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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. I forgive you... Don't forget to include me in the conversation, someone has to try and stop Phunky from killing Calvin I'm off
  2. I can't wait to read what you post, (please don't take my gum, ah well if you do I'm sure Calvin will have some more ) Just letting you know, have to leave in 10 mins, but should be back in about 2-4 hours (2 if I can get on the comp where I have to go, and 4 if I have to wait until I get home )
  3. We all stood still for a minute, looking at the door, until M4L went to open it, revealing a swirling mass of confetti. "What just happened?" I asked, looking at the confetti in confusion, while M4L also sent me a confused look. "No iea" she murmured, as Mika stepped into the doorway, shaking his head sadly. "confetti bomb" he said, softly. "What?" asked Artsy, staring in confusion at Mika "Confetti bomb, you know, it explodes confetti. I was planning to use one at my next show instead of the confetti cannons. Its harmless but it packs a hell of a bang." Rising, I noticed a piece of paper larger than the confetti floating in the air and grabbed it. "Another note" I called, as everyone crowded round. "Don't think that just because I can't see your lips moving, I can't hear you. I advise you leave the hotel now, before more dangerous explosions come your way," I read before glancing around at the others. "Ah, guys, maybe we should leave. I know you two were planning something, but our flight leaves in an hour and a half now, and we'd be safer at the airport, don't you think?" I asked, looking around
  4. I walked into the room and promptly froze. "What the heck happened here?" I asked, rounding on the others. Everyone stared at me, all too shocked to answer, while Calvin stepped forward. "Well I woke up from them trying to kill me to find Cherisse flying through the window. Except its not Cherisse its a robot." M4L looked at him. "BG and Billy Brown are robots too," Calvin shook his head. "But Cherisses isn't, this is a fake. Which means he knows we're here." Turning to Becky and Phunky I sighed. "You tried to kill him? I knew I should never have gone for that late night stroll. We need him alive guys, only he knows where LG is," I said angrily. Phunky and Becky looked guiltly at me, while I turned to M4L. "And why weren't you in here stopping them?" I asked. "I did stop them," "Only just in time," muttered Calvin. "All right, I was out walking with Mika, can't a girl have a little fun?" "Sure you can have a little fun, as long as that doesn't get us killed. We have to be careful, he was here he could have kidnapped any of you," I said, still angry. "But you and Rose were out," Mika protested. "Rose was working, and getting us information, and I had to make a phone call to my brother, to see if he knew anything." I said, sitting on the blood stained duvet then rising again in digust. "And why would your brother know," asked Mavvers, looking at me. Rose looked like she was about to answer and Clavin had a knowing look on his face, these two had done their research but I interrupted before either could speak. "Yeah, well that doesn't matter now," I said, sighing, calmer now that I had vented my anger. "He knows we're here and so theres no way we can stay here now." "We have no hope of getting another hotel at this time of night," Artsy replied, glancing at the others. "And we have to do something about this Cherisse robot. Rubbing my eyes, I pulled out a stick of gum. "How long until the flight anyway?" I asked. Artsy looked at her watch. "2 hours, Calvin here wanted an early one." she replied. Mika nodded his head, in understanding. "Let's pack up then and head to the airport." "But what about the cherisse robot?" M4L asked. "Under the bed?" replied Artsy, glancing at her. "WE can't exctly exit the hotel with her." I sank into a chair as the others began to move, and Artsy came up to me, Calvin in tow. "Baby,I want you to stick close to Calvin, if the others want to kill him so much." she said softly, so the others couldn't hear. At the look of relief on Calvin's face she turned to him. "Don't think i've forgiven you or am doing this for you because I'm not. We need you alive...for now." Calvin's face fell again, and he began muttering under his breath. "Sure," I replied. "I'll watch him, after today I was planning to anyway." "Thank you," Artsy said, relieved. Calvin glanced back at her, then made to take a seat near me, as the others lifted Cherisse under the bed. A few seconds later M4L shouted out. "There's a note here, in the Robot Cherisse's hand."
  5. *feels upset that she seems to have been forgotten again* Okay, I'm going to post now...
