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Everything posted by Romis

  1. es TAL CUAL me acuerdo TODAS y CADA UNA de las veces q freddy me contesto x lo mal q lo hizo...primero, cuando me dijo q tenia la mente podrida x pensar q mika nos sexualizaba con lo que hacia (acaso no??) despues cuando pregunte quien era la big girl de la foto, me dijo que yo era una tarada, que Mika las abrazaba porque era "parte del negocio"... Y por ultimo, lo de los rep...deje como 4 msjs y NUNCA agrego a sofi...me tengo q fijar ahora si cambio de opinion...es ingles el flaco?? xq creo q son los de inglaterra los q tiene prejuicios sobre nosotras...y si lo q me dijeron es verdad, la gente q se encarga del management de Mika tiene los mismos prejuicios...sin palabras
  2. es TAL CUAL me acuerdo TODAS y CADA UNA de las veces q freddy me contesto x lo mal q lo hizo...primero, cuando me dijo q tenia la mente podrida x pensar q mika nos sexualizaba con lo que hacia (acaso no??) despues cuando pregunte quien era la big girl de la foto, me dijo que yo era una tarada, que Mika las abrazaba porque era "parte del negocio"... Y por ultimo, lo de los rep...deje como 4 msjs y NUNCA agrego a sofi...me tengo q fijar ahora si cambio de opinion...es ingles el flaco?? xq creo q son los de inglaterra los q tiene prejuicios sobre nosotras...y si lo q me dijeron es verdad, la gente q se encarga del management de Mika tiene los mismos prejuicios...sin palabras
  3. jaja nono ya Mika dijo que si a el le sobrara la plata la usaria para comprar teatros, restaurarlos y hacer un espacio para difundir las atres...es mas filantropo q buen esposo!! cheeee xDDDDD
  4. bienvenida Raziel!!! te voy a decir asi xq ya tenemos una Nadu aka...xDDDD y q bueno q t guste la pag...tratamos de ponerle la mejor onda. somos muy confianzudas como ves, algunas ya somos amigas y nos conocemos, fuimos al shopping y todo jeje pero con TODAS nos tratamos bien, chateamos mucho x msn. Es como un club de campo de Mikaettes...jajaja xDD s parte importante de nuestras vidas si keres agregame al msn! es romi_mikitinam5@hotmail.com besotes!
  5. sofi a mi si me sale stuck al ppio...te mando la partitura???? es LO unico q me sale de mika jaja besos
  6. sisi hable con ella mas de 1 hra x tel, y 15 min x msn...jajaja les deja un gran beso! esta un poco colgada (desde la pag 126 masomenos q no postea xDDDD) pero igual las kiere mucho! y sis lou tenemos q juntarnossss...es dificil de entender lo q nos pasa pero es asi!! jaja ojala q a mi viejo no le joda llevarme a bs as otra vez jajaja por ultimo las kiero un monton!!!!!!! y pa las nuevas, ojala q nos conozcamos mucho mejor, parecen ser divinas... ah y Amo a MIkaaaaaaaa pero es un amor re sano, les juro, hasta que sea un poco amigo mio seria un honor porque mi amor pasa x quere con toda el alma q el sea feliz. Nada mas, es lo mas sencillo q me paso en la vida, yo q toy acostumbrada a ser una mina complicada... bechitus! muuuAAAAAAA PD:amo a cami al yogur, a mika...xDDDDDD
  7. es ceirto.... alla en libano creo q se pueden hasta 4...asi que rebasariamos el limite convencional establecido xDDDDDDD pero como MIka es unico, creo q puede darse el lujo de tener su propio haren... ah anto jajaja no me di cuenta...y q suerte q por lo menos actuaba vestido aunke lei q al cole iba con pantalones chupines rojos, y q lo jodian xq su nombre (Mica) era nombre de mujer o algo asi... beso! mua Romi Mika en el escenario (el "millicent fawcett hall" es el teatro de la Westminster School donde mica hizo la secundaria)
  8. siiii y yo Amo a Cami!!!! (sori...no queria decirtelo asi pero...me agarro un ataque de verborragia tipo silvia suller xDDDDDD) En serio amas este foro??? awwwww q divina bueno y ademas de amarte a vos tmb amo a Mika, que es mi padre, mi hno mi cosita hermosa, mi todo!!! jajajajaja bechitos cami
