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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. Yeah Artsy, stay up with me, we can both welcome in the Ukers (easier for me than you, but still.. )
  2. Nice Glow, nice way to have a self realization.... Artsy, I'm guessing you're going to post now?
  3. Wish I was living there as well...its 4.30pm here... But its friday so I may just stay on and catch the 'night shift'
  4. Well we shall wait Glow. I can totally sympathise with the crap net thing
  5. I don't know, click on her name somewhere and see if it says replying And M4L, its cruel becuase the intention was cruel. Night, sweet dreams M4L
  6. I'm so glad I'm staying out of the Mika dynamics now Yes I'll stick with the person we can't trust
  7. M4L you are cruel to poor glow... And artsy thanks *insert blushing emoticon I'm too lazy to find just now* Anyway Glow, did you want to post next?
  8. Yes... I noticed that about him... How many members of the group has he been with *pretends to count then gives up* Almost everyone except me
  9. They stood there, staring where the van had been, worried about artsy. Rose had got out her phone and was muttering curses in French and Italian to whoever the contact was on the other end. I was still being held over Calvin's shoulder as he finished cursing. "Ah Calvin, you think you could put me down now?" I asked quietly, as his attention returned to me. "Sure thing Gumgirl," he said, "But first, someone remove this sack from her." Mavvers came over and undid the sack, so that Calvin was able to set me on the feet. Turning me around, he carefully undid my blindfold and the ropes around my wrists. Freed, I turned back to see him grinning, and holding out my backpack. "Thought you might miss this," he said, passing it to me, as I fished a stick of gum out of my pocket. I turned, to pass the wrapper to Artsy then remembered she wasn't there. However I didn't have long to dwell on the thought as the action caused me to slip, until Calvin's arms came up around me, stopping me from falling. "What are we going to do?" I asked, glancing briefly to where M4L was sitting with Mika leaning over her. "There we go again, always with the need for action. You think the girl could just enjoy being rescued for a minute but no," Calvin said, staring at me, an odd expression in his eyes. Mika stood up, and glanced sadly at the crushed remains of his blackberry, as Rose hung up her phone with an oath. "They know nothing, nothing," she said, letting out a stream in french that caused Mika to wince. "They'll call me back in half an hour when they get a lock on them," she said, glancing around. MIka shrugged, and helped M4L to her feet. "Not much we can do now, lets get into the van and find another hotel or something. We can't leave without her." As the others moved towards our van, Calvin and I noticed at the same time he still had his arms around me, and an embaressed silence followed. However that was broken when I tried to take a step towards the van and stumbled once more. Uttering an oath, Calvin swept me into his arms and lifted me into the van, swinging into the seat beside me. Phunky stuck her head around from the front seat where she had sat with Luke, and asked. "so where to now gang?", her face worried.
  10. Ok then, so when Artsy posts its me, you and then maybe glow if she thinks shes ready? This shall be interesting to see the two of you fighting over mika. So glad he has yet to be into me And glow you sound like such a kind mother. remember you love your monkey baby
  11. Hard question... Um well you guys are still married, but you're separated, You kept hurting each other and now m4l is making a move on him (seeing as he has all teh girls after him...) So I suppose if you want him back you can try and get him...
  12. Well you were orginally pregnant to Luke, but it turned out it was Chew Chews....apparently you got very upset about Mika being a girl (which he isnt really, he revealed it at some stage that his not) But yeah you missed alot, Phunky should be afraid when she gets back... though you do love your monkey baby
  13. OK glow where to start where to start... well lets see you and chew chew had a half monkey half human baby you called edwin (blame phunky ) And Calvin is now working with us to save LG and Cherisse from a music Mafia guy called Dante, who has had me and Artsy kidnapped (bags posting after Artsy)
  14. Yes, edwin and you are in.. And Artsy.. it started as just gum and hate, and then, well... we'll see in the story (I figured I needed someone other than Mika in the story to set my sites on )