  6. I stayed in the seat next to Rose, figuring there was little chance of my getting back to my seat. Shooting a glance at the other envelope I whispered. "Calvin gave you that about Dante didn't he?" Rose threw her a 'how did you know look,' and I grinned. "I know his type. Remember, we can't trust him so don't believe anything and if you need to talk about the contacts you can trust me not to blab," she whispered, before Mavvers looked that way and grinned. "There you are Baby, you never seem to sit still on a flight," A few seconds later we had landed and were on our way out of the airport, a fact made easier by the fact we had no luggage to collect. Rose had met up with her brulesque contact and was on her way to a night of work, asking that we call her later so she could find our hotel. The plane for croatia didn't leave until the morning. Shouldering my backpack, I walked with the others to the taxis. As we made our way to the hotel I laughed softly, before turning to the others. "Have we decided which unlucky one gets to bunk with Calvin, because he can't go by himself and Glow is out." The others looked at each then back at me. "Well your the only one who likes him," the started before interrupting. "not enough to share a room," I stated. Artsy sighed, then did a quick calculation in her head. "Glow and child, M4L and Mika can share a room with me. You, Becky , Phunky and Rose can share with Calvin," she said, as Becky began to grumble. "Why me," she asked, while Phunky idly got out her knife to play with, displaying clearly why she was chosen. "Because your the ex cop, and sleep with a gun, or near enough. Baby shot him once, and his nervous around her, and Rose will get in late and so shouldn't share with a child." she said, settling the matter as Becky and I silently grumbled. Calvin paled visibly. "Don't I get any say in this," he said, shooting a look at Phunky. "No," stated Artsy, me and M4L at the same time. Calvin shot Phunky another glance and mumbled under his breath something which sounded like 'won't sleep a wink, they'll probably kill me in my sleep,'. I grinned at hearing it as we pulled into the hotel car park, instructing Glow to stay in the car until we secured a room...
  7. I woke up suddenly as the plane jolted with turbelence and looked around. Everyone seemed to be asleep, so I reached into my pocket for a stick of gum, before glancing across at Rose, and then Calvin, who were both awake. Sighing, I realised there was no way I was going to go back to sleep, and as much as I was the only who liked Calvin, provided he kept up the gum supply, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Instead I carefully climbed at over a sleeping Mavvers and found a vacant seat near Rose, the plane was half empty due to being a red eye. Sitting beside her I noticed the envelopes in her hands and the expression on her face. "Hey Rose, care to talk about it," I said, offered her a stick of gum. Sh declined the gum, and shook her head. "Not yet." Leaning back I shrugged. "What about cards?" I asked, glancing across at the pack spilled across over m4l's lap. "On second thought maybe not, we really need to buy us more than one pack," I said resignedly, placing my arms behind my head. Rose looked at me. "You know, there are times I can't figure you out," she said blatantly, "Even with all my contacts told me about you," Grinning, I chewed on my gum. "Whats there to know? I'm a bit of an oddball but aren't we all." Rose shrugged, "That is true, but then you swing from quiet and comteplative to loud and risk taking. Not to mention your gum addiction, and some clear deliquent habits," she said raising an eyebrow. "Ok, so you can't peg me," I said laughing. "there are times I can't peg half of us, doesn't mean I don't trust them all. Except for Calvin over there," I said with a shrug. "But then the guy gets that for trying to kill us, and yet here we are, we managed to get through that twice, here's hoping we do against Dante" I said, relaxing. "Yeah well," Rose said, eyeing her envelopes, "Maybe I should talk with you about these after all."
