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Everything posted by liliana

  1. Eu gostava bastante de conhecer o Brasil! Também gostava de ir a mais concertos, mas depende de muita coisa, de trabalho se tiver na altura, de horários da faculdade e de dinheiro claro!
  2. Eu gostava de viajar também, mas neste momento não há dinheiro! Ainda não sei, mesmo Lisboa é um dia de semana e pode ser complicado para mim. Só vou conseguir decidir mais perto das datas, mas vou tentar ir a um no Reino Unido e outro em Espanha! Vamos lá ver se a vida me corre bem!
  3. Ok...vi uma coisa que não gostei! Eu tenho trauma por ver pessoas em mexer nas objectivas das máquinas com as mãos ao contrário, fico possuída... e ele faz isso!
  4. :naughty: Tudo bem e contigo? Porra deixei dois posts e não me viste? Cegueta! Ainda não! Tou a tratar de divulgar o meu site, ainda não lá fui!
  5. Já agora... nova galeria no meu site http://www.liliananicolau.com Conta do olhares http://olhares.aeiou.pt/LilianaNicolau Conta do Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/liliana_nicolau E já agora onde estão os blogs que eu não os vejo?
  6. Yes a point and shoot camera. I have Canon A610, a little bit old but still works for me and actually make great macro photos, and I can't complaint on gigs too. A macro lens it's very expensive because you can only use for that, some of those lenses are really good for portraits too, but not all of them. I read on a photograph portuguese magazine about a new Tamron lenses that as the same quality as Canon or Nikon and it's good for macro and portrait and has a very convincing price. Like I said there are more stuff for you to experiment macro photography. I bought a ring for reverse my lenses (but you have to pay attention to the diameter of your lenses, it's the same as you want to buy a filter). You can see on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/Macro-Coupler-62-62mm-To-Reverse-Lens-Adapter-Ring_W0QQitemZ250503411704QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLens_Accessories?hash=item3a532ab7f8 With this you can't control the aperture, because the lenses aren't in contact with your camera, but with patient you can have good results. Try to reverse your lens and lean it to your camera and you'll see some results, like paper's texture, your own skin's texture, I don't know, plenty of things. But you don't have to buy this piece to see if it works, that piece just give you more freedom because you don't need to have your hand always in the lens. But honestly, sometimes I'm affraid of using the method of reversing lenses, because if you made a little scratch, your lens is dead. You have another option, using an extensive tube. http://cgi.ebay.com/3-Ring-Macro-Extension-Tube-for-Canon-400D-450D-350D-Ne_W0QQitemZ160367416355QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLens_Accessories?hash=item2556a49423 Like you can see, the extensive tube can be divided in three pieces, you don't have to use all of them. The more you use, more details you can get, but the quality of your image will decrease. I guess you have extensive tubes that can connect the lenses to the camera and you can control everything normally, but I'm not sure of this, I don't know if it's a myth! Now, imagine using a below, an extensive tube and a ring for reversing lenses at the same time. I hope you understand what I said. This was based on what I read and my personal experience.
  7. Some experiences when I was at my first year at school!
  8. Beautiful colors! Thanks! This one was taken with a compact camera. After reading a book about macro photography I forgot a little bit the a ideia of buying a macro lens. Of course I would love to have one, but they're very expensive and you can do such lovely experiences with some acessories too. I have a piece to reverse lenses, some extense tube and a below!
  9. I speak Portuguese, English and Spanish. I understand French and Italian.
  10. Some macro photography (Does anyone has flickr account?)
  11. To much precipitation! But even that is scary!
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