  15. I'm liking this claiming the post thing, saves having to edit it...
  16. (I love how I can understand your mmmphffs) I sat there considering it for awhile. "You're right, we did try to start rescuing Phunky and that pretty much as soon as we realised they were gone," I said, pondering it. "Mmmph" "Well you don't have to sound so smug about it Artsy," I replied, "Mmphfh" "And yes I agree, Calvin would be most suited to jumping on the van, the idiot." "Mmffph," I glanced at her, or would have if I had not been wearing a blindfold. "Oh come on Artsy I do not" "Mmph," "I am not in denial, I don't like him that way" I replied, as Arsty scoffed, clearly not believing me, for which I didn't blame her. "And now isn't really the ideal time to be discusiing whether I do or not," "Mmph" "Well I think maybe we should try to get these ropes off our wrists," I replied, twisting my hands in mine. "mmph" "yes, they didn't do a very good job tying them. Think you can try to get mine off, then I can remove this blindfold and try yours." "mmph," said Artsy, which I translated in my head to mean of course. Meanwhile back at the group. Mika had just stepped out the door of the airport with Rose and Glow when the others pulled up. "Took you long enough," he muttered, climibing into the van/bus. "You knew we lost them?" asked Phunky staring at him. "Knew it the second it happened," he said brandishing his blackberry. "And I know where they are now, so don't worry about it" he said, patting a still winded Calvin on the back. "Well, what are we waiting for - puff- lets -huff- go," replied Calvin, as they pulled away from the curb again and took off.
  17. Oh I'm back *waits for Artsy to post so she can post* Yeah I bags next post after Artsy Mmm M4L you are sneaky with your little mika relationship....
  18. Right guys.. I'm off again... but it you're still on in an hour when i get home I'll continue then... Don't forget about me
  19. Clearly... I mean sacks, how obvious... Though the knitting grandma type lady was good, or maybe you were just too trusting...
  20. I know... and they did a good job at tying our wrists, considering I could get gum and you could draw on your wrapper. I'm beginning to wonder if they're really Dante's men
  21. Go for it... I can't stay on long as it took longer than I thought to get a comp, but I'll be back on about an hour after I leave (which isn't for another 15 minutes)
  22. Well you bruised my foot with your hard head....
  23. (hmm I managed to get gum while tied up, man am I addicted.) Meanwhile in the airport. Calvin came back carrying a blue backpack, which everyone looked at in fright. "Thats baby's," whispered Phunky. "she'd never leave without it, it has her gum supply and other things," she said before bursting into tears again. Calvin stared at the backpack. "Now whose going to stop them from killing me" he muttered under his breath, at which becky looked up sharply. "What did you say?" she asked. "Uh.. i said I don't think Baby is in the airport anymore. I have a feeling whoever has her has Artsy," Mavvers looked at Calvin, an expression of distrust on her face. "Lst time those two were kidnapped you were responible." Calvin raised his hands in defence. "It's not me this time, I was with one of you the whole time, either Mika or Baby. Besides, Baby was the one stopping you guys from killing me, and the only one who even remotely liked me, the only one who I kind of liked. You think I would kidnapp her?" he replied, anger in his voice. Mika raised a hand, silencing them. "Calvin, I believe you and arguing won't solve this. Dante has them, he must have," he said simply. Glow looked around, cradling Edwin in her arms. "So what do we do now," Meanwhile in the van I was beginning to get scared, it was dark in the van, and I was blindfolded and unable to see a thing. I couldn't remove my blindfold due to my hands, being tied, however losely a job they did Crawling, I started feeling along the ground, until my hands connected with a leg. It wasn't moving and for a second I thought I was in the van with a dead person, a scream rose in my throat. "Get a grip baby," I told myself, as I felt the leg kick out against mine, and a drowsy mmpfh fill the air. Reaching up further, I felt a pencil and then heard the crinkle of gum wrappers as the person moved again. "Artsy?" I asked quietly, wishing that I wasn't wearing a blindfold. "Mmphf mppfh,"
  24. My the way, I bags posting after Artsy
  25. Hey guys I'm back for half an hour... Hmm Artsy and I have been kidnapped again, oh dear...
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