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Everything posted by mikaholic

  1. Well hello America... Fancy seeing you here.
  2. I tried to show my friend that video and I was like "waaaaiiit a minute...."
  3. Why did they remove the "On Tour with Daughtry # 3" video? I liked that one!
  4. My show was on a Friday, so I had to go to school. Then we went to Bertucci's after school and then headed over in the pouring rain to the Orpheum. We were drenched and cold by the time we were let in. And then after the show it started to pour again while we were waiting for Mika to come out. Very wet day all around. But it was totally worth it.
  5. I used a picture of myself from a few years ago...I don't think they'll mind.
  6. Of yourself or the band? Yeah! I'm so excited! I hope it really happens...haha.
  7. Fine, keep it. I guess I'll just settle for a Mustang.
  8. Oh yay, that's so cool! I hope you get to see them too! He said they're definitely coming to Boston so I can't wait!
  9. Hey, if you don't want it, I'll gladly take it.
  10. Between 430 and 5? See that's when I'd drop out of school. School starts at 7:45 for us, but our bus comes early. I could just sleep a little later and take the regular MBTA buses to school but that would require me to get off at a certain stop and wait for a different but, and waiting out in the cold is not something I want to be doing so early. Plus, those buses are so unreliable that I just stick with the bus that goes right to my school. Oh and thanks, I like my photography quote too. =)
  11. Yeah I get up at 6-ish too for school, depending on how many times I hit my snooze. Generally it's between 6:05 and 6:20. Regardless, I'm out of my house by 6:30, which is entirely too early for me to be alive, let alone out of my house. I'd rather be in Italy than at a bus stop in the snow...
  12. I mean...if Mika just puts his mind to it, it shouldn't really be a problem, eh? It's not like he has that many fans or anything...
  13. Yeah, it was a LOT of fun. The only thing that wasn't good was that we had to get up at about 6 every day. But I mean...it was snowing and crappy here in Boston and we were waking up to sunny 80 degree weather over there every day so I can't complain that much. And waking up at 6:00 on April vacation isn't so bad when you look out the window and realize you're in Venice or Rome.
  14. Maybe you'll forget about it, and then it'll be a really good surprise when you get back to your mom's house.
  15. Yeah, it was a school trip, so no parents. Talk about the ultimate field trip, huh?
  16. "Excuse me Mika...but could you personally address and send millions of signed photos of yourself to each of your fans all over the earth? Kthx. P.S. If it's easier for you...you can just start with Boston. Love, the world" That'd go over well.
  17. I know but I'm too lazy. Plus, that Nutella was from Italy, which made it cooler.
  18. Nutella When I went to Italy last year I smuggled back a bunch of those free little packages of Nutella that I stole from the hotel. But they exploded in my bag on the plane. I was bitterly disappointed.
  19. All that talk about signed photos and I ended up wanting one too! Haha mine came in the mail today. I was having such a bad day today in school, I'm really exhausted (I think my body's on a hockey hangover for a while), and I got home and checked the mail. As soon as I saw that in the mail I got so happy. I emailed Rosie to thank her and she emailed me back and was really sweet, once again. I'm so happy
  20. Oh well then good plan, getting homework done tonight. I usually don't go out on Sunday night's...too tired. So I get home from practice every Sunday and shower and then start homework later on. Eh, I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. Good night Americans!
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