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Everything posted by liliana

  1. With luck she doesn't know the portuguese naughty words! If I would worn a mask I would probably fall out the stage. You weren't affraid of that? Thanks! Now I'm trying to find a way of saving the videos on TMN's facebook and I don't know how to do it. I want to have the golden heart's video. EDIT: I discovered a way to do it!
  2. Never thought that she understood Portuguese. That's great! True! I just realise it was you because of your Sudoeste tattoo. You were dancing and you seemed very confortable on stage. I would die of shame, I don't like people to stare at me.
  3. Does anyone know how can I download this video? http://www.musica.iol.pt/consola.html?mul_id=13301741
  4. I have to emphasize this... Your Happy Ending video is brilliant. We can see his reaction to our surprise.
  5. I never said "hurting" him! Now I want a real piñata, a giant one! I have some serpentines at home. It's great to hear that! You're welcome! Great quality! :shocked: You were really sexy on that outfit girl! Dancing like a pro!
  6. I know what a piñata is and she didn't told me anything! We need a stick to hit the piñata, right? Thanks! I had a really wonderful day. It was memorable!
  7. Photo taken by TMN or Universal Musica or whatever... The photo is blurry. (I'm the one on the right:teehee:)
  8. But it will probably be my last gig this year. I told her that now I'm going to start to think on Vigo, I can't think in two gigs at the same time. What we have to do there girl? I'm talking about the photos before the show, during the afternoon. I guess I saw some of the entrance.
  9. You're welcome! Yes... I am! And my boyfriend is getting upset because he was the one who took the photo... I guess I'm going to have problems.
  10. When I got to the front the lights were turned off and he appeared, it was the most weird entrance ever, because I didn't saw him. The photographers were crazy, we barely saw the first 3 musics. The whole gig was a madness. I felt that Mika was really happy and full of energy. Once in a while Mika ran in the corridor near the crowd and people got crazy. 38.000 people there, probably only 30.000 were watching the show, but was a really good crowd. Everyone was singing, dancing and claping. I have to emphasize two different moments: the first one was on Happy Ending, when we tried to release the balloons. We were affraid that he didn't notice because we were just a few people with a few ballons, but HE DID. :biggrin2:He stopped, he smilled and I'm sure he liked. :wub2:I watched today on the Sic Radical website and we can even hear him laughing and honestly it made a really beatiful effect. I'm so proud of us. I can't stop watching that video and I was there, I lived every moment. Oh... how I missed that day. The other big moment was on WAG. I got shocked when I realised that so many people had a golden heart. Amazing. His reaction again... his smile! I wish I could freeze that moment forever. But hey, I got even more shocked when Mika went to pick up a golden heart too. He started to waving it like us, dancing, jumping. What a memorable moment. I can't stop watching the videos from this show. I wish we had another one on next month. I don't forget Mika's words "You were so f*cking brilliant"! I ended up the night full of dust and really tired, but all the happiness and the emotions that I felt made me forget that, at least till the next day lol. Guess I told you everything. I'm not at home and the internet it's not very good, so I'll upload photos and videos later. I want to say thanks to everyone who spent the day with me, (don't want to say names because probably I would forget someone). If I'll remember more details I'll come back.
  11. Actually I was trying to see myself on your photos. Where were you? Left or right side?
  12. I won a contest from Portuguese Universal Music to have a meet&greet with Mika. We were supposed to put a photo on their facebook, showing that we know how to celebrate more than Mika. I wasn't thinking to participate since I hadn't no ideas to a celebration photo lol. I forgot that subject, but I remembered again when it was 20 minutes to the deadline, so I ran to the computer and I saw that only 7 girls participated and I decided to try my lucky. I looked for a very stupid photo in my laptop and I posted when it was only 3 minuts to midnight, and I WON! I knew in a festival it will be dificult to speak with him, so I decided to enjoy my prize. They told me the meet&greet would happen before the show and I started to get worried about how would I be able to leave and then get back to the front row. During the afternoon they warned me it would be 1 hour before Mika's show and I got even more scared. Then, they said to be at a side stage door at 22:30, then I received a message saying it was a delay so I had to wait till 23h. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to give the gift that the portuguese fan club prepared for him, I was really concerned, so my mission was to give him that and then if I had time, speak a little bit with him. 15 people bought together a t-shirt (I'll show you later) related with the postponed gig in April, so it was important to take care of this first. While I was waiting I was talking with the responsables from the contest and let me tell you, they are really sweet people. We had time to talk about everything, but I noticed they were with a lot of expectation for WAG music and I wasn't understanding why (I didn't knew about the 5,000 golden hearts). I was in the backstage with more 3 girls and Mika started to sing to warm up his voice, I started to feel butterflies in my stomach like it was the first time I met him. He came 5 minuts before his show, so it was 23:40. I noticed he was really concentrated and I knew he was late for the show, but he came straight to me smiling, I gave him our gift and explained it and he said "this is so sweet" and tried to read what was in the t-shirt, then he made that sweet laugh that I don't know how to imitate but I love it. This was in 3 or 5 minutes, but I still had time for him to sign my tofu doll and take a group photo, but because he was in a rush, I felt he wasn't listening most of what I said. I was the only girl who spoke to him, I guess the other ones were shy. I got a little bit sad about the meet&greet being before the show, because I knew it would be very fast and I would have troubles getting back to my place. Once again people were really sweet with me and helped me get there. Even in the middle of the show, a guy from Universal Music came to see if I made it, so cool, they were really worried with me. It was like a battle, but I asked politely to everyone and I did it. My boyfriend and Olga were there, saving me a spot. Next: The Gig
