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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Not too much. I'm not really close friends with the guy who's having the party. More of a friendly acquaintance. But my close friend and I are sort of going together so we should have fun.
  2. I'm going to Wagga to visit some cousins tomorrow. And then I'm coming home and hopefully making it here in time to go to a party at 7pm. Nothing is happening on Sunday as of yet. at those smilies!
  3. Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over! I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud. I like him more than Andy as well.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OAKIE DOKE!!! :roftl: Your ukulele is awesome! Well.. I tried to slip in a few hints by mentioning the ukulele and spelling it right. But I didn't want to correct you because I like to watch you suffer.
  5. Argh, that sucks. My ukulele is really bad quality too. I'm not really sure what the strings are supposed to be made out of. Mine are plasticy nylon stuff. I think I might drop it. I've got 14 units and I think that it's just going to be too much work, along with english extension. I think it will be better to just focus on one and do well in it, rather than divide my efforts and struggle. That's what I'm going to tell the teacher.
  6. Probably sitting directly in front of their air conditioners. We're finally getting a new one tomorrow! I really hope this one works because I can't stand this for much longer.
  7. He's the best in my mind! I think if he gets past the block in his head he could beat Nadal. He actually won more points in the Australian Open final, but he couldn't win them at the right time. All those break points... He is lovely.
  8. Roger Federer! He's the best. Yep, that's right! And right spelling as well.
  9. Are you laughing at our sorrow? All day today I had to defend him. Everyone was like "Blah, blah, blah, he cried so he's such a sore loser, blah, blah". But he obviously wasn't crying because he lost! He was crying because he was so overwhelmed! I would know of course because I can read minds. Today in our first Religion lesson we listened to Imagine by John Lennon!
  10. :crybaby: Roger lost! After the last point I kept thinking "I won't get upset, I won't get upset, I won't get upset." And then Roger got up to do his speech and he started to cry and it was so sad and then I started to cry as well! But after we both composed ourselves he had another go and was able to say a few sentences before the crying began to start up again. It's been an emotional evening. Well done to Rafa though.
  11. You have no idea how jealous I am right now. It's currently 11:15pm and it's still 37 degrees here. And tomorrow is going to be a scorcher! Was anybody watching SBS last night? They had this really cute movie on called The Manual Of Love. I think it was Italian.
  12. Oh damn! I feel bad and responsible for his absence now. Nice purchases!
  13. Possibly. But thankfully the forecast has changed to a cool 46 degrees. The site that I'm using for the forecasts only shows the temperature up until next Friday and every day between now and then will be 40 or above.
  14. Well, I think it's brilliant! It is very weird though. It encourages kids to keep fit and healthy. The basic storyline is that a new girl named Stephanie (the one with pink hair) has moved to Lazytown where everybody is very lazy. But she and Sportacus (the hero who can do crazy acrobatics and lives in a blimp floating about Lazytown), who is played my the show's creator and Olympic gymnast, get everybody in the town (they are all puppets) active again. Sportacus gets his powers from "sports candy" (fruit - usually an apple). The villain of the show is Robbie Rotten and he is always trying to make everybody in Lazytown lazy again because he wants it to be peaceful and quiet. Every episode he disguises himself in some way to try and stop the townspeople and Sportacus from being healthy and active. Each time it ends with his true identity being discovered with the simultaneous cry of "Robbie Rotten!" by everybody. Throughout each episode they sing a couple of songs and it always ends with a rendition of 'Bing Bang'.. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=moBnvpvL47Q That's about it I think.
  15. It definately should not. Well, it wasn't actually on. I got really excited because I thought that it had finally returned to ABC. But it was just an ad with one of the songs on it.
  16. It does indeed. And guess who I have english extension with for an hour and a half every Monday after school (with only 4 or 5 people in the class)? I know! I had to do work in every subject today! It wasn't fair. It's one of my favourite new age kids television shows, along with Yo! Gabba Gabba. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LazyTown Ring any bells? I hate you. Only a little bit.
  17. I know! It's insane. I'm hoping the forecast is wrong. A concept my friend and I made up. *points to the blog link in her signature*
  18. Argh, I'd forgotten how tiring school can be. But I got awesome teachers! Well I went into the library at lunch because I couldn't stand being outside anymore. I think it got to 43 degrees today which was horrible. Thank God my school has air conditioning. It's supposed to be 47 degrees this Sunday here! I'm yet to take pictures. I'll get around to it soon. I so badly want to have a nap/NTS attack but I know that if I do I'll be up late tonight. Grr. Finishing school a year early seems like an attractive prospect at the moment. When we walked into our first Physics lesson the teacher made us do all of these relatively difficult maths equations. If he'd asked me to do them at the end of last year I might have managed, but not after two months of holidays!
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