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Status Updates posted by ~Ana~

  1. GREAT!! I'm sick of the postal services, every single ****ing post company sucks!! aaargh!, well I hope it arrives before New years! :sneaky2:

    Ok, brilliant!! I know all this waiting sucks but we hope everything goes to its regular speed again for the project.

    According to everything Humphy and Alfred are with queenmikamop or so...somewhere in the U.S, I think but he hasn't put us up to date to what is happenning, he disappeared and we don't exactly know if H&A are on their way to somewhere else...:no:

    Anyway, I hope we can get have Humphrey rather soon:wub2:

  2. hahah, good but you'll notice eventually, i think. I know! :shocked: such happy memories.


    My camera didn't want to work for me since last month or so and 3 weeks ago i discovered i just had to reset the memory card :doh: so i did and everything worked out fine but my flash still didn't work...as we all know, and so i wanted to take it to repair but i didn't until one day that I was in my room with Jade and i told her my cam's flash didn't work so she took it and said 'ok, let me see' she just pushed some buttons on OMGFing jesus she took a picture with FLASH!!!!! I was so frickin pissed with meself, I told her the Brixton VIP bar anecdotes with my non flash camera and she was laughing!!! I was so aaaaarrrrrgh!!! kill me!!! she said i didn't have flash because i had the 'take multi pictures mode thingie' the one you told me it was faster to take more pics at once and so she just had to push the other button to put the regular mode and that was it!!! tata!!! i'm super big gigantic twat!!!! yay me!!!! :D

  3. I just realised my signature Paul has a mole on/in his nose.

  4. Hey Lauralai!

    Long time no talk. How are you?


    I'm in a mission, I want to know if you're still IN the Humphrey project, are you still willing to participate?. Please let me know because we're currently deleting people from the list and so on.

    Thank you! xx

  5. how are you?!?!, sorry for not posting any birthday msgs. but have you received my letter?!?!?!?! :cheerful_h4h: hmmm....probably not, right?

    god, how i hate the incompetence of the postal services!! ugh. Anyway, I'm in a mission, I want to know if you're still IN the Humphy project. Are you?!?! :D Let me know cause we are currently deleting members and so on, ppl are so late concerning the send off of Humphrey and Alfred.UGH!


  6. I like:

    lies are much more fun

    little people

    nothing sir



    and...ok, i like them.


  7. ~Ana~

    yay!!!!! :D


    que bueno que te gustaron!!!! :D


    oops!! se me fue la onda el sábado, sorry.



  8. mika is so cuute!


    we need to introduce rod to mika like soon.

  9. Sorry for not writing or anything :( I looove the view! :) I love 5 rebbecca's you/we've got the single...do you still have it? I did download the frankfurt pics. I need to download parts of the rest of the things you have uploaded, my room-internet suddenly screws up when i happen to be downloading. I'm gonna join the WWF. I saw some of our pics tonight with a friend i hadn't seen since and it was bad because i started to remember again, gee!. i screwed up a bit today at work. the weather is frickin strange these days here, it's frickin sunny and then it's starts raining. I speak american! :tears:. we have a new roof-garden thingie for our terrace which is soon going to be covered with plants and it looks cute. i bought 2 chair-bed whatever those are called to sunbathe for me because i'm too cullen white. Tomorrow i'll get my driver license!!! :D hmm nothing else comes to mind atm. storms are bad ass bitches. Take care :wub2: and...Are you spending money on me again? can i have a bad conscience now? *pbs* Looove you!

    I need to go online more often.

  10. i'm watching the movie now. again. my 9th or 10th time...:naughty:

  11. I got Twilight yesterday!!!! actually I could have got it on the 21st but the stupid blockbuster guys didn't say we could get it on that date but on the 26th which is **** actually we were lucky because I went yesterday to buy some food and while I waited I went to blockbuster and saw that the movie was already there so I was outraged and called my friend the first thing when I got home to tell her we had to go to our blockbuster and check if our movies had arrived because we actually reserve them and they were supposed to come with notebooks, so we went and yes! the movies were there, we got the movies and then the guy told us they didn't have notebooks anymore, only for the 10 first people who went for their movies!!!!!!!!!! we were ****ing pissed off!!!! we went to the counter and reclaimed our notebooks and they only said it wasn't in their hands!!!! so we asked for a discount in a poster or t.shirt of twilight but they only laughed. so ****. but anyhow we got what we really wanted, our movies. I like music videos extras. the never seen before movie extras are ****. haha and the menu is so not cool at all. yeah. heheh

  12. ~Ana~

    Beca, te tengo que eseñar como hacerle para que no escribas a los demas en tu wall porque ellos no van a saber si les escribiste porque está en tu wall.

    jajajaj!!! eco administrativo!!! doh!.

    ya tienes que escucharlooooooossss!!!!!!! te van a encantar the kooks!!!!

    estas online.

  13. Awwww!!! you have my Hola pinned up in your door :wub2:

    *fangirls you more*

  14. mmm...skinny jeans! :drool:

  15. I'm gonna check them out. promise. aaagh. I have no time. I probably will like them. haha. :cheerful_h4h:. Thanks!

  16. yess!!! :D

    no, if I go I would be just like in London but for a shorter period of time also because I would start school in mid August.

    Ugh. That does suck.

    What are you planning for your Birthday? woot woot!!


  17. :woot_jump:I'm terrified:woot_jump:

    how are you?

  18. I'm currently viewing student residences and schools in Montreal! :cheerful_h4h:

  19. who are the guys from your siggie?

  20. HOOOOOOLAAAAA :cheerful_h4h:

    I can see you're online :bleh:

  21. we should seriously think about it *pbs*


    lol. I also imagined jane as dakota fanning for the same reasons.

  22. god. I'm so bored.


    how was your exam?


    my friend from ohio came yesterday for spring break and she changed a bit, uhmm, i don't know...i guess we are just different we've always been but we love each other. anyway she's leaving on sunday already so...yeah.


    I have the feeling I shouldn't be posting all these stuff here in your wall but pming now is a bit ugh. plus I'm bored.


    Are you going to see the kooks? rock am ring is like 10km away from your house. have you got this month's NME?, I wish we got uk magazines here.


    ok. I should better stop now and read. Night night!

  23. I had the strangest dream :lmfao: it was actually quite hilarious...

    We, Bianca, you and me did a you tube video where we were all 'playing' actually just making believe to play our ukuleles to the sounds of '5 years time' - Noah & the whale and to 'same old lines' but we were playing each from our own countries with captions of each of us playing in representative/funny/I don't know parts of our homecities and putting eveything together in that video. The result was pretty cool and funny. HAHA.


    I've been you tubing lately, I think that's probably why I had a you tube dream :smth:think1

  24. EDIT: I meant Jane not Lauren. :fisch:

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