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Everything posted by rosedewitt

  1. i agree, i wouldn't change anything cos i wanna be myself and nothing else. nobody is perfect, not even mika! but everybody being him-/herself with all his/her imperfectness is perfect
  2. sounds great and fun!! i'd like to join, but i'd need karaoke or instrumental versions of the songs. (and i hope i'll find the time to record them so that you don't have to wait too long for my songs... ) i'd sing whatever you want me to sing, maybe any song which has no "interpret" yet? but if i'd chose on my own i'd sing my favourite mika songs: grace kelly, relax take it easy, any other world and over my shoulder.
  3. i get what you want to say. but just imagine mika would read this thread, i think he would cry, - we should just respect his privacy and control our curiosity. imagine the same happened with you, - you want your privacy and just make music, but everybody asks you about your sexuality, every day. kind of frustrating, isn't it?! rude question... i also keep my private life what it is: private.
  4. well stop the speculations and let his private life be what it is: his private life! in fact he's not gay. i know it for sure anyway, why is it so important for you? does his sexuality influence his music? i don't think so! and we should be fans of his music, not of his sexuality
  5. yes, it would be great to take some singing lessons. singing along the radio is a good practise to hit the tones. singing for your daughter and on church is also a nice practise to keep the voice trained. why don't you join the church's choir for example? you'll meet singers there, and maybe they can also give you tips. i think with some practise you could train your voice to sing high tones, your voice sounds bright and as if it has also the volume for the high soprano tones.
  6. sorry i didn't answer earlier... i just listened to your versions of billy brown and stuck in the middle, they fit good to your voice. i like your voice, it sounds very good, but you need more practise keep it on, your voice is really beautiful!!
  7. hmmmm... i don't want to be rude and annoy anyone, but would it be possible to upload this ringtone on wap and post the link? i have no data cable for my cellphone but i'd really like to put mikas laugh on it.
  8. could somebody upload it again please? the link is down.
  9. of course you can sing it like you want it's not that strict in pop music. if you just want to imitate mika you can sing it the octave lower (it's better for non-singers or dark voices). when you want to sing it how mika composed it you should sing it in the original tone pitch, - and it sounds 1 octave higher, but only a soprano can do that. anyway i don't think mika was thinking about anyone else to sing it, he just composed it for himself. if he wanted a woman or a man with a low voice to sing it, he would have composed it different.
  10. the song is very hard to sing. as a male singer you have to sing in falsetto (like mika), and if you want to sing it genuine as a woman you have to sing it one octave higher. for a woman it's only very easy and relaxing to sing when you sing it on the same tone pitch as mika, and for man one octave lower when i sing it i'll post two versions of it, the high (original) and the relaxing one so that you get what i mean (cos i didn't explain it well in english, i know...)
  11. yes i am, and i would like to sing over my shoulder for you. i have the sheet music, but i'm very busy until xmas, i have still some concerts. but i'll try to record the song between xmas and new year. and i'm really sorry that i didn't have the time to post a song sung by me yet or at least read in this thread and listen to your songs, i'll do it soon, listen to them and post my own!
  12. @Petra: i'm sorry if i'm bothering you with this, maybe you should start a new thread about your cute little dolls in your siggi i've been searching the internet for hours to find them, but i didn't find them anywhere. i only found those similar looking uglydolls, but that's something different, - your dolls are really cute and colorful. i also looked for anime, comic, manga characters and japanese/chinese fiction characters without avail. maybe the dolls have a little paper on themselves or a name or something special i could search for? or do you remember the name of the shop on camden market where you found them? or maybe somebody else can help me? i'm sorry that's offtopic next time i'll send a pm, - i just clicked the wrong button.
  13. it shouldn't, and with a good technique and if you take care of your voice it won't be damaged. but the voice is very sensitive, and when it's a little ill, you really shouldn't sing anything, but in this job you have to sing, - you can't say to the director of the theatre who's paying you that you are ill, - so he will choose another singer who isn't ill, and you'll lose the job. it's a very hard business so most of the singers sing everytime, even when their voice is not well at the moment. and of course singing such difficult parts like wagner, verdi, etc, where you have to sing very very loud because of the big amount of instruments and whose operas have such difficult parts outwear the voice of course, and if you don't take really good care you'll ruin your voice. like maria callas, the best opera singer of all time sorry that i can't explain it more professional in english...
  14. it's different from voice to voice i'll try to explain, but i will be hard to do this in english, - it's hard enough to explain in the language i can speak sopranos need their "head resonances", imagine your whole head as the resonating body, and there are some possibilites to "activate" them, like changing your tongue and soft palate and the nose-/mouth resonances. the power comes from the "stomach" and deeper. the high tones come from the "resonances". but it needs lots of practise, and a good teacher. you understand a little?
  15. "think of me" is soooo beautiful, and not so hard, i loved it!! i sang the christine-role from the phantom of the opera two times... and it's a hard role, very dark tones, and then very high tones again. i love sarah brightmans performance as christine, i think she sings that really wonderful. some of the modern "operas" are really great to sing, also some of l.bernstein. you're right, it's nothing you can do "for fun", it's a hard job which requires a long and hard calssical singing education. and anyway, sadly most singers ruin their voice and have to stop when they are 50 years old:boxed:
  16. the same what i was thinking... well, however, let's have fun and sing!! btw what opera arias do you usually sing? i love singing the romantic italians like puccini, rossini, donizetti, verdi, and some of strauß and mozart.
  17. really nice voice, a real pop-singer-voice this song suits your voice how long are you singing? do you also sing classical? i sing pop-music just for fun (especially karaoke, - my job is opera singing, completely different technique, and sounds completely different, so i'm afraid a mika song will sound strange with my voice ) but i'll try to sing a mika-song this weekend and post it
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