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Everything posted by chickpea_90

  1. drumming matches? i havnt seen that ... toddles off to scour youtube
  2. lol its like a toy theatre hmmm all that fuss for that? it was barely a couple of seconds worth
  3. haha it took me awhile to see what it was in that GK screen cap, lol
  4. awww i completely forgot george and the others all died
  5. haha, i hope they get him to answer yours lollie
  6. thats a nice picture, i reckon i have seen that shirt before, its cool
  7. haha, maybe the equivilant of a sports bra, but yeah...
  8. haha! they are tight! haha i love what they are labelled as when i went to save them 'tight, tighter and tightest'
  9. ohh they are nice marianne! thanks for sharing
  10. thats a nice smile! haha in that pic of vanessas its like after christmas dinner where uve eaten waaayyy too much food
  11. his hair is pretty much perfect in that picture!
  12. that is exactly it! bonjour and give him a big hug and make everything better
  13. haha, that sounds funny; he felt bad ouch @ the table. i remember someone getting pushed over in the playground and a similar thing happened, their head hit a huge rusty nail though (argh! my eyelid is twitching, it is almost two in the morning here!)
  14. yeah, all the quirks that make him unique where did u find out about the fights?
  15. hehe, i love that pic too, it is so simple, but it is funny thats gotta be annoying ure sister being taller than you. my brother is fast approaching my height, and he is ten!
  16. good things come in small packages! ...i must be extra special! im 5 foot 1
  17. haha like that scrat thing from 'ice age'
  18. haha that is so funny, your colleauges have a really good sense of humour
  19. haha! they do, i was going to say that but i couldnt think of a way to word it
  20. trying to vote but mtv is taking ages! oops i think our internet has been slowed my fault lol
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