  9. anto mis peores temores se hicieron realidad.... Mika hizo el papel de Emceé en cabaret!!! channnn ese personaje me asusta posta! (en el shopping abasto pa' colmo habia una foto gigante y casi me meo). Porque es un ser...ah me parece a mi....extraño, es mezcla de hombre, con mujer, con muñeco maldito... y pone caras de lascivia horribles! no se si soportaria ver el todo el musical, aunq si fuera con MIka...humm no se... encima lo hizo en la secundaria, (frente a toda su flia!!!), y dijo en el articulo , que mucha gente fue a felicitarlo, y que le encanto... bueno un besote! ya se anto q a vos te encanta Cabaret pero no se, si queres alguna vez vemos la peli juntas asi me saco el panico de encima...jajaja bechito Romi
  10. fijense esto...es larguisimo pero me parecio interesante! es un articulo sobre la vida de Mika, contada x el y x sus conocidos... http://www.sundayherald.com/life/people/display.var.1168421.0.0.php ojala se vea el link... Rika...para para...como la hna de Adri???????????? eh????? no me digas q vos tmb... .... cri cri .... xDDDDDD (mas compañia para andy....) cuidense, saluditos
  11. en un post me parecio leer q te bautizaron tio Rika... Flo, segun m dijeron es asi Yasmine (27) Paloma (25-26) Mica (24) Allegra (17-18) Fortune (15) alguien sabe como se llama su mami?? se que el papa se llama Michael... (y x lo que oi, nuestro amorcis siempre fue Mica...le llegas a decir Michael adelante de su sra madre y la mujer es capaz de pegarte un bollo) besotes!
  12. ya q no hay nadie... (avisen si me olvido de alguien asi la añado a nuestro mapa fliar) Mami adri tiene hnas, nuestas tias: Vero, Lou, Carol (q un pajarito del TS dijo que habia sido amante de papi en londres...hummm), Jime y Kinky (nadu) Veka es muy joven para ser abuela, pero podria ser nuesta nana o nodriza... Las hijitas (q yo conozco): Maru y Romi (20) grinch(19) Sofi, Cami (18) Anto, Flopy , Flor la correntina , Andii y Ana (16) Lau (14) las trillizas de oro: Julie, Mikaalover (no se tu nombre) y Mary (13) bueno seguro q de alguna me olvido!! o le pifio la edad... ahora me fijo mejor besos!
  13. i live really far from scotland...the letter will arrive about 5 october...so you'll have a lot of sheets of paper in your hands before... i hope you can include mine!! hahaha have anice nice day wendy. lots of love, Romi
  14. nonono...bromear sobre su profe o su ego gigantesco es una cosa... pero estos photoshops son otra diferente que disgustante, diossss... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8602&page=47 es para pegarles y lo peor es q a todo el mundo le causo gracia... a mi me causo...aghhhhh puajjjjj.... ((dedicado a Camila Muñoz q tiene pesadillas con Perez...))
  15. ojala Mika se solidarice...porque yo me solidarizaria tmb... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=638066#post638066
  16. Pag 200!! queenie tembla...te estamos alcanzando....jejejeje y sip q raros esos emoticons!!! nunca los habia visto... ese para mi amiga Romy pero cuando la de arg??? mis momentos dulces con Mikis...cuantos recuerdos... empieza en cuanto llegue Mika...xDDD en 5 seg olvidaran todas las kinkideces q estaban x decir y no les daban los dedos para teclear Listo, se me olvidan de mi papi ehhh usurpadoras!! como la de la telenovela de canal 9 jeje un besote
  17. la q en love today se le apota en el hombro es una amiga de el eso si estoy segura...a la de grace kelly puedo no haberla visto tan bien pero Love today SI bechitus ahh miren esta siggy...es atrevida o me parece ami???????? xDDDDD
  18. era un virus...a Lou le paso lo msimo hace unos dias cuando chateaba conmigo... y si yo quiero ser piano...o algun instrumento arabe, q me dijeron q ademas de semitonos tienen cuartos de tonos!! xDDDD un besote!! no se pongan freaks con los diarios secretos de Mika...despues de todo, algunos los escribio una loca australiana.... encima yo le quise avisar a mika lo q ponian, y una flaca me cago a pedos x en myspace... besotes!!! anto lo de tu casa era xq vivis mas cerca de adri q yo y le podes llevar a encomienda...
