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Everything posted by Lee-Ann

  1. *searches for kimchi on google* "kimchi is comparable to german sauerkraut..." :teehee:

  2. When you fall, get up, oh oh And if you fall, get up, eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa Cause this is Africa Tsamina mina eh eh Waka waka eh eh And this for days!!
  3. I don't know, what kimchi is:teehee:

    I plan to go to some english-speaking countries, to the very north european countries, maybe america and asia xD

  4. Wirtschaftswissenschaft? Where did you learn that? "Aluminiumminimumimmunität" ist the best word ever:roftl:
  5. I'm planning a journey round the world in 2 years or something. xD

    Asia would be interesting too:teehee: The food, the letters :D

  6. I think the culture here in Europe is very different to the Asian. I would alo be verryyy excited! Have fun!!!

  7. To Europe? Where do you live? I live in Europe^^

  8. "semetschki" taste brilliant "uncooked":teehee: I'm from Germany, I can tell you: German is one of the hardest languages (together with Russian??) The grammar... покойной ночи
  9. Which long trip?


    Yeah, finnally WEEKED!

  10. Semetschki:biggrin2: Excuse me^^ I have a strong interest in the russian language but all I can say in Russian is sunflower seed, hello, bye, what's up, no and yes привет
  11. lol :D it's 11 pm here, it's early morning for you now:aah:

  12. I'm not sure either^^ "Melashi" is what I say:teehee:

    Off to dinner now!

  13. Thanks:blush-anim-cl:

    I'm beginning to work with GIMP now.:teehee:

    Maaaany possibilities, love it!

  14. *Thread rauskram* Genial:teehee: Klingt auf deutsch irgendwie richtig komisch, wenn das nochmal so verdeutlicht wird. (Hat unsere Englischlehrerin schon in der Grundschule gesagt, dass wir uns nicht wundern sollen, wenn deutsche Übersetzungen komisch klingen:lmfao:
  15. Sig: I made a new one today. I like the effect in it and I'm testing my gimp skills ATM^^ The text in it is a modification of the original words "mischief, mayhem, soap" from my favourite movie Fight Club. Avatar: Mika's head in a astronaut helmet, like that:teehee:
  16. Mika's last two tweets. I mean the "Carey" thingy
  17. hey, ich bin's, noreen :D wir kenne uns vom hamburg konzert (ich bin die kleinere mit den braunen haaren und stand neben dir)

    schade, dass du nicht öfter mal hier vorbei schaust ;)

  18. Oh you know, you know, you know that yes I love you...I blah blah don't know the lyrics
  19. Hungry! And happy cause I hear the Kick Ass live version in repeat mode.
  20. And that's just the BEGINNING!!!! The bed is waiting for me. I wanted to go 1 hour ago. Blame it on the thread. Good night to all naughty people!
  21. der moderator hat den namen erstmal falsch gesagt^^ (der thread war schon auf seite 3!!!)
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