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Posts posted by REBEKA

  1. hi, ghost, welcome to the thread. hi eleonorelle, hi matt, hi rebeka, hi aurelien even if ya are not here now, hi, everyone on this thread: the one and only chats thread I have ever posted in. feel honoured :mf_rosetinted::roftl:



    I'm not sure I'll ever check out this song: I am coward by nature.. :blush-anim-cl:


    deb, FALLEN ASLEEP WITH TTMR???!!!! HOW COMEEEE??!! :sneaky2::thumbdown::tears:


    rebeka, a few of mika's characters have not been onstage with him, and I think billy won't ever be so lucky, poor thing. :wink2:


    Hi Avoca! This is indeed my favourite thread! I do post sometimes in other threads, mostly in the Czecho-slovak thread, but THIS is my favourite! Aurelien, I give you a golden medal for that (as you name means "golden" it couldn`t be any other medal).


    Back to the "Hungarian Suicide Song", the "Gloomy Sunday", I`ve seen a film about how this song was written, it was something connected to holocaust and a love triangle, 2 men and one woman that lived in an interesting simbiosis, but in a too dark age.. And as my father is a hungarian jew..


    I think that Sinead O`Connor has a song of this name too. Though I`m not sure if it`s a cover or just another song about Sunday depression.

  2. You are right too :thumb_yello:


    Yeah, the problem with powerfull men in politics is that they actually believe they are ' powerfull' :thumbdown: If so... why don't they grow some hair on their bold head :naughty:


    Slovakia and Israel! I've never been there, wish i could go (there isn't a country i don't wanna see :biggrin2:)


    Hey sis, you gave me an idea :wub2: ! I'll post a thread called 'Mika in Morocco!' read it if you wanna know the answer to your Q :mf_rosetinted:


    Cool, Dounia! I will surelly read it.

    BTW the thing with growing their hair :roftl:

    Quite anarchistic.


    I`ve been to Holland but not yet to Morocco.

  3. Ja myslim, ze az tak pozde jsi ho neobjevila :-) Vem si, kolik lidí o něm prvně slyšelo třeba teprv před měsícem ... :-) ...


    To hej. A niektori o nom este nepoculi. Ako napriklad vacsina mojich kolegov tu okolo mna.

  4. Shukran Rebeka :wub2:


    Well........ originally we all come from the same source :biggrin2: !


    I was born in the Netherlands and my parents were born in Morocco.


    What about you?


    Great! Somewhere I`ve read that Mika said that his name means "plastic bag" in Maroccan, is that true or was he bull****ting? (-:


    You are right, sister, :thumb_yello: we all come from the very same sourse, no doubt about it. If all the powerul men in politics were like you and I the world would look differently.


    I was born in Slovakia where I live now but I`ve spent some years in Israel (I have a double citisenship).

  5. Ahaa =) Že po telefonu, dobrá metoda :thumb_yello: .... To by mi taky někdo mohl takhle zahrát někdy po telefonu... takový hovor bych brala :D ...jinak hnedka na začátku roku, v lednu :)


    V januari? Tak to dost skoro. Resp. ja dost neskoro (-:

  6. Salaam (= Peace in Arabic) y'all!


    I am Dounia from the Netherlands and I joined the MikaFanClub because i dig his authentic music! And i think Mika is what today's young generations around the globe are all about! He's international, individual, intelligent, intro-&extrovert, unique, creative, down-to-earth, realistic&dreamy, strong-willed, loves-to-laugh, non-judgemental, impulsive&contemplative (is that the right word? as in 'thinks a lot'?) artist and naturally, so is his work!


    Peace and love,


    Dounia ^_^


    Ahlaanu sahlaan Dounia! Welcome on the MFC deck and enjoy yourself. Where are you from originally? I`m just curious.

    BTW your reasoning above is eloquent. Those are also reasons why I like him and his music.

  7. pres MTV.... tam nekdy v unoru hrali Grace Kelly kazdou minutu :-) Což mě přivádí k otázkám (pro ty, co na ně ještě neodpověděli ;) ) :

    Co jste si mysleli, když jste prvně viděli/slyšeli Miku? Líbil se vám hnedka?

    a Kde jste ho prvně slyšeli?


    No tak prvy krat som ho pocula v telefone (-:

    Totiz mi niekto pustil do telefonu Relax, a pravdupovediac, hlavne kedze som takmer nic nepocula, ma to nejak zvlast nezaujalo, len som si zapamatala meno Mika a nazov pesnicky Relax. To bolo niekedy v maji, juni.. Tak nejak. Kedy ste sa k Mikovi prvy krat dostali vy?

