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Everything posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Well, it's sort of supposed to be a peaceful experience at which everyone in the year has a chance to reflect on their lives, relationships and spirituality.
  2. Quiet once again in the Aussie Thread. I won't be around for the next three days because of year 11 retreat. Which should be fun! told me he loves me today. Not really. But he did say (after I said something self detrimental while doing group work) "that's okay, we still love you".
  3. Every time you mention Margaret I'm reminded of Little Britain. "Margaret, Margerat!" ............................. "Yes?"
  4. Mine is sarahisme12. I'll start following you.
  5. Avoiding the question. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Na-night!
  6. Hmm. Well there are only two days of school this week and then we go to year 11 retreat from Wednesday to Friday.
  7. We always talk. Just not about the important stuff.
  8. He told me the other day that he's not really a party person. Which is good because normally neither am I. But tonight was a fun one.
  9. I just got back from my good friend's 16th birthday party. Very fun!
  10. Yay! That sounds amazing! And I'm very happy that your operation went well Tegan!
  11. Okay, I've finished the essay. I'm not 100% happy with it but I don't mind it. The ending is good. So I'm going to bed. Na-night!
  12. Yeah, I've seen it. We watched it twice in class. The first time was just for general viewing and the second time was for close analysis. It is interesting to comment on. But it's very difficult to write an essay that my teacher likes. He's a very harsh marker. He is very old (he taught my Dad in when he was in year 12 and my Dad is 46!) and pretty much a genius. I feel very privileged to have him as my teacher but he's hard to impress. And I just don't like this essay.
  13. Who's seen 'Bonnie and Clyde'? I'm trying to write an essay about it at the moment because we've been studying it in English. I really shouldn't have left it until the night before. How is everyone?
  14. I was hoping nobody would notice. He's in Melbourne at the moment.
  15. Good luck! Wow! Well done! But what about the poor old lady at the other job?
  16. I only just missed the first page. Mika! Maybe. *looks outside bedroom window*
  17. "In truth I got on here to stalk Stephen Fry but I'm lking it more by the minute. Love, watermellon face x" The copycat!
  18. My only problem is that my town's cinema website hasn't put up the times for Watchmen (or any other movies) for Friday yet.
  19. Hmm. Well if it is, I will cheer him up! Well, he's not in my class.
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