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Status Updates posted by ~Ana~

  1. hahaha I didn't know we were walking on covered docks and I've been reading about the East End, quite interesting actually.


    I read someone illegally uploaded midnight sun, I think it was on the link i sent you and the actual story was on that site as well :b

    Did you know that Lauren is going to be played by Dakota Fanning?


    Yesterday I got a recorplayer that generates the music that makes us feel better! yay!! it's sooo cute! it has a 40's50's retro style and it can play cd's and casettes as well :biggrin2: I haven't tried it yet though...today first thing I do when i get home, play the kooks!!! yaaay!!!


    My neighbour got a pair of original ray bans yesterday, red frame, quite cool. she also has another pair of ray bans but the pimp shape ones lol! I/we need to get that faux sticker.


    I have to do my first piano homework!! recognise and learn the names of the notes in the sheets....or so.


    People are asking me if I'm going to be here for Harry Potter's premiere :naughty: (they apparently want to watch the movie with me) I wish maybe not so that this time I can get to see Daniel Radcliffe in Leicester Sq. :naughty: I'm a bad person, I know.

  2. ~Ana~


    Que bueno que ya viste como escribir jaja!! ya le dije a Petra que le escribiste aqui lol!!

    Cuando te veo?!?!? No me contestaste al mensaje el sábado...de quien era el número?

    Quieres hacer algo el viernes desde que salgas de la escuela?!?!? vamos a comer a la zona!! estaba viendo Bob esponja ayer y se me antojaron las cangreburgers :bleh: quieres ir a comer una hamburguesa? :cheerful_h4h:


  3. Petra I so need to pm you back! I need not to be lazy when I go back home. I always plan to go to my room and turn on my laptop but instead I go to my room sit on the bed and turn on my t.v. but I will start pming you today.

    I have a message for you! Beca finally wrote on my wall (yay) she said she hadn't written anything because I didn't explain how to get there (to the wall/profile thingie) so she managed and figure out how to write and get there but she made a mistake and wrote to you on her wall...

    so you have a message on her wall :smth:

    I need to see her and properly explain :D

  4. :bleh: Beca is so scared of trying to say something to you! Oh dear.

    But she still hasn't written anything to me either so...I don't know.

    and you should learn spanish anyway.

  5. I rented MAMMA MIA yesterday, I think I'm gonna buy it, it's good! Colin Firth is a hottie!!! hehe I think I'm going to watch it again today because yesterday I saw it on the xbox and the movie looked like green, I don't know what happened to the xbox :blink: (wasn't me) so I'm going to watch it on the dvd player! watch it!

    Giselle!! *fist in mouth* LOL!!!!

  6. Are you singing The yellow submarine?!


  7. Awww Petra!!!!!!!! Hello!!


    On saturday I had a little reunion in my house to meet with a friend (the one with the bavarian boyfriend) I hadn't seen since I came back and my neighbour to eat a cake I made :das: and we saw 'Music and Lyrics!' :bleh: '...POP goes my heart!' haha, then we were going to watch another movie so I was preparing the XBOX to watch it (because I stole the dvd player and took it to my room :cheerful_h4h:) when I pressed the "button that shows the t.v. guide" and see ' V Festival' they were going to pass one of the V's in 15 mins. so I convinced my friends to wait and see which V they were going to pass, so we waited and they passed V 2008!:wub2: I was pretty excited, they obviously didn't pass everyone but from the ones we saw they showed Amy (2 songs) Lenny K. (2songs) Kaiser chiefs (2 songs, Ruby (you filming, me screaming) and I predict a riot (we acting like crazy drunk ppl leaving towards the exit stealing an inflatable mobile)) and last but not least The Kooks but they only passed one song:thumbdown: the first one, Always where :sneaky2: it was good!! but just one?! I was hoping they were going to pass Time awaits:naughty: but they didn't. Anyhow, it was really nice! I had goosebumps. I just want to go baaaaaack!!!!!

  8. Happy Valentine's day!! :wub2:

  9. Happy Valentine's day! :huglove:

  10. yeah you! *holds the whip* saaaaakaaaa!!!

  11. Funny thing you see...I saw the days when you were fangirling and I wanted to fangirl too but I didn't have the time to properly fangirl everything you were fangirling and the days passed and your fangirling updates were suddenly gone, so, from time to time I log in my other account and as I only have like 6 friends there all the updates are from you :naughty: and so I could see almost all your fannings! so I started fangirling and then I realised I was fangirling with my other account, which I didn't want to do, so maybe yes, I will stalk you :das: with my proper account to fangirl everything you have fangirled...even if I don't know the artists :das:hmm

  12. a month today!

    time passes by so fast :tears:

  13. ~Ana~

    Bequillaquilla!!! :D

  14. I'm angry because the girl who attended me took out some stuff from the package!:sneaky2:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! haha and I can't promise anything... :fisch:

    You've got lovely pics down here :) hehe


  15. Happy birthday wonderful Petra! :happybday::yay::woot_jump::huglove::partytime2::flowers2::cheerful_h4h:

  16. apparently katy perry is quite popular and her songs are sticky/good to dance to :blink: I went to a party in a club on friday and they passed 2 vids of her and Love today, at least something! the rest was **** :cheerful_h4h:

  17. was? :shock: we don't have it? I'm going to check if the spanish version has it, HAHA!

  18. Happy birthday!

  19. I knooow!! :naughty: *wants* live session-acoustic version-same old lines-Rod Thomas-Ukulele-living room-favourite sofa-lemonade!!!

    How much would he cost? (:das:) cost to have him playing...? hmm...

  20. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16990287&blogID=465870204


    I'm posting this here as well in case you don't see it on myspace...

  21. :naughty: you're smarter!
  22. I got my 'poster box' yesterday, I have no space for my things...

    umbrella! I'm going to paste one poster today...somewhere


  23. * laughing her arse off * :lmfao: you've got the first part right, then he says: you made it (fantastic) *cough* let's say 'puta madre' is a bad word...but in that context it's like 'great' and then he starts laughing, I think you already know that (haha=jaja).

    *thinks you should make another vid dancing* :b :cheerful_h4h:

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