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Posts posted by Lollipop-Kid

  1. BAH.

    I think I start on the 4th of September...

    I dunno.

    Second year of GCSEs for me... :thumbdown: (Year 11)

    I'm concerned about my test results and coursework results that I did at the end of last year.

    Also, considering we're the oldest in the school, (apart from the 6th formers, but apparantly they don't count) most people in my year will be all 'oh we're better than everyone else' bla bla bla.

    I can't STAND the majority of my year group. They piss me off MAJORLY.

    Just coz I'm different (my music taste, my fashion sense), they decide 'oh lets piss her off, she's not the same as us'.

    Haha. I actually can't wait 'til non-uniform day XP,even though it's in Feburary.

    So on top of all the work I have, the people in my school suck big time too.

    Lol sorry about my ranting.

    Had to get it off my chest. =P


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