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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Hang on.. What happened between Lily and Elton? I should know about this! I'm going to Melbourne tomorrow!
  2. Finished the music assignment before midnight!! But our printer is out of ink so I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I can print it at school. Haha, yes! She posted that on her Twitter a few days ago and I laughed. Very clever. It's lovely!
  3. Hello all! Just letting you know that I'm banning myself from the internet until I've finished this music assignment. Bye!
  4. Hello! I'm going to go to bed now. Sorry Kelzy and Oakie Doke, I've just checked my email attachment limit and it's too small for the video. Any other suggestions? Na-night!
  5. Okay doke! Oh, okay. I was sort of close! But that sucks. Okay, just PM me your address.
  6. I sense something with those tears. Did The Kooks break up or something? Oh! I finally have a video of me performing. It's my friend and I playing at the last school assembly (she's singing, I'm playing piano). If you REALLY want to see it I can email it to you because she doesn't want me to put it on youtube (I don't see why not.. she sounds very good in it). Just PM me your email address. (Don't expect too much from me. It was a pretty ordinary song, piano-wise. But it's very pretty)
  7. Haha, yes! Have you seen 'Pay It Forward'? I think he's in that as well.. Damn, now I really feel like watching 'Pay It Forward'! Wow! She does look different!
  8. Well we have to do it about one instrument. I'm doing the piano and there are four questions and we have to write 1500 words (although I'm pretty sure I'm going to go over that) and do a Viva Voce on it as well. It's just very repetitive. Oh, I see. I could never afford that. But I wish I could.
  9. I am quite bored. I'm working on a music assignment at the moment which is rather boring but I really want to get it done. I've been putting it off for around 3 weeks. Poor you! Excellent ingenuity though. Oh! The other day I was watching an old episode of Sex and the City and it was an episode where Carrie's friends made her go see a shrink because she was constantly talking about Big. And when she reluctantly went to see a pretty famous one, she was delighted to find out that an rather attractive man had the appointment before her. And he was played by Jon Bon Jovi! Have you seen that episode? That's always the way. Ooh Europe! You get all the fun.
  10. Don't worry, I've just remembered! She's the Voturri girl!
  11. Ooh, awesome! I was wondering about the boyfriend bit. I remember you talking about him (unless it's a different exchange student). But that sucks about him going home in June. Sounds like you guys had a great time. I do hope your mum doesn't find out. I'm having a mental blank. Who was Jane again?
  12. Umm, well I'm not at school today because I'm still trying to get rid of this cold. But I'm feeling quite a bit better today.
  13. Who is this new band in your signatures? I had just been becoming able to remember all of the Kooks names! Hello Kelzy! How have you been?
  14. I know! I'm so horrible. I'm too shy for my own good.
  15. Hello! I chickened out in another perfect opportunity today! Hang on! When did this happen? I need some details!
  16. WHERE? I can't sleep.. Stupid cold! And I suppose stupid me for sleeping in so late this morning.
  17. I have been here, but I haven't posted anything because there was nobody to talk to.
  18. Don't look at me like that! Ambrose is so adorable.
  19. Hello all! She did not. But it's not my fault! Every time I saw him today he was with a few other people and when I did see him on his own it was the end of the day and if I had stopped to talk to him I would have missed the bus. So I'm really not to blame! Also, I have a cold and I don't really want to go somewhere with him with one.
  20. Thankyou. Well, Thursday is the last day before the weekend this week and I think it will be better to talk then. I don't know why. Yes, it was a good quick read. It was a pleasant and cute little story that only took me a couple of days. It was quite childish but I think that's what made it so sweet. You only just noticed that? Ooh, very nice!
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