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Posts posted by Lollipop-Kid

  1. :roftl: :roftl: so very very true :naughty:

    in a thread of a cancelled gig i was going to say 'he definitely needs a spanking.. I'LL DO IT!!!' but it wasn't the time because everyone was all sad :naughty: i would spank him if i had to though


    Haha. I most certainly wouldn't mind either. ;)

  2. I had this dream while I was in Paris:

    Me and Mika were at the top of the Eiffel Tower and he told me I had to jump off the edge with him. I said "No! I don't want to die!"

    So he said "You won't die! I have my magic dungerees on!" (He did have dungerees on).

    I agreed to jump off, then the eiffel tower got really small and I didn't need to jump, I just stepped off with him and tripped over and landed flat on my face (unconscious).

    When I regained consciousness, me and Mika were in my school and Mika was a new student, (which is weird coz it's an all girls school) and we had this tug-of-war in this random corridor in my school with me, Mika and all my friends on one side and the bitchy, nasty girls on the other. We won and they all fell over into this hole that suddenly appeared in the middle of the corridor. Mika hugged me and was about to kiss me when I, also, fell through the hole. :thumbdown:

    Then I woke up.

    Wahay, fun dream. =P

  3. I haven't met him, unfortunatly. :[

    I will do, one day... :]]

    I'll probably stand there, speechless [for once =P], but I WILL MEET HIM.

    And apparantly, he is great with kids. People on this forum have met him with their kids and he was apparantly really good with 'em. =D


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