  8. I'm intruiged by whats in the envelopes. Hang around while I post so you can post afterwards...
  9. Night Artsy. Its been fun writing with you too.... I think I'll do one more entry before waiting for the night shift (or the Ukers) to come on We all stared at Calvin in shock. He was talking at least 2 plane trips, and more likely around 10. Mika glared at him, from where he was sitting. "You know I hate to fly Calvin," he muttered, his eyes burning. "Mika babe, get over it. We all hate to fly." Calvin stated, walking around the dressing room and pulling out bags. Artsy glared at Calvin as well. "And what makes you think we're going to do things your way Calvin?" she asked, her hands fisted on her hips. Calvin grinned at her, as he continued packing. "Because only I know where LG is" he stated, opening a new suitcase as Phunky put a hand on his arm. "You take only what you can carry on the plane," she stated. "We don't do luggage." Calvin looked at her in disbelief. "How do you guys stand it." "We travel light. We never know where we're going to end up or how we'll get there, and we often don't have room for more," she stated, unpacking the first suitcase. "And you have 15 minutes," added Becky, glancing over at him. Calvin muttered under his breath as he continued to pack, causing Phunky to whip out her knife, and wave it under his nose. "And none of that Calvin," she said, smiling sweetly. Calvin glared at her, then over at me. "Gumgirl, can't you argue for me," he asked, pleading. I grinned at him, and pulled another stick of gum out of my bag, passing the wrapper to Artsy by habit now. "Calvin, calvin calvin, drop this gumgirl crap. I have a name. There's no arguing with her and I wouldn't want to. Besides, remember who gave you a nice scar on my foot," I added, enjoying his grimace. "She's worse," "But I gave you gum," Calvin said. "And I don't plan to shoot you again. Heck, as you said I'm probably the only one here who likes you. Doesn't mean I trust you." Calvin grunted and turned back to packing in silence, as the others began to looks bored. After much arguing with Artsy, and Mavvers, who had insisted he pack no weapons, Calvin was finished, shutting his bag angerily. M4L grinned over at him. "you did say you wanted to come with us Calvin," she stated. An hour later we were boarding the plane, a disgruntled Calvin sulking over having to sit between Big Girl and Phunky, who had spent the car trip smiling sweetly at him while cleaning her fingernails with her knife, an activity she was prevented from doing in the plane, and so resorted to simply similing at him. Glow was cooing to her baby, which the airhostess attempted not to look at while Artsy began to scribble on gum wrappers, and I pulled out a stick of gum and joined m4l and Mavvers in a card game. Mika turned his attention to the bad in flight movie, and Luke spent his time gazing between Phunky and a magazine. I had a feeling it was going to be a long plane ride to Sweden.
  10. Night Artsy. Its been fun writing with you too.... I think I'll do one more entry before waiting for the night shift (or the Ukers) to come on We all stared at Calvin in shock. He was talking at least 2 plane trips, and more likely around 10. Mika glared at him, from where he was sitting. "You know I hate to fly Calvin," he muttered, his eyes burning. "Mika babe, get over it. We all hate to fly." Calvin stated, walking around the dressing room and pulling out bags. Artsy glared at Calvin as well. "And what makes you think we're going to do things your way Calvin?" she asked, her hands fisted on her hips. Calvin grinned at her, as he continued packing. "Because only I know where LG is" he stated, opening a new suitcase as Phunky put a hand on his arm. "You take only what you can carry on the plane," she stated. "We don't do luggage." Calvin looked at her in disbelief. "How do you guys stand it." "We travel light. We never know where we're going to end up or how we'll get there, and we often don't have room for more," she stated, unpacking the first suitcase. "And you have 15 minutes," added Becky, glancing over at him. Calvin muttered under his breath as he continued to pack, causing Phunky to whip out her knife, and wave it under his nose. "And none of that Calvin," she said, smiling sweetly. Calvin glared at her, then over at me. "Gumgirl, can't you argue for me," he asked, pleading. I grinned at him, and pulled another stick of gum out of my bag, passing the wrapper to Artsy by habit now. "Calvin, calvin calvin, drop this gumgirl crap. I have a name. There's no arguing with her and I wouldn't want to. Besides, remember who gave you a nice scar on my foot," I added, enjoying his grimace. "She's worse," "But I gave you gum," Calvin said. "And I don't plan to shoot you again. Heck, as you said I'm probably the only one here who likes you. Doesn't mean I trust you." Calvin grunted and turned back to packing in silence, as the others began to looks bored. After much arguing with Artsy, and Mavvers, who had insisted he pack no weapons, Calvin was finished, shutting his bag angerily. M4L grinned over at him. "you did say you wanted to come with us Calvin," she stated. An hour later we were boarding the plane, a disgruntled Calvin sulking over having to sit between Big Girl and Phunky, who had spent the car trip smiling sweetly at him while cleaning her fingernails with her knife, an activity she was prevented from doing in the plane, and so resorted to simply similing at him. Glow was cooing to her baby, which the airhostess attempted not to look at while Artsy began to scribble on gum wrappers, and I pulled out a stick of gum and joined m4l and Mavvers in a card game. Mika turned his attention to the bad in flight movie, and Luke spent his time gazing between Phunky and a magazine. I had a feeling it was going to be a long plane ride to Sweden.
