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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Awesome! You're a lot further than where I ever got with the ukulele.
  2. Mondays. Umm.. It used to be 4 hours but now with the freeway it's more like 3 and a half.
  3. Aww. I think they go together very well. I don't think so. He's not really the partying type (neither am I though). But I think he said something about going to Melbourne for something, but I'm not sure if that was this weekend.
  4. The Grates are the ones who sing '192020', aren't they? With the female singer? You like? From what he told me on Thursday, it's 's birthday tomorrow.
  5. Wow! I've just realised that I haven't done a Tony post in ages! *goes to find pictures*
  6. We really need to get the Aussie thread pumping again! Does anybody wish to discuss something completely random? *looks in Oakie Doke's direction*
  7. Hello! The athletics carnival was good, but I'm now pretty darn sunburnt. Okay. Well you'll find out about the water thing.
  8. I'm not going to spoil anything (and this is if the book has the same storyline as the musical).. You haven't finished yet have you?
  9. Hello all! Athletics carnival tomorrow. Not my favourite day of the year but a hundred times better than the swimming one! It's pretty much like a day off school.
  10. It's actually very cool tonight. Today there was a cool breeze and I wore my jumper! There was a fire up on a hill quite near my house today but they contained it pretty quickly. We could smell the smoke at school though and everyone was a little worried.
  11. Hello all! I'm very tired so I think I'm going to go and have a little nap (even though it was my Lenten promise not to have any. But I really need one). Well I would but in the class there is only four of us. Two guys and two girls. And I'm pretty good friends with the girl so she'd think that I was being weird. CONGRATULATIONS! Thankfully not. The teacher is a girl. Well we have that class once a week (every Monday).
  12. Awesome! No thanks, it's alright. But I do want to see lots of pictures! I'm off to bed now. Na-night!
  13. I've just noticed your signature Kelzy.. Are you going to see Lily Allen? I'm so jealous! When I found out about it all of the tickets were sold out and the Melbourne gigs are at the Forum, aren't they? I think that's over 18. Funny you should mention reading books. Mr. reads at least two a week. It's amazing! But at the same time he isn't really overly booky and antisocial and everyone just respects him because he knows so much from of all the reading.
  14. Awesome! But fainting is scary. I never have actually fainted but I almost have a couple of times and it's so disorientating. My eyes go all blurry and get these sort of blue sparkles. That's true. When I was in Melbourne I saw a lot of good looking musician/artistic guys (the best sort) at the music performances on Saturday. I hope so.
  15. Okay, a small development in the arena today. In English extension (where I had another perfect opportunity, but wimped out yet again) we were sitting there listening to the teacher and writing some things down. And he rested his foot against mine, and left it there for about half the lesson. And he must have known that it was my foot because I was the only one sitting across the table! But then I tried to catch his eye but he wouldn't look up from his book! I know it's a rather small accomplishment. But at least it's something!
  16. I like Melbourne a lot, but I don't think I would like living there. But it's a great place. I'm off to bed now. Na-night!
  17. I'm home from Melbourne. Wicked was amazingly brilliant!
  18. Don't worry, I just googled it. Nice one Elton. I do like Lily Allen's music a lot, but what he said was pretty true.
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