  13. Did you resize the photos? I'm asking this because they are really smaller.
  14. Let's see if I'll remember everything... I left my boyfriend's house around midday. Olga came with us. It was 2 hours driving under a terrible heat and with traffic from people who were travelling to Algarve. We arrived around 14:30 to Sudoeste. Honestly the landscape is beautiful, but being in the middle of nowhere, with heat, sand, dust and rocks, waiting for a show that would happen near midnight, it's not my favorite hobbie. At 15h the doors opened. There were just a few people there, and not all wanted to go so early near stage. So we didn't have problems finding a good place to stay. I got front row - right. In festivals (I don't know if this happens in other countries), the crowd is divided in two. We had a corridor in the middle of the stage, that allowed security guys, photographers and staff to pass freely, but in some cases, artists like to run in that corridor to be near the crowd, that's what Mika did several times during the show. During all noon we tried to hide from the terrible heat, probably more than 35ºC there. I spent more than 10€ in water, put sun protector and I made a tent with a flag that I had with me. I ended up with no sun burn this time, hurray! Because it's a kind of hippy festival where they can camp and go to the beach, people start to arrive around 19h, and to get worse, it was football day (by the way, my team won ). So, because we had a quite and peacefull afternoon, we decided to prepare the surprises for the gig. We filled up more the 100 ballons I guess (imagine doing that and sweating at the same time, just insane). We tried to find a way to save our giant flag too (the same we used in Lisbon), since it had 10 meters of long. Then, we got a wonderful surprise, the main sponsor brought the golden hearts again, we didn't know anything. We went to pick up some and distribute to front row but we never dreamed that they had 5,000 hearts, we thought that probably it was some kind of remainings from Lisbon. Some girls from portuguese fan club and mfc were interviewed to Sic Radical (a tv chanel) and to a radio station, I guess. It was amazing meeting new people. The ambience between us was incredible, we had a really pleasent day. Next: My meet&greet.
  15. I love this video. You could see our big effort trying to hold up the giant flag that said "Thank you for this golden night". The sad thing was the flag disappeared after that. You should have seen his face after. I'll promise I'll do a proper report tomorrow. I know I said I would do it today but I'm not feeling very good since yesterday. Maybe I caught too much sun on the head, don't know, but I'm feeling strange with terrible headaches. I agree with you. They make total sense on BG! Insane!
  16. I need to refresh my memories from yesterday so I'm going to the beach. I'll tell you everything later: our efforts to prepare the surprises, my m&g with mika, the concert and everything else.
  17. You have his e-mail on the bottom of the review, I don't know him. It really p*ssed me off. This has nothing to do with a review of the show, but with some weird and deep traumas and stupidity.
  18. And a very stupid review. http://diariodigital.sapo.pt/disco_digital/news.asp?id_news=39350 But I guess we are used to read stupid things from this website. I don't have time to translate, but I can assure you it's really sad to read, when you have so many good reviews, and in the middle you have a review from someone that probably weren't there.
  19. http://www.musica.iol.pt/noticias/mika-sudoeste-2010-festival-fotos-videos-iol-musica/1183184-3378.html Another positive review. Plus photos and a video. His microphone didn't work at the begining of relax.
  20. True. I would love to freeze that concert and the ambience forever. I was front row, right side.
  21. 38.000 people yesterday! Just wait a little bit more. I need to see my pics and videos first. Less than a week! The best thing was Mika picking a heart and waving with us! Have to see that. :shocked:Thank you! You're welcome! You were there!!!??
  22. Arriving home a few minutes ago, just had time to take a quick shower. I'm really tired but was so freaking amazing. I'll tell you everything later, but I guess you already know almost everything since you watch the show live stream. Review from Blitz http://blitz.aeiou.pt/gen.pl?p=stories&op=view&fokey=bz.stories/64290 (I love how people raised on the air their golden hearts again )
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