  19. jaaaa lo del profe...debe ser fanfiction bah son los "secretos diarios".... hay 3 millones de textos como eso...sobre cualquier cosa de mika (un thread con 50 pag masomenos) la perra q dice vero, creo q es Bella jajajajajaja! XDDDDD y si mami para el 18 de oct te mando un regalo, solo q la unica dire q tengo para la encomienda es la de julie...como hacemos?? tirenme la de anto o alguna mas cerca... un besote!
  20. jaja veka creo q no es el sotano!!! hasta donde yo entendi, se trataria de una especxie de semi-detached house, es decir la propiedad es grande y hay como un departamentito similar a la casa grande al lado... un besote! ni que Mika fuera un murcielago...
  21. Mika's official pre-fame diary Yes, after some spitting, I found the diary from before the Mikster was famous. BEHOLD! Day 1 F**k yeah, I'm such a f**king good singer! All thanks to my lovely Russian singingteacher Evpraksiya. We're dating. But I'm not telling mum. She will take away my bambi video. No life without Bambi. Day 2 Evpraksiya taught me a very high note. I didn't quite get it until she stepped on my toe with her Russian boots, I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WE BELOONG TOGETHER BAAAAAAAAAABBBBY. And she was like Закрытый. We started kissing. Mum walked in. Asked us what the hell we were doing. Evpra is so clever, she told my mum she was inspecting my vocal cords. Mum however didn't believe us and kicked Evra OUT OF MY LIFE! I'm devastated! Bambi can't even save me now! Day 5 Been crying for the past few days. Have got a letter from Evra. Made me cry even more. Дорогая Mica, Хотя я люблю Вас до смерти, я нашел другого любителя. Он - лучший тот, кто целует. Его зовут Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr. По крайней мере его мать оставляет нас в покое. Я приложил колбасу к этому письму. Большая часть любви и не может ждать, чтобы играть российскую рулетку с Вами снова! Evrapraksiya (Dear Mica, Though I love you to death, I found another lover. He's a better kisser. His name is Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr. At least his mother leaves us alone. I've attached a sausage to this letter. Much of love and can't wait to play Russian roulette with you again! Evrapraksiya) Day 8 Got a phone call. Someone wants me to do a jingle for a bubblegum thing something whatever. I hate bubblegum. I can remember someone once but bubblegum on my butt and I was 'glued' to the chair. Maaan still got a trauma now. Anyways I did it and it sucked. Hope nobody finds out when I'm famous... Day 11 Went to Simon Cowell. The jerk. I kinda fancied him. I did have a thing for men in tight pants who look like they have sh*t under their noses and bash everyone because they didn't make it themselves but will eventually get rich because they come up with some cheesy talentshow. But he is such a turn off. I gave him everything I had. I first tried singing. He wasn't impressed. So I did my Hoochipop dance. He was even LESS than impressed! He said he had seen Robbie Williams do a much more impressive Macarena. I give up! Day 15 I HATE MY LIFE I HATE MY LIFE I HATE MY LIFE. Nobody can see what a genius I am! I mean, listen to my songs. Compared to me, Mozart is like a flee. I mean come on, his song that goes like tatatatatatatatatata. Well it's boring. See my music is like tatoetitatoetietatoeta. Much more variation. But ofcourse with all young geniuses, my talent was obvious from when I was little. Ofcourse I will write music history. People will say my name in one breath with Elvis Presley. Gosh I'm so much like Elvis! Day 20 Got a part in this really cheesy musical thing. Cabaret or something. Oh whatever, ofcourse I have to steal the show. During rehearsals, I got this angry looks from this wannabe guy who's just jealous because I'm so cool. Whatever. Met this Alan Cumming guy. DAAAAANG, he's like the hottest thing in cool right now. Well, I volunteer to be his toyboy! Day 29 Just performed the show. It was a blast. I WAS A BLAST. Gosh, my amazing falsetto voice in combination with my outstanding looks and smashing wink are too much. Oooooh boy the roof is on fire! Day 30 Got really great reviews. But I knew I was going to be awesome. It's in my nature. It's a gift, sometimes a sin, but I can handle it. I did see Alan give me these I-want-you-so-bad-but-you're-too-young-for-me look. Come on Alan, I'm ready for it! Day 35 My star is rising! Even my neighbours know me now! Woohoot! Recorded some demos. If it wasn't for my sexy voice, they would suck. But they don't because I sing them. Well, went to these record companies. They told me they wanted to work with me if I would write more commercial stuff, like Robie Williams. I was like, heck no! Robbie already won Simon's heart! I won't be like him. So I went home, got all angry and wrote a song called Elvis Presley Day 40 Another meeting today with a record company. They signed me! THEY SIGNED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAH I'm so HAPPPPPYY! OOh wait, The Bold and the Beautiful is on (...) Yah I'm so happy! Though they advised me to change Elvis Presley to Grace Kelly. Whatever! WORLD DOMINATION B*TCHES! The rest is a well-known story
