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Everything posted by pinkoranges

  1. ive been meaning to ask for ages now what is the lil yellow dude with the sign saying "pd" mean??
  2. your smarter than me, ill believe ya , 2morow when my cranky pants are off!!!
  3. i feel the same way but my cranky pants are telling me thats how it will b my happy pants are saying bring on quitting my job feb 28
  4. he prolly doesnt think he has enough fans so he "cancelled to spend more time recording" pfft cancelled coz he wants enough fans to fill rod laver *puts cranky pants on*
  5. god his never gunna get here, well theres one good thing bout him not coming anytime soon, i can now quit my job sooner coz i wont need to save mika cash
  6. so he gave a reason then?? where did yous all find this stuff out?? i used to be obsessed enough to look myself, the laziness disease leaves me asking other ppl to do it for me
  7. oh i never bother looking for other threads , am lazy , just come here coz its always up with the goss boy am i glad i didnt get tiks, i was only just htinking bout em agian today
  8. heya everyone, glad everyone had fun and there was no hangovers! jealous of you all!! had my dance concert on sunday, am pretty pleased with all my dances but coz they combined the senior and junior this yr it went sooooooo long that half the ppl left b4 it finished, all the ppl that were there to see me left cept my bf , cant blame then tho waaaaaaaaaay to long (and i did it with a hangover) and did i read that mika cancelled v festival??
  9. at my dance class 2nite i was pretending i was dancing on the verandah, just coz thats where all the coolest ppl are this weekend
  10. ive picked my contribution to the mika project seeing as he might be paranoid ive poisoned the food ill show him how to have an aussie orgasm and then he will know the rest of the tim tams are ok to eat coz i ate one first
  11. ah yes the "welcome mat" oh how i wanna hear that live
  12. but canada is on my list of places to go and theirs, tho i admit i knew some other countries had legalised it i didnt know which ones, i know who hasnt and thats oz and it makes me
  13. my old dance partner got engaged to his bf, i did a speech and said something along the lines of "we are now taking donations to get these 2 to canada where they actually allow gay marriages" anyway thats my story go canada.. wake up the rest of the world
  14. good god yes, yes it it. excuse me a moment while i go pretend my bf is mika
  15. haha ok ill change it maybe the one area that HAS noticed but isnt having an anxiety attack
  16. *hides in man thread away from all the girls fliiping out bout mikas hair* ahh men... the one group of ppl that wouldnt even notice if my hair changes
  17. yeh i mean im obsessed but thats prolly why i like both ways, i think all the girls that are flippin out need to ask themselves how often they change their hairstyles
  18. that reminds me of st patricks day and one of the girls i was with was wearing a shirt saying "dont bother im not drunk yet" and we crossed it out so it said "bother im drunk" of course ill share
  19. i think it was put up to attract all the chiks anyway
  20. and with my million bux i might even buy something manly for the man forum thats been taken over by chiks
  21. nah im going with my bf, im gunna win a million bux at crown casino and then im gunna play in the sauna, spa and heated roof top pool at my motel (and be so glad i have my first weekend off all yr)
  22. only if i like the person buying the wine for me *crosses fingers someone buys me booze in melb this weekend*
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