  8. Ja cez youtube......a na konci jedného videa bolo mikafanclub.com a tak som skusila a - bolo......

    Inak, viete moja anglina ja úbohosť a nerozumiem všetkým ľudom a bohužiaľ Mika patrí medzi tých, čo im moc nerozumiem, hlavne ked sa pri rozprávaní usmieva.....totiž - zdá sa mi to alebo povedal "i wanted to die" v čase asi 1:47?

    A rozumiete tam ešte ktosi niečo zaujímave, čo stojí za zmienenie?





    Ano povedal, ze chcel zomriet, ked pisal Grace Kelly. Ale asi prehanal, on je taka drama-queen ak poznas ten pojem.

  9. Vánoční píseň? o.O Tak to tam je asi někdo mimo... co to má co dělat s vánocema? :D sííííla ... zřejmě v tom bude zakódovaný nějaký hlubší smysl, který nevidí ani Mika, jen samotný moderátor ;) ... Ale že si dali načas:) Já vůbec nemám ponětí, jestli u nás v rádiích Miku hrajou, už jsem žádné neslyšela ani nepamatuju :-O


    Tak ako si sa dostala k Mikovi ak nie cez radio?

  10. as for mika's house, unless he moved recently, and it may as well be, he lives in his parents ' huge house basement.


    And its adress is..? (-: We are going to visit him in few days, right Avoca? (-:

    I fly to London on Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy................ maddening.

  11. I`ve seen it, liked it.. I love Oscar Wilde too! Especialy his fairytales (-:

    And also the quotations, I might post here some later..


    I even had a "Wilde stage" some time ago, I wore a hat, visited Ireland, put flowers on his grave in Paris, was reading him all the time, went to see him in theatre.. Now I have a "Mika stage" (-: Not that Wilde dissapeared from my head, he just settled down like a layer in my mind, like all my previous numerous stages, I wonder what will be my next stage, after Mika?


    But when I think of it again, my "Mika stage" is somehow stronger than my "Wilde stage", I guess it`s because Oscar Wilde is dead while Mika is alive (-: There is a big difference between going to put flowers on Oscar`s grave and going to Mika`s concert! (-:


    Though my very first Mika concert will be on 3/12.

  12. hmmmmm


    Mika has helped me too survive, period!


    stuff going on still...:( but....managing to cope better anyway!!


    and this weekend I had MIKA therapy! Yay! the best kind!!!


    Hi Suzanne (-:

    What "cures" did you have? Don`t be mysterious.

  13. To be slightly on-topic, has anyone seen "Wilde" starring Stephen Fry? I've wanted to watch it for ages. I'm a huge Oscar Wilde fan, and a Stephen Fry fan too.




    I`ve seen it, liked it.. I love Oscar Wilde too! Especialy his fairytales (-:

    And also the quotations, I might post here some later..


    I even had a "Wilde stage" some time ago, I wore a hat, visited Ireland, put flowers on his grave in Paris, was reading him all the time, went to see him in theatre.. Now I have a "Mika stage" (-: Not that Wilde dissapeared from my head, he just settled down like a layer in my mind, like all my previous numerous stages, I wonder what will be my next stage, after Mika?

  14. *takes out her minidictionary of quotations and looks up Voltaire (1694 - 1778)* *clears throat*


    To start off: "A witty saying proves nothing." :naughty:


    A favourite of mine, relevant to my work: "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease."


    Another favourite: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


    "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."


    "All sects are different, because they come from men; morality is everywhere the same, because it comes from God."


    "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."


    "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."


    One still relevant to this day: "Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes."

    "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."


    Shockingly true and incredibly relevant now: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

    I wonder what the musicians here think of this one: "Anything too stupid to be said is sung."


    Mika might like this one: "The secret of being a bore is to tell everything."


    Mika definitely follows this one: "There is a wide difference between speaking to deceive, and being silent to be impenetrable."


    Yet another one: "Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers."


    "Love truth, and pardon error."


    And last but not least: "Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination."



    I personally like his brand of cynicism. :biggrin2:


    Wow Scut, you are a star! Those are great quotations, especially those about politics, history..


    I`ve heard this one before and I like it very much:

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


    And I like also these 3 political ones:

    "Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes."

    "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

  15. I haven't heard that one before. :original:


    Any Voltaire fangirls in the house? *raises arm in the air* :naughty:


    I don`t know much about Voltaire, sorry.

    But I do like quotations.. If you have some more, put them down and maybe I will become a fan? (-:

    The Voltaire Fan Club?:naughty:

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