  11. We could just hear the music from where we were sitting, bored. Mavs and M4L had pulled out the cards again, whilst Phunky had begged a piece of gum off me and sat idly blowing bubbles. Glow was talking baby talk to her baby, and Luke was pacing while Artsy tapped her foot impatiently. WE all looked up as the door opened and Mika slunk back in, cooled off. He glanced up at Artsy, and mumbled, "Sorry" before sinking into a nearby chair. Artsy sighed, "I'm sorry as well, I guess its the stress of it all" she stated. They both stared at each before grinning slightly, the tension lifting from the room Phunky looked between on them. "Ok, got it out of your systems? Anyone else need to yell and shout, now would be the time," she stated, while we all laughed softly, relieved. Artsy glanced over at me then, a look of understanding on her face. "Hey Baby, has Calvin been sending you gum," she asked, remembering the way he had thrown a packet to me on sitting. I shrugged my shoulders. "Sort of. His been having it left at various hotels. Kind of hard to send us anything the way we move around. Think he kind of took my shooting him for stealing the gum to heart." I said, absently. Everyone stared at me briefly, before Glow laughed. "Well that explains why you never run out. I just thought your backpack was full of gum," she stated, before turning back to the baby. I shrugged again, "Only one pocket in the backpack is," I said, before changing the topic. "So anyone got any ideas of a plan?" I asked. In the distance we could hear a loud 'good night' followed by footsteps as Calvin opened the door, stopping anyone from speaking. As one we all turned to look at him. "Well..." we said, BG giggling at the fact that we all had spoken at once
  12. We certainly do, at least mine supplies yours though And Calvin supplies mine. OK into it. WE all stared at Calvin, waiting for him to tell us the reason for the action, as Artsy scribbled nervously on the gum wrappers. However, getting impatient at Calvin's dramatic pause Phunky interrupted. "And that reason is?" she asked, hands on hips. Calvin sent her a glare, "Can't allow a guy his theatrics," he grumbled, his words answered with a glare from everyone. "Alright alright," he said throwing up his hands. "Cherisse was a plant, she was one of his and was supposed to monitor the band. However she began to really like them, and started fighting with them. His threatened to kill her if she spills, and so instead shes been acting wierdly, trying to get your attention, afraid Dante would notice," calvin explained, in a rush. We all looked at each other, comprehension dawning on our faces. The proposals, the desperate need to speak with Mika, the fear on her face throughout, it all fit. Mika shook his head, "I can't believe she was a spy," he whispered, glancing down. I looked over at him. "Whatever she was Mika, she's one of us now. She's risking her life for us and we have to save her just as much as we have to save LG" Mika looked up, a slight frown on his face. "Of course we have to save her, what did you expect me to do," he muttered, before glancing over at Luke "We're going to need Martin and Mikey back for this," he stated, glancing around. Artsy finished drawing on one gum wrapper, before beginning the other. "Well, if we can't go to the Carribean then that means we have to go where LG is," she stated, whilst still drawing. "Yeah, but we don't know where she is, she doesn't have a cellphone we can call and we last heard from her 8 months ago, when she was in the middle of the rainforest. Because of a certain someone in this room," i shot a quick glare at Calvin who, seeing it, fished out another pack of gum to throw to me, "we don't remember the month after that, so I assume thats the last contact. She could be anywhere now," Calvin looked at us, then smiled. "I know where she is"
  13. Wow... serious.. KInd of freaky. Great minds and all that
