. I was laughing, picturing it in my head and he was online at the time I read it so I asked him how he did and he goes "haha. i rode it like a champ!" Yeah...I'd expect nothing less of you, Mike Wise. =) Just thought I'd point that out because it's hilarious.
  15. Yeah, I dropped by to tell them I'm glad they liked the books too. hey lauren. We can't thank you enough for working so hard and putting that book together. we are so appreciative. You guys are the best fans we have ever had. thanks and we can't wait to come perform for you again. best, mike kirsh Have I mentioned I love them?
  16. Wow, that's great! I absolutely love it. It's great to know they enjoyed it even more than we did, haha.
  17. Wooh, that's so exciting! I can't wait till they get the package. They're going to be so happy with it, haha.
  18. I want to vote but I feel like it would cost a lot because I'm in America.. Do you think?
  19. The new song on Myspace is pretty awesome! Nathan gets his voice up there.
  20. That has to be THE most amazing packaging job ever. Haha, they're gonna freak when they open it. They're probably expecting absolutely nothing like that. Definitely ask them if they can film the experience. Everything about this project is awesome, right down to the packaging of the final product. Nice work! Totally cool.
  21. Those books look absolutely amazing! Great job, Melanie! And great job to everyone else who helped make them! Midway's gonna love 'em.
  22. 43 pages?? WOW. That's so awesome. I had no idea it would end up being that long! That's so cool, they'll love it. It'll keep them busy on the road...heh.
  23. Yeah, Mike Wise usually responds the most. I've gotten a comment from Kirsh and a Happy Valentine's Day comment from Nathan, haha. I wonder why Mike Wise is the one who comments back most of the time. Maybe he just gets bored.. But he's so goofy, I love it. My default picture is me with a Bruins player and we're both wearing jerseys, so Wise always says something about the Bruins when he sends me messages. He said he loves our jerseys, haha. Well, hope the book's looking good! I'm sure it is. Good luck with the cover and such, ladies.
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