  22. tell me those things are not true...this diary scares me eleanorelle please!!!! help me calm down.... in fact there is a gustave from lake tanganyka XDDDDD would be him???? i hope not ughhhhhh because if Mika thinks all that stuff...that's all I want to hear about him from now on...really have a nice day (not you, diary writer wheter if youre Mika or not)
  23. Day 1 Discovered some fan site dedicated to me, called the Mika Fan Club, or MFC . So I joined under a pretty awesome name and had to explain to them that it is “fork” not fog, **** or anything. Damn people can’t hear or something. Then some started suspecting me, luckily I’m so educated I managed to dodge the questions…and guess what, they actually believed me HAHA. Day 2 I had to go on and praise myself. I’m such a genius for writing Relax! They loved it! But what can I say…I’m a genius! Day 4 Gave them the “Over my shoulder” lyrics. Decoy. Had to praise myself again…I’m such a ****ing genius! Gotta love, love me! Day5 What’s all the ****ing obsession with that song?! Geesh I’m fed up trying to be all nice and explain it! That’s it I’m not clarifying nothing again. Day 6 Heard an awesome tune today on the radio...oh wait it was Love Today on Scott Mills program on Radio 1! Gosh I love that guy. He’s so hot….I can picture him naked on an elephant with a tutu on…a pink one….hmmm that could be a song….wake up in the morning, stumble on a tutu… Day 11 Listening to BWO…gosh he’s so hot!!! Checked MFC, haven’t been on in a few days…. WTF?! Eurovision!!!!! Day 13 Damn I wrote about my tama and now I blew my cover. I could just delete my post, but that would make it more suspicious! Wonder if they’ll notice…. Day 15 Create new MFC account in invisible mode. Lurk around the forum. I’m a ****ing genius! Day 16 Checked my profile…damn inbox filled with PMs….sigh…..*select all…delete* Lurk around some more. Day 18 This place is getting sca-ry. Why don’t they see how much of a genius I am…it’s not all about looks! Day 20 Haven’t been on MFC much. I actually have a life, unlike some people. I am a ****ing genius after all! Day 21 I love confusing them…took my other account out of invisible mode. I love messing around with them, I’m such a genius! Day 22 Created Gustave….see I put e to confuse them, they were talking about Gustav…I’m such a genius! Day 23 Messed around with them MFCers…it’s such fun!! They love me so much. Haha look at them trying to figure out who I am and if it’s me! I’m such a genius! Day 28 Oh look twiglet my friend is on! What a nice person! So I got Fortuné to create an account too… I’m such a genius. Day 29 Fortune is having way too much fun. He too created another account. He’s a ****ing genius! No wait I’m the genius in this family! *Goes off to stalk Fortuné* Day 30 Saw some other random identities…hmmm I think Zuleika is in on it…..note to self – ask her. Day 32 My fun continues on the MFC….but I need to go to a doctor…my boogers are yellow…that’s not good…see I know cause I’m a genius! Day 33 I think I’m playing my cards right…they don’t suspect most of my identities…chatted with some wonderful people via PM….hmmm maybe these MFCers are really nice people, well some. A bit obsessive but hey I need their support for total World domination….gotta play my cards right. I’m such a genius! Day 35 Mikasounds is way cooler and better than MFC! Why does MFC want to be official?! I wonder!! It’s not like they know more about me than me myself or that they get news before everyone psshhh Day 38 Got tons of friend request from MFCers on myspace…..posted some blogs, well paid Fortuné to write it and got accused of getting my info from MFC. Yeah right! Day 40 Fans….can’t live with them, can’t live without them…saw myself on VH1 with Perez, he’s such a muppet….I’m a genius yes I am, even P said so himself! He’s so cute, too bad we’re over, like whatever! I'm such a genius I can find someone else in no time
  24. aca desdde arg llega en 15 dias mas o menos...hay tioempo hasta el 17/11... y de dinero, sale unos 4 pesos argentinos, no se como sera en mexico... besos
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