  14. Nice save on the cute like a baby bat whatever has happened to glow anyway, she seems to have disappeared. We all stared at him, then slowly gravatated towards seats. Phunky had kept her eyes on him as she backed up and ended up missing her seat and landing on the floor with a thump before scrambling into a seat. "Dante?" Mika asked, looking at Calvin. "Dante" Calvin replied "Dante?" asked Beth, also, Calvin nodded and said "Dante" once more before I interrupted "Would you guys stop saying the name and tell us who he is." Mika shrugged his shoudlers and Beth looked away while the rest of us stared avidly at Calvin, who found himself a chair and sat in it, tossing a pack of gum my way, which I caught and put into my backpack, ignoring the weird look I got from Artsy. Calvin however glanced at it. "Last time the girl didn't have gum, I got shot," he said in explanation before glancing around. "So apart from Beth, none of you have heard of Dante." she stated, sitting back in his chair. "If we had do you think we'd be here now," Artsy muttered, glaring at him. "Definately not over the kidnapping thing," Calvin stated. "It was two things," replied Artsy and I, at the same time. "Well techinically ye but no. Nobody got kidnapped more than once, and M4L and Becky there didn't get kidnapped at all," he said, then glanced at their shocked expression, "What? I had to learn all I could about the girls who bested be, after all, one of them shot me." I grinned slightly and stuck a piece of gum in my mouth. Glancing at the hostile faces Calvin sighed, "I had to find out, but I'm not going to use the information against you. I learnt my lesson." he stated, crossing his arms. Artsy sighed angrily. "Just tell us about Dante," "Well..."
  15. "I'm sorry you can't stay here," We all looked at him in shock, then at each other. "But you said on the phone that you had plenty of rooms free," stated Mavvers, glancing at him. "I did and we do, but you can't stay here," he said once more, moving towards the back room. Grabbing his arm Becky stopped him. "Why the heck not," she demanded, glaring. Shooting a glare at the baby, the clerk shuddered. "I'm afraid we do not have the facilities to cater for your...er group," he siad, turning once more. This time it was glow who grabbed his arm. "What is that supposed to mean," "It means dear woman, that we are not prepared to have whatever that creature you are holding in our fine establishment," he stated, shaking her off, and walking over to security. Glaring at him, I put an arm on Glow. "It's alright Glow, we'll find somewhere else to stay," I said reassuringly, as security started walking over. Mika nodded, "Let's just get back in the bus and find somewhere else," he said, ushering us out. None of us could believe how rude the desk clerk was being, and as we phones other hotels it seemed luck was not on our side, everything seemed to be booked out. "There's bound to be someplace," M4L said, dialing another number. Artsy frowned, "Not near the gig there isn't, and if we don't get one soon we'll be late for that." Suddenly Beth looked up, her face showing comprehension. "Guys, I just remembered. I have a London townhouse. We can stay there. Some one may have to sleep on the couch, but we'll all fit," "Is it close to the gig," I asked, pulling out a stick of gum and unwrapping, passing the wrapper to Artsy who seemed to have developed a tendency to draw on them. "Yeah its close," Beth said, then fished the key out of her purse. "I can't believe I didn't think of this before, but its been so long since I was in london." Beth Gave directions to whoever it was who was driving, as Glow wrapped a protective arm around her baby. "Its not that ugly is it?" she asked....
  16. Either way.... Nice of you to notice the gum:naughty:.... hmm M4L does like to have you drawing on wrappers doesn't she. Ok *begins to think of what the desk clerk could stay before posting*
