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Posts posted by Lollipop-Kid

  1. Happy Birthday Mika!!!!!!!

    Have a good 24th!!!!!!

    I just want to say, how much of an impact you've had on me.

    Because of you, I'm learning how to be myself.

    For a while, I've been feeling kinda insecure with myself (bullying at school hasn't helped, even though I stand up for myself. I know looks don't matter at all, but girls at my school don't see it that way) but you make me feel so much better about myself, especially in the song 'Big Girl'.

    I first heard your song 'Grace Kelly' on a music video on a website.

    I instantly fell in love with it, listened to more of your music and loved it so I then bought your album. X]

    You and your songs mean so much to me. =)

    So Mika, Happy Birthday, Have a good one.

    I love youu!


  2. I know! It's crazy!! haha It hasn't even existed for more than 24 hours yet! I think it's officially been 12 since I created it.


    That would be so sweet! I'm sure Mika would love that. Or shouting "Your personality is beautiful" or something.

    I'm usually shy, too, but when it comes to concerts, all that gets thrown out the window and I act like a fool. haha Only I don't scream obscene things..


    Yes! I think my next sign for whenever I go to a gig will be "I love and respect you for who you are" although that's rather long.

    I'd so love to meet up with people!


    That would be so much fun! I would make sure he heard us... Haha... I can be quite loud when I want to be... but I wouldn't shout disrespectful stuff and crap lol... "WE LOVE AND RESPECT YOUU!!" Funnn ;P


  3. I don't think you are Ellie. This girl sounds like a complete bitch, and to be honest, I think YOU are the one who deserves better, not her.

    I have two things to rant about.

    There's this complete bitch that hangs around with my little sister. I'm not being an over protective big sister, I knew this girl. We were friend, but she'd only be friendly with me when she had no one else. The minute there was someone else, she'd be nasty and call me names. Then when they'd gone, there was a grovelling apology. I'd forgive her, because to be honest, i had no other mates at the time. Then one time she took it to far. My little sis had lost the use of her legs and it was hard on everyone at the time and I think she got jealoys because I had to be with her most of the time, up the hospital and stuff. I got home one night and checked my email and she said I'd stolen £60 off her about 2 years before (her dad had accused me of it. I reckon it was him personally) and that my sister was faking the thing about her legs. I could have wrung her neck there and then, bringing my sister into it. Anyway, I didn't speak to her for months after that, and we madeup but we were never the same after. I got new friends and so on.

    Then, a few months ago she bacame my little sister's friend. I was fine about it but then she began to change my little sister. She'd make her stay out late and not answer her phone and she was turning her into a emo (I have nothing against them, its just, well, this girl isn't one. She thinks its about wearing black and cutting themselves) and all ridiculous things. Then recently, to show off to these boys, she pulled my sisters tracksuit bottoms dow, which I thought was totally out of order. When my sis came in crying I had a go at her. My other friends want to hit her because shes always a bitch to them.

    That rant over.

    Now for the other one. My ex boyfriend asked me out, then when I saw him he wouldn't speak to me. I tried to get him to, but he said about 2 words to me. Then at the end of the day my friends said go and hug him, so I did, but he totally blanked it, and stood there with his arms by his sides. I felt kinda upset by this. Not because I was mad about him or anything, but I thought what was the point in asking me? I thought I'd be the one who didn't speak that much because it was my first boyfriend. BUt apparently not. So, on wednesday I was supposed to go and see him, but I cancelled because because I wondered what the point was in going to see him if he'd ignore me. It was a funday so my friend and her boyfriend went and he told her he'd rather get to know me first, then ask me out again. So, basically he dumped me. I wasn't that bothered, but I was kinda pissed off. There wasn't any point. Then I found out he now has a new girlfriend. So it's been less than a week, and he's got a new girlfriend and he hasn't spoken to me. I text to say don't worry about it and if I hadn't, he might not have known that I knew he dumped me, because he didn't bother to tell me personally. I wasn't that pleased. Stuff him.

