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Everything posted by pinkoranges

  1. i think my bro got it from interweb coz he had to ring and ask if it actually worked on my dvd player and apparently they got me season 2 but it didnt arrive
  2. hey all , i hope everyonbe had a good xmas, i got awersum pressies, one of which was "live in cartoon motion" from my bro, he conveniently watched it first before sending it to me but he did say that after watching it he has a new respect for mika and likes him now which is an upgrade from "hes not bad" which was what he thought of him before. the same bro also got me season 1 of veronica mars and a limited edition of grease where the cover it a leather T Bird jacket (sooooooo cool)
  3. gee we all have varied ways of celebrating xmas, its awersum im spending xmas eve at the bosses house actually (didnt tell the rest of the staff coz theyll have a moo bout me being a favourite) im not a favourite i just stay back and finish things and do stuff they wouldnt do me and my boi are going out to lake hume resort for 2moz and stay the nite its 79bux each for xmas lunch but its 5 courses(buffet ) lots of seafood and fancy stuff and i dont have to cook or clean anything, works for us coz our families are way up near brissy
  4. omg my comp had a moment and now look at my boo boos
  5. actually i get that reaction 2 but after i say "i lurve mika. me and mika are married" i also get a lot of worse reactions eg: the other day i told someone the devastating news that he cancelled his oz visit and the reply was " coz no one bought any tickets??" i nearly slapped the girl and now for my daily rant: i chopped so much crap today that my wrist hurts so much i can barely squeeze out a sponge. end rant!!!
  6. actually i get that reaction 2 but after i say "i lurve mika. me and mika are married" i also get a lot of worse reactions eg: the other day i told someone the devastating news that he cancelled his oz visit and the reply was " coz no one bought any tickets??" i nearly slapped the girl and now for my daily rant: i chopped so much crap today that my wrist hurts so much i can barely squeeze out a sponge. end rant!!!
  7. just stopping by before work , mika on sunrise singin love today sometime in the next 45 mins left of the show, ill miss it , but hopefully someone see it(if they want 2)
  8. im going to bed, gotta pretend to have xmas cheer 2morow while actually suffering the disease i like to call "the hate" (aka work at somewhere crap)
  9. its all to hard for someone with the lazy disease my kitten loves me 2nite, it wants to sit on my shoulder
  10. will still deny i ever lived in deni tho shhhhhhhhh
  11. that interview was stupid , it was just another typical example of djs liking the sound of their own voice
  12. yeh something about those jeans make me think of the sticker id totally have on my ute (if i had a ute) "wrangler butts drive me nuts" ,and we'd get in my ute and do circle work and ill giggle like a school girl on another note *wishes i was that window* omg i laughed so much when i read this i found it hilariously evil even tho it tricked me oh yeh only in the aussie thread could a beautiful pic start a discussion that ends with girls having winkies
  13. hmm i think ill go to bed, now i know the 3 main characters dont die when dantes peak explodes gotta be boss lady 2morow so need my sleep
  14. usually im easily embarassed but i just yell at her for being annoying
  15. a girl at work sings xmas carols at me all day to try and give me xmas cheer and i said ill do xmas carols when mika releases an album haha, it would have to sarcastic and hilarious and all the songs would have to be like grace kelly (so pretty much say up yours ) or id be very disappointed in him
  16. i changed the channel i really still can only bare a few carols too many yrs in retail has crushed me
  17. my mum has been making me these milkshakes with eggs in them since i was little everyone says grosse then ppl have them and love them it has lotsa sugar and vanilla and stuff in em, infact mum even got ppl who claim to hate eggs to drink it without even realising there was egg in it so to me its just a milkshake like my mum used to make with alcohol
  18. im onto the egg nog again, it really has given me xmas cheer coz i loathe most xmas carols , but i was totally just copying the chipmunks doing air guiter on the carols
  19. hey everyone, are we all full of xmas cheer 2nite?? chickadee i didnt hear the song but my bro msgd me to tell me they had a musical montage using his song i also didnt see sunrise coz apparently xmas is busy and i have to work
  20. yeh it grows back .......sometimes, sometimes it doesnt a lot of ppl have disasters really young and the hair never grows back, but i think it will grow back, if it doesnt grow back ill quit beauty therapy (before im even qualified) it could take a few wks before it grows back
  21. ive never had it before its not really an aussie thing, it was NOT fixable, u cant make hair grow back, if i could do that then my bf wouldnt be going bald:roftl:
  22. her dad told me to even the other side up, yeh it coulda been worse it coulda been on a horrible person that abused me till i cried, this girl is a sweetheart big sunnies will fix it for her i rekon on the up side it forced me to make my alcoholic egg nog,may i say its the greatest invention ever (mine needed more alcohol)
  23. they paid me heaps tho (donation to replace the wax) and wouldnt take a refund or anything, im gunna look for waterproof eyeliner 2moz and awersum sunnies for her, even if its just to make me feel better bout it id rather have burnt her leg or sumfin, eyebrow disasters are the WORST
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