  17. They must really like your posts Artsy....
  18. Hey guys, I am allowed to join and chat here
  19. I sighed, looking down at Glow. "Well we can't go anywhere until we get her to the hospital and checked out, and Mika will need clean clothes. Mika shot me a grateful look before looking down at his now ex-wife. "Just how many people did you sleep with when I told everyone I was a girl," he asked quietly. Glow simply ignored him as the paramedics bundled her into the ambulance, while Phunky go in ot accompany her. "Meet us at the hospital in an hour, we should be able to find Calvin then," she shouted as the ambulance doors swung shut. Pulling out a stick of gum I glanced at the others and the around the hotel room. Mika quickly went through the adjoining door and came refreshed 5 minutes later, a small bag in hand, while everyone else began to gather the necessary items for another adventure. We had become used to packing light. I simply adjusted my backpack on my shoulders and sat on the bed, waiting for the others to finish. A few minutes later they were. "So," started Artsy, "Just how are we going to find Calvin," m4L shrugged, "we should never have let him go," she stated, glancing across at becky who had insisted on leaving him. Mika nodded as Becky glared at us and muttered, "we couldn't trust him, he'd tried to kill us." Artsy glanced at Becky and grinned, "Phunky tried to kill me as well," "And if he was with us we could keep an eye on him," Mika added as I sat there silently, thumbing through a newspaper. Suddenly looking up, I grinned, "Finding him may be easier than we thought. He has a gig tonight in London, and he hasn't missed a concert since he got shot in the foot," I added, an innocent expression on my face. Calvin had been leaving gum for me at various hotels ever since, I now had more than I needed. We all looked at each other. "But what about tickets," mavvers asked. Smiling I answered. "Don't you remember, we're with Mika. Music stations, stores and bands keep offering him free items, like the mini bus we now drive." M4L rolled her eyes. "But the tickets are sold out, there is no new tickets to be offered," she stated. Grinning once more, I moved to the closet and pulled out the box of free items Mika didn't use. "But we've already been given tickets to this concert," I said, reaching into the box and pulling out a large number of backstage passes. "We got them ages ago, but as none of us was interested in going we stashed them and forgot about them." Everyone looked at the tags, grins spreading on their face. Artsy grabbed hers, and started passing around the others as we all pocketed them, mine being stashed in my back pack. Mika looked around at us. "well what are we waiting for, lets go get Phunky, Glow and, uh, baby from the hospital and get to that concert," he said excitedly as we all left the hotel and walked down to the mini bus parked in the hotel carpark. You could feel the excitement of the group. We had been unable to rescue LG or have many adventures due to Glow being pregnant, but now that the baby was born we were on an adventure again.
  20. Hey everyone... I shall post shortly (shall wait to see if anyone else is first )
  21. WE'd been watching closely for the signal, guns trained on our targets. As one of my targets had been close to Artsy I shifted my gun to the one further away, thinking if she didn't get him I could afterwards. Suddenly Artsy shouted NOW and we began firing, the air filling with bullets. Later I thought that perhaps we may have gone a bit overboard, after all, my target had 5 bullets in him, and the others had the same amount. As we stopped shooting, Artsy shouted for us to come down, and climbing to a nearby ladder we did, joining the group in time to see Artsy and Mika cutting the cords that bound the group. Calvin was lying on the floor, clutching his foot. Artsy looked at us, and quirked an eyebrow. "I thought I told you guys I wanted him standing," She stated grinning, looking at the carnage around us. Smiling, I walked up to Calvin and, searching his pockets impersonally found my gum, putting a stick in my mouth and the rest in my backpack, which was still with me. "The guy took my gum," I said simply, before turning to stare at the others, as M4L and Becky were doing. "Think they're okay now?" Becky asked, glancing down at them. "I don't know, wait till they speak," replied m4L shrugging. Rubbing her wrists, Phunky stood up. "Are you guys insane, you nearly got yourself killed Artsy trying to save us," she stated, as the others uttered similar responese. Artsy grinned, "Oh yes, they're back to normal," she stated. WE were all hugging each other, when a soft cry brought our attention back to Calvin. "So, what do we do with him now?" M4L asked, staring down at him. "And all these bodies, what the hell are we supposed to do about this mess," added Becky. "Simple, we were never here. Everything here points to Calvin and his gang, and Calvin is going to take a short trip with us," stated Artsy, as she motioned for Big Girl to pick him up. Calvin suddenly looked up, pain in his eyes as he shouted out to Mika. "Wait, I have to tell you something.... about LG" he pleaded...........
  22. Artsy, it's dramatic but in the best possible way. I don't think we have to be too dramatic anymore *gleefully rubs hands together before posting*
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