    Rant over. Sorry about that. :)


    That girl, in your first part, also sounds like a total bitch. What is wrong with some people!?! ARGHH ARGHH ARGHHHHHHH! They piss me off.


    That guy also sounds really weird... what was the point in asking you out if he wasn't gunna talk to you? =S

    Good job we can relieve all our anger because of stupid IDIOTS by listening to Mika. =] Well it works for me anyway ;]


  4. i had a problem similar to that during the school year. my best friend was just like that. we managed to work it out, but for your problem, i think your better off without her. if she doesn't have any other friends, that's her problem for being such a biatch.



    Ah, this sounds bad, I feel for you. If this person says you're bad and nobody likes you, she's definitely not your friend. I've known people like that myself, they are kind of friends, but then say "by the way you're weird and nobody likes you" and then think they've done a favor to you by telling that :thumbdown:

    I'm sure there must be nicer people around you. Don't listen to this girl, you're not obliged to be friends with somebody who tries to degrade you.


    Thankyou. I just wanted to let it out, I don't think I'm gonna get back into this joke of a friendship.

  5. i need to let this out......


    a friend from work whose number i didnt have registered on my phone rang me today and i missed the call so i rang back and got no answer a few times...(because i didnt know who was trying to ring me)

    I ten got a text message from the unknown number saying to stop ringing them....so i texted back asking who are you?

    then i got a message back saying stop ringing / texting me or else i will come find you and stab you.

    i got really really upset about this and was pretty much terrified for the next few hours until i got told by the person whom was sending me these texts that it was just Laura from work and it was a practical joke!! :boxed:


    NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!


    Omg! Cruel joke.

  6. My friendship problem has gone too far. You don't have to read this. I just need SOMEWHERE to let it all out.

    Ok, so, me and my so-called 'friend' are always arguing. Usually over something completely stupid, I think it's because she likes to argue and be the centre of attention. It keeps happening, then she apologises and comes crawling back. I always forgive her because if I don't, she'll have no one and I can't bear to see that happen, to anyone, even though sometimes I just can't stand her.

    This time, she has said some pretty harsh stuff. First off, she said I wasn't allowed to talk to her anymore because I apparantly put things into her head which make her act weird... Even though I'm not sure what I said or did to make her think this.

    I got kind of upset about this so she apologised and I was thinking whether or not to forgive her.

    Earlier on today she said that she was fed up with me not talking to her and starting rambeling on, saying all these people in our class hate me because I'm a complete freak and that she's going to hang around with them because she deserves better than a stupid, pathetic loser like me.

    If you did read this, I'm sorry if you feel like I'm whining over nothing, I just needed to let it all out.



  7. Okay this isnt mika or mcf related 'letting it all out' so dont bother reading it, you dont have to. But i guess im just not seeing the point in things these days. Im fed up of being the one who sits by and pretends that everything is okay, the one that always says they are fine when asked out of curtousy.

    Thing is they arent the never have been, and i know it, and no matter how many times i try and fix things, they never change, never have, never will and i dont want to be around to see them get worse. You cant change anything and you cant make things that have happened in your life 'unhappen' or stop them from happening again and again.

    The worst part is know that there is goodness in people and mostly it stays deep down and burried. Maybe when people do bad things it’s because they want to, or because they think have to, or maybe we just need the bad stuff to remind us what the good stuff was in the first place. But what if there is no good stuff, what if this is all my life is going to amount to.

    Someone once told me that you have to believe that life is more than the sum of its parts. But I cant. I cant believe it because the parts are all I have known, put all those parts together and you start to get a bigger picture, maybe it isn’t all of the puzzle, maybe there are more pieces to it that I haven’t seen yet. But I don’t like the look of the picture the puzzle is making, because if every piece is the same size and shape so far, then the rest of the pieces wont be any different.

    I just give up with it all, ive had enough and i dont know what to do anymore i dont, because you cant run away from life, you cant escape things, you cant stop them from hurting you, i just want to make it all go away. Im going t go away, i give up.


    There must be someone who you can talk to, let it all out.

    Things aren't always as bad as they seem...

    And I hope it'll get better